Hungry Hungry Hippie

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Spring cleaning for my body

I’ve been having a PM slump lately.  Since I tend to eat lunch on the later side, it’s rarely a problem, but for some reason my energy has been dipping in the afternoons and I find myself needing to eat something to make it to dinner.  The problem is I can never seem to figure out the perfect snack.  Very few things sound good, and then I’ll finally come up with something and take a bite and it’s like…meh…maybe that’s not what I wanted. I have a few photos of failed snacks, but really there… Read more >

Aloha, we’re out

This is what the last day of vacation looks like… But outside it was like this. GORGEOUS. I got my very last (tear) powabunga bowl. It was bliss.  Every last bite. Well, I actually only ate half, but I savored it all. They totally enjoyed the last morning at the pool too.  It’s like they knew they weren’t going to be back and played and played and played.  The best thing about them growing up is the independence it brings.  It’s also the saddest thing.  But for vacations, it’s really made relaxing possible. After I… Read more >

Ice cream fate

On Wednesday and Sunday mornings there’s a mini farmer’s market at the Marriott. I ended up getting some fruit and baked goods for breakfast.  Are you shocked or what?!?  No acai bowl?!?  What?!  Identity crisis! For reals, though, they had these fried doughnut things with cinnamon sugar on top (malasadas) and I HAD to try them. Pool lyfe. So that Choice didn’t wonder what happened to me, I popped by for lunch to get their kale Caesar.  I added avocado and felt like I was at home.  This salad suits me.  I am totally going… Read more >

Back in the swing of salads

Hooray!  I’m finally caught up on Hawaii posts.  Well, not exactly caught up.  But whatever, I’ll get there. After going to bed at 1 am I was NOT ready for Valley to wake up at 5 am. Luckily I went in and snuggled with her a bit and she went back to sleep…but I was stuck awake. Dang it.  Let me let you in on a little something something about me.  I’m a sleep DIVA.  Four hours is NOT OKAY.  Yeah yeah yeah…I just spent weeks in Hawaii, no one is playing any violins for me… Read more >

Lei making and cultures

I was so grumpy this morning and then I finally got some food in me and voila!  Hangry Elise went back into her cave. The kids’ menu at the Marriott’s poolside restaurant is much cheaper than the regular menu (which is still fine but look at the portion – definitely no need to get an adult plate).  Plus, no extra charge for the GF bread! Lei making was one of the few activities that the hotel makes you sign up for in advance.  Probably because it’s so popular.  We had fun! XX After that it… Read more >