Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Ranch Scramble Slaw Bowl

This was born out of random kitchen ingredients, like all the best recipes are, and was so good I had to record it so I’d remember to make it again. Everyone loved it, and the prep isn’t too labor intensive, especially if you take a few shortcuts like buying ranch dressing and eggs already hard boiled (and a few other things I will note in the recipe). I didn’t this time, but I’m definitely not above it in the future 😛 Ranch Scramble Slaw Bowl Ingredients: 1 can black beans 3 sweet potatoes + 1… Read more >


We went to Japan and it was amazing. If you’ve ever been considering it, it’s a must! The culture is kind and safe and respectful and clean and just so so so wonderful! I saved all my IG stories into highlights in case you want the play by play of Tokyo to Hamamatsu to Kyoto to Osaka. We saw tons of beautiful temples and torii. Tried new pastries (with some favorites getting a repeat) every morning. Got exercise walking 10-15 miles a day (and biking!). Enjoyed tons of family time. Saw alllll the cherry blossoms…. Read more >

Romaine calm

I don’t want to promise things I can’t deliver but I have FINALLY gotten my site fixed (turns out paying an expert to de-bug it is really the fastest way to go).  So here I am!  Saying hi, but not locking myself into anything permanent in the near future.  Turns out instagram is a really fun and fast way to share things and connect. For those who haven’t been following on my IG, I’ve been up to the same old same old… Cooking and baking for these kids who are non stop growing. They are… Read more >


I’ll be back when I’m back, but I’m taking a little break for now 🙂 I’m still on instagram all day long, though, which is my main way of interacting with other humans. So if you are so inclined, feel free to say hi to me there (@elisehippie). I used to have a private account because I only showed kid and family stuff, but in the couple of past years I’ve found it to be a really fun place to engage with everyone via stories. Lately, I’ve been finding it easier to share food stuff… Read more >

Glorious day

I feel so energized and renewed and I hope you all are feeling the same. I don’t really feel like posting much about food or recipes in this moment, because I’d rather be riding this joyful mood out with my kids… Kyle’s been out of town slightly more than usual because this is a key time for the business, so that’s still hard, but in spite of that, I’m still feeling so much optimism. There is a glimmer of light these days and it feels nice to have that hope again after fearing the darkness… Read more >