Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Dinner at Blossom

As promised, here is a more thorough recap of the first dinner with my parents. I like taking non-vegans to Blossom because the menu is impressive for vegans and non-vegans alike.  They have interesting dishes that showcase a variety of non-meat “proteins” including seitan, tempeh, and tofu, as well as a few raw options and yet they aren’t presented in an ostentatious way.  I love when restaurants have diversity in their menus without an air of arrogance about them.  Unassuming and delicious.  It took no time for us all to find something on the menu… Read more >

Work times 3

Doing three (12 hour) shifts in a row is my least fave thing to do.  I avoid it like the plague swine flu.  However, my parents are coming into town today (yipeeeeee!!!), so I had to get all my work out of the way so I could have the weekend off :)  It was an especially rough stretch because I only had one day off between my last weekend of chaos and this 72 hour stint.  No matter.  Ready for all my work lunches: Tuesday Salad, bars, Whole Foods’ spelt pretz, carrots, apples, and tea… Read more >

The Joys of Nursing

All I wanted to do on Monday was sleep in.  After my weekend of working (mixed with boozing at the office holiday party), I needed rest more than anything in the world (including hummus).  And yet, I still woke up at 8 am.  Oh well, I’ll take all I can get. I broke the fast with my latest obsession (cocoa coffee) and an apple and then got productive.  Laundry done before 10 is impressive for a day off…and that’s not all!  I did a few more Q&As, too. Why did you choose nursing?  How did… Read more >

Drinking on the job

Before you all have collective heart attacks, no, I did NOT get sh!t faced while doing my nurse thang.  However, Saturday night WAS the cardiac surgery holiday party (aka open bar on the MDs tab).  Unfortunately for yours truly, I still had to work my 12 hour shift on Saturday…as well as the next day (Sunday).  Boo! I can think of about 15,000 other things I’d rather do after work than put on a dress and pretend that I feel pretty while I’m covered in a patient’s ventilator spew and C. diff.  Oh, and did… Read more >

Eat, work, run

Work it bay-bay. My pre-packed food included: THREE bars (PB cookie Larabar, Chocolate Brownie Z bar, and a Peanut Toffee Buzz Clif bar) TWO apples …and a partridge in a pear tree ONE ginorm salad Like an onion, this sh!t had layers and layers: steamed kale, broccoli, BN squash, cannellini bean, cherry toms, and raisins – I added Bragg’s apple cider & liquid AA’s to it, too.  The spelt pretzels were the perf accompaniment (as anything with salt is). For the record, I skipped my AM starbeezies and brought my own tea bags (and I… Read more >