Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Desserts lately

You know a day hasn’t gone by that I’ve skipped dessert, so here are a few of the newest sweets that have worked their way into my rotation. I don’t know how, but I turned into an ice cream lover this year. It has to be really really hot for me to crave it (and then I immediately want tea after to warm myself back up), but otherwise I am truly SMITTEN with talenti’s flavors. I’ve had a few non dairy and dairy flavors, and I think I like the salted caramel the best. Are… Read more >

About that focaccia

Here’s the recipe I used. It turned out great and was SO easy. I feel like my bread making has gone through so many stages in the past several months, but I’m still learning each and every time. Kyle LOVES focaccia and is super happy whenever I make it. This works out nicely for me because I think it’s far easier than anything else. Shaping loaves is the hardest part for me, so the fact that I can just smoosh and poke an amorphous blob into a pan and drizzle olive oil all up in… Read more >

A pair of loins

I recently discovered (maybe re-discovered don’t quote me on it) how wonderful of a cut of meat the pork tenderloin is. a) it’s inexpensiveb) it’s leanc) it’s not chicken Sometimes I swear I’m going to give up meat because 80% of the time it doesn’t sound remotely appealing. Not to sound super picky but, I don’t like really fatty or chewy stuff or dried out lean stuff (which legit rules out most everything but fish and ground meat). But the rest of the family really does enjoy animal protein, so we will just keep on… Read more >

Summer produce and other yummy things

Where did we leave off… Oh right! I keep failing to take breakfast photos. Well guess what I did while my parents had the babes earlier this week!? TOOK PHOTOS of the breakfast bake I made for myself for the week. Like the rest of the world, I have heaps of zucchini that are begging to get used. They (obviously) aren’t from my (non-existent) garden. But apparently every other person in town has produce from their covid project coming out of their ears and I have been the very lucky recipient of said excess. I… Read more >

Previously on the real housewives of Davis…

Here are a few recipes that I’ve made in the past that are favorites, so I’m showing them off again as a reminder to you to make them. Because it’s not summer without this melon poppyseed salad! Next up we have the cauliflower tabbouleh recipe from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow, which is far better than you’d think such a simple dish could be. The feta and walnuts are what make the dish. Or maybe it’s the fact that you roast the cauli first. Or maybe it’s the fresh herbs. I used whatever we… Read more >