Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Mexican Quinoa Corn Salad

I made a recipe up and wrote it down, so that’s something new. We all loved it, too, and now I’ll share it with you. I used lactose free plain yogurt instead of sour cream, but if you want, you could sub a non dairy yogurt or greek yogurt or sour cream. Whatever you’re feeling in the dairy department! Mexican Quinoa Corn Salad 1 1/2 cups quinoa 4 ears of corn, grilled and shucked 1/4 cup mayonnaise 3/4 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed 1/3 cup cotija cheese, crumbled 2 tbsp lime juice… Read more >

Moving forward

Hi, it’s me again. I stepped away because the idea of blogging about our meals has felt so trivial and insignificant this past month, and so I have been prioritizing other things. I know everyone has been emotionally affected by what is happening in our country and all over the world right now, and as uncomfortable and exhausting and traumatic and horrific and unbelievable as it might feel, I think leaning into it is the only way we are going to make lasting change. So that’s where I’m been – teaching myself and my kids… Read more >

The weekend of Mother’s Day

As we all know I am not very good at staying current with blogging, especially now that we are all here together all day and I’m multi-tasking to the extreme. Anyway, I’m going to really quickly summarize the days around Mother’s Day because we ate well šŸ™‚ Kyle was out of town, but then he got home in time for dinner so I made a tofu stir fry. Farm Fresh to You messed up my order and sent me braised tofu instead of plain tofu so I tried that for the first time and none… Read more >

Just keeping baking…

This was the best sourdough I’ve made yet! The recipe was from heartbeet kitchen, which I discovered through another friend on instagram. So glad I did! She has lots of videos for shaping dough and showing what your bread should look like at various points that are SUPER helpful for sourdough newbies like me. We had it with Caesar salad – with leftover chicken and steak. It was SOOOO soft and squishy! And yet, the crust was crispy crunchy! Amazing! You could literally spring the piece together in your hand. We tried it the next… Read more >