Hungry Hungry Hippie

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My productive Friday

Another day, another waffle. This is the last of the buckwheat waffles though, so you’ll have to wait and see what breakfast rut I go back to now…are you so excited!? 😛  It’s too cold for smoothies, so it will likely be granola. Or maybe I should get some Nourish bread back in my life. Something sweet for sure. Since I ran out of candied walnuts, my vegan Winter salad was out.  So I made the next best thing…a Thai style salad with leftover grilled salmon. Also in the mix: dino kale (out of curly,… Read more >

Japanese meatballs

I left off with Wednesday’s lunch…after which we had soccer for both kids which means we don’t get home til late so I have to have dinner done and ready to go. I followed Gwyneth’s recipe for Japanese chicken meatballs from It’s All Good swapping in turkey for chicken.  And doubling it. On the side I made quinoa and sauteed snap peas in oil and tamari. So when we got home, it was all ready to go. They are usually each others cheer leaders, but sometimes books are more interesting than soccer. And then I topped… Read more >

Go shorty

I love a short work week! I don’t know why since I don’t actually work, but I just do.  It means Kyle’s home and we can do whatever we want…no agenda (we never seem to have no agenda, though…)!  I’m going to try to catch up with blogging this weekend although per usual, we over-scheduled ourselves just a bit, so we will see if I can sneak in some computer time. P was still sick on Tuesday so he skipped school and I made pancakes for everyone. I went to stroller strides and did a… Read more >

Bay Area fun

After Kyle’s parents left, we still had a holiday weekend upon us, so we brainstormed what to do on Monday and came up with the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito.  Kyle and P had been before when they had their one on one weekend, so I was eager to see everything they had done. Even though they have a SUPER allergy friendly cafe (no peanuts or tree nuts and GF/DF options aplenty) I still packed us all food to save $.  We just popped out to the car to eat lunch in the trunk…. Read more >

There’s bean juice in the cake

I spent Sunday morning with my mini man at church (in an attempt to give me and P some special bonding time). I have no idea what I ate for breakfast because I have no photo of it…maybe leftovers from the day before? Or more granola? This kale had so many bugs in it!  Organic definitely has it’s downfalls. I had sautéed those Brussels in olive oil as part of my weekly prep a while back and needed to use them up soon, so I added them to some of the kale massaged in vinaigrette… Read more >