Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Spiced Quickbread

SO CLICHE! I leave you for a month and come back with this basic bread recipe that is just clogging up your feed with every other pumpkin apple squash thing.  Yep.  I have nothing to say for myself.  EXCEPT.  It’s so good I had to share.  I even took photos.  And wrote the recipe down!  And the nap gods have aligned so here I am…clicking into wordpress for the sake of all things Fall. You like how I lured you in there with that flowery language but really knew you’d see the cute pic of V… Read more >

Veg*n out

How much of a hipster cliche is this breakfast with home-made gluten free bread and avocado sprinkled with maca powder? I feel like a Gwyneth wannabe poser.  Hashtag goals. I’m attempting to help my hormones out by supplementing with maca at least a few times a week.  Basically when I remember or when it works in my meals.  I got some organic powder from and it’s pretty easy to toss in smoothies or whatever. This is another fun way to eat it  😉 Lots of raw stuff going on lately because I just bought a… Read more >

Because I have to start somewhere

January is here and all that jazz.  Resolutions, fresh starts, yadda yadda.  Moving on. With blogging, the more time that passes, the further behind I get, and then I get overwhelmed and don’t know how or where to start.  I fear if I don’t just post something – anything – it may be February.  So here it goes. December 29th Breakfast: lactation cookies (both flavors) and coffee [well rounded] Lunch: kale and cabbage salad with avocado, sunflower seeds, and grapes [also copious amounts of Brianna’s poppyseed dressing] Sips: Rebbl maca mocha [been eyeing these for months and… Read more >

Week ‘o eats

The whole shebang of last week in one post.  Here goes. Breakfast on Monday was the last of this savory bread and fried eggs.   Breakfast on Tuesday was out – I had a savory crepe with hash browns at Crepeville. Because Crepeville’s portions are awesomely massive I had leftovers for breakfast on Wednesday.  Which I paired with two fried eggs. Thursday I made steel cut oats in the rice cooker (the crock pot was already occupied) for our whole family.  I topped mine with a bunch of non-nut things (aka seeds galore) – including… Read more >

Our first weekend back in LA

It’s so weird that we haven’t been back to LA since we left back in April.  We’ve seen several of our so cal friends since but not all of them so we decided to pop in for a quick visit. Honestly, we’ve been trying to squeeze a weekend in since this past fall, but then all this (good) stuff was happening with Kyle’s business…and then the holidays came along…and you know how it goes… But we finally got this in the calendar and what a fun time it was! Now.  As much as I adore… Read more >