Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Donuts and burgers

FRIYAY! Another week of OIT.  I’m getting sentimental about our Fremont trips already now that we only have one left.  As a special treat, we went EXTRA early so that we could go to WF before his appointment to get donuts.  He has never had a donut, but has read about them in books, and has seen them on display at WF when we go. So I figured why not!?  He’s safe enough with peanut that he can have things from bulk bins and salad bars and whatnot, and WF has vegan donuts so I… Read more >

Peanuts and instant pot

Let me see how fast I can share my foodie adventures from the non holiday part of the week… Breakfast on the go.  Plus a banana. A new Urbany Remedy salad, compliments of the Fremont WF. The noodles were on the mushy side TBH.  Not sure I’d get it again. But I made it extra good with the addition of… PEANUTS! Oh my gosh, you guys, I can’t even tell you how exciting this was for me. I forgot how GOOD they are!?!?  Ever since we got far enough into OIT I feel okay bringing… Read more >

Raving about dinner in an instant

After a super lazy Saturday, I decided to start Sunday off with stroller strides.  That got my day going!  Yowza – the ‘Boost’ Sunday classes are always an insane workout. I had two muffins for breakfast with cashew butter.  These were almond butter coconut flour ones with dried cranberries.  My friend made a batch of these “paleo” muffins for me back when V broke her femur and I had the last few in the freezer, which saved me since I hadn’t done any prep yet. For lunch I made a Caesar salad with kale, chicken,… Read more >

Reese’s pieces saved my sanity

I love me a long weekend! On Friday I drove to and from Fremont.  It’s the first time I’ve done it all in one day without going to my parents’ place on Thursday for a half way point reprieve.  It was do-able though, because we were only there for one single up-dose (as opposed to the full 5 hours that a bunch of updosing would require).  We left at 6:45 am and arrived at the Fremont Starbucks by 8:30 am. NO. NO. Notorious. We passed the time with the usual bag of tricks…and I brought… Read more >


I just found this post in my drafts folder.  FROM two years ago!  It was so fun to read it because even though so much has changed, at the same time, so little has changed. Here’s a glimpse into March of 2016…   El Nino is something else.  We swap extremes in weather with the East Coast seemingly every other week or so now.  It was gorgeous sunshine at the outset of March and then we had a two week stretch of gross that kept us indoors (while NY was all hot and bothered), and… Read more >