Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Butternut cashew lasagna

I forgot to post this!  I mean, it’s not a real recipe, so it’s only a half post, but still. You guys should know a little more than I revealed before. I made the “creamy” sauce with cashews, mac nuts, butternut squash puree, and veg broth. Then I greased the pan and layered. First noodles, then squash puree, ground beef, frozen spinach, and “cream” sauce. Then repeat…starting all over again with noodles. The thing about these noodles is they were the kind you’re supposed to boil first.  But I’m way too lazy for that. And… Read more >

Cupcakes in the rain

I had more of this pumpkin bread for breakfast before dashing through the downpouring rain with a tray of cupcakes… My birthday girl! She was SOOOO happy with all the attention!  Ha.  We sang to her and then she had her cupcake, cutie, and roasted chickpeas before circle time.  She has barely taken the crown off since she got it, despite it getting soaked in the rain later that day. Here are the day’s salad building blocks… Since I was all out of roasted squash, I subbed in roasted Brussels sprouts. It would have been… Read more >

Two date nights in one week

I stumbled upon this a week or so ago at Nugget Market and was SOOO tempted to buy it, but it was $$$ so I passed.  But then this week I went and they were on sale!  If that’s not a sign then I don’t know what is, right?? I mean I have been whining for a week now about how my breakfast game is struggling.  So this seems like divine intervention giving me the green light. Because let’s be real.  I could easily just MAKE a dairy free, gluten free (grain free, paleo, etc)… Read more >

Not like a normal Monday

This was a “cool” Monday.  Because it was Kyle’s birthday! It seems like we’ve been celebrating birthdays since February, but we are just getting started! I finished off my Sun & Soil juices for breakfast before heading to an Easter egg hunt with the kids. P was supposed to be in school but I was nervous he was getting sick.  He woke up coughing at several points throughout the night and I didn’t want to be “that mom” who sends her kids to school sick and infects the class RIGHT before Spring Break.  Not that… Read more >

4 ingredient candied nuts

You guys have been asking for the recipe for these nuts, so I finally measured stuff when I did my prep this weekend.  So without further ado… Simple candied walnuts Ingredients: 5 cups walnuts 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp kosher salt Directions: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the olive oil and maple syrup.  Then add the nuts and stir them (a lot) so that every nook and cranny is coated.  Leave them for 3-5 minutes and then toss again.  Let them… Read more >