Hungry Hungry Hippie

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I have so little energy to blog…I honestly don’t even know how I got myself to open wordpress, but here I am with four seconds to spare and so I’m going to upload some food photos because it makes me happy to see/reminisce on things I made. I’m pretty proud of everything I am making these days on account of how stunted I feel. My creativity is suffering from soaring like a bird with nipped wings. I am doing my best though. And the fam is legitimately LOVING every meal that comes out of the… Read more >

Delivery tips

Ok, so here are a few (non-amazon) sites that I’ve been using to help keep businesses running and me here at home. BLESS THE EMPLOYEES OF ALL DELIVERY SERVICES! I bow down to your bravery and service. I finally managed to get all purpose flour from our local bakery (Upper Crust). They are doing local deliveries once a week and if you are on their mailing list you get notified as soon as they announce a delivery date. They have been out of yeast and all purpose flour for weeks (although they have had several… Read more >

You know what they say about big chickens…

Big breasts. Never in my life have a seen bigger breasts than these. You can hardly tell from the photo but they were HUGE. I cut them into big chunks and as you can see it filled my largest skillet. This is a 13 inch pan! I seasoned them with teriyaki sauce and sauteed them on high heat. The day before I had made veggie fried rice with some white rice and broccoli slaw (because the slaw was on it’s last leg) so that was all ready to go once the chicken was done. I… Read more >

Creamy cheater dressing with cashews

Do you have random jars of sauce/dressing in your pantry? It can’t be just me… I’ve legit had this bottle of Hilary’s chili-lime vinaigrette since back in my Thrive Market days. I stopped that subscription a couple of years ago though because it seemed like they kept discontinuing things I fell in love with and running out of inventory on staples that I needed to order. So anyway, this dressing was old, but I was in the mood for a chili lime cilantro kind of sauce for a salad. But I didn’t want a vinaigrette…. Read more >

8 Quart Upgrade

Surprise gift for MEEEEE! Ok, this has been a long time coming and after last weekend (when I used my instant pot 3 times in one day) Kyle and I decided to finally go for it. So now I have upgraded to the 8 QUART instant pot. Meaning I can make huge batches of stuff that will last longer than 1-2 days. My first trial run was cooking a whole chicken (which I got from our Farm Fresh to You CSA!). Normally I would have to wedge this in and it would be a huge… Read more >