Hungry Hungry Hippie

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A Trader Joe’s dinner

I have another meal made entirely from TJ’s items. And similar to the last one, it was a CINCH to throw together and tasted awesome. I purposefully made a ton so that I’d have leftovers, although there wasn’t quite as much as I was hoping for because it was such a hit! First up, TWO of these bagged salads, called Tahini Pepita & Apricot Slaw Kit. If you wanted to DIY with this part, you could, but this is the crux of what makes the meal so fast to create. Nonetheless, the mix has shredded… Read more >

Green enchilada rice casserole

Hey look, it’s another freezer and pantry meal! I made a ton of enchilada sauce (A TON) last summer because our CSA was shoving peppers of every shape and kind down our throats and all I could do to keep up was make sauces to jar up and save. So I decided to invent an enchilada casserole dish. Everyone loves a one pot meal, especially when you are busy home schooling your kids all day long šŸ˜› I started by baking brown rice in the oven and browning ground turkey on the stove. I rubbed… Read more >

It’s easy to eat green

I know people felt like this year’s St. Patrick’s Day was super unconventional but we never do anything cool to celebrate any more anyway. Kids will do that to you holidays that revolve around drinking. But still. I made a bit of effort despite being trapped in – like for the kids’ lunch I made green pizza thanks to the TJ’s broccoli and kale pizza crust. Full disclosure, I thought this sounded atrocious and only bought it because they made me on account of it being green (it’s been in the freezer for several months)…. Read more >

Freezer fare

Hey! It’s me again! How are we all doing? Staying safe I hope. We are actually doing really well. Our daily routine is going well! I think the key is not being TOO structured, but having a definite list of things to accomplish over the course of the day (reading, art, work books, crafts, physical activity, board games, and tv time). We are only on week one, so we haven’t done much tv time yet, but give us a minute…I’m sure things will get old and eventually Disney+ will be my best friend. I did… Read more >

Unplanned and unexpected

This is going to be the most random post, but I don’t care because the kids are having “quiet time” and I like blogging because it makes me feel like I’m connecting with SOMEONE. Last week, before school was cancelled, I made these biscuit pizzas. I had Pillsbury dough that I got for nothing from grocery outlet, so I added some mozzarella cheese and pepperoni to them before baking them up. They are the perfect portable school lunch item because they are just a little bit different from pizza, and still finger friendly for little… Read more >