Search Results for: seitan

Number of Results: 252

Say yes to seitan

Heat wave much?  I woke up way too early on Monday because I was sweating my cojones off.  I’m not so sure fall has truly arrived after this past weekend of sunshine.  No complaints here! Despite the four fans and six open windows keeping the triple digit temps at bay, I still had my usual vat of coffee.  Can’t fight the addiction! See?  I’m still embracing summer with it’s seasonal fruit.  I am in love with the peaches at the Santa Monica farmer’s market.  We’re nearly out too, so Wednesday’s bounty will definitely include more… Read more >

Tutorial: How to make seitan

Since I got several questions about how I make my seitan, here’s a quick run down of the process. It may sound complicated, but I swear it’s the easiest thing you’ll ever stick in the oven, so PLEASE don’t be afraid to give it a shot.  *I base my recipe off of Vcon’s simple seitan, but I make it with even fewer ingredients and steps (and it still turns out fabulously well).  Sometimes less is more, right?  Plus this way it is easy to jazz up with flavors and spices in other recipes/dishes that call… Read more >

Zucchini twice

This happens every summer… I have a million zucchini and not enough recipes. Luckily this year I have a new cookbook to help me out… Just like Ottolenghi’s other cookbooks, this one is full of hits. The best part about these recipes, though, is that they are quicker to make (hence the name – Simple)! How good does stuffed zucchini with pine nut salsa sound?! So good right. Well guess what. Kyle even agreed. Yes, you read that right. I convinced my pickle/cucumber/zucchini/dill hating husband to eat summer squash. Praise be!!! Talk about opening a… Read more >

Momming my monkeys

We goin’ a little crazy over here! Can you tell Kyle’s been gone a bit longer than usual??? My wordpress account made me log back in because it had been so long and I have a camera roll full of kiddo selfies from the 5-7 pm hours. You do the math. Honestly though, when you are stuck inside and solo parenting, wellllllll….it can make a normally semi-sane person go a little bonkers!!! People ask me if it’s hard when he travels and of COURSE it is, but at the same time, I like being a… Read more >

Annual return to Fremont

We went to Fremont on Friday afternoon, leaving straight from school, so I packed us all lunches and then relied on leftovers for dinner. Thanks to the fun traffic we got home JUST before the kids died of starvation. Dramaaaaa. Here’s a little dessert action. I wasn’t that hungry, but I was exhausted from driving and for some reason decided I needed chocolate to make me feel better. Emotional eating at it’s finest. The appointment went great by the way (it’s his one year from peanut OIT graduation so they wanted to check in with… Read more >