It’s so weird that we haven’t been back to LA since we left back in April. We’ve seen several of our so cal friends since but not all of them so we decided to pop in for a quick visit.
Honestly, we’ve been trying to squeeze a weekend in since this past fall, but then all this (good) stuff was happening with Kyle’s business…and then the holidays came along…and you know how it goes…
But we finally got this in the calendar and what a fun time it was!
Now. As much as I adore my friends, I’d be lying if I didn’t also admit to being really really excited about the restaurant scene. Davis is great for farm fresh produce and exceptional quality in whole food ingredients, but there aren’t too many options for dining out. Not that it matters now, because we don’t dine out with a baby, but it limits our take-out options and means I cook our food 99% of the time. That’s great for our bank account, but can be exhausting.
Some times I miss the days of treating ourselves to the Whole Foods hot bar or the Veggie Grill. Back then I thought we did it way too often, but now I’m glad I indulged.
Santa Monica (and the surrounding Westside) is packed with vegan and vegetarian options that spoiled me so rotten when we lived there! Native Foods, Real Food Daily, Blue Plate, Seed – I could go on and on…and that’s not even including the new places like Sage or the ones I never tried , like Cafe Gratitude.
But I digress. I love living in Davis, and the sushi I get here is actually the best I’ve ever had, so that’s the positive.
We left after Thursday’s swim classes and P fell asleep right away. In a super awkward position. But he didn’t want to budge when I tried to ease his neck back to a more neutral position. Oh well.
Unfortunately, he didn’t sleep too long, but it was at least enough time for me to eat breakfast and finish my starbucks. I’m really torn when I drink coffee now because I don’t know what to use as a milk. The only options at Starbucks are soy and dairy and P’s skin is looking SO much better since I’ve been eliminating his allergies from my own diet. At home I’ve been trying to limit my nut intake to just the almond milk in my coffee but I know I should get rid of that too. Which means I either get to drink black coffee or figure out a non-soy, non-nut, non-dairy, non-seed alternative. Rice and oat milk have zip to offer nutritionally, so I’m thinking I may try coconut milk and see how he reacts? Coconut is supposed to be a palm fruit so it should be safe, but I’m still nervous.
Anyway, I ended up feeding him banana and corn puffs and some other snacks while Kyle drove. After that he finally fell asleep for a more real nap.
We only stopped once to get gas, pee, nurse, and all that jazz…during which we laid out a blanket on a grassy patch so patty-cakes could burn off some energy. I feel so bad that he’s strapped into the car seat because he wants to romp so badly nowadays.
We finally made it to Newport Beach, where we were staying the night with my g-ma.
We called in an order for take-out from Native Foods in Costa Mesa.
Dinner is served!
I told Kyle to tell them no onions, which apparently meant no onions or salsa. Bummer. The Caribbean Jerk Kale salad could have used a little more something something, but it was good anyway.
Their menu has lots of new things on it, and I wish I could have tried a few of them, but I was in the mood for kale, so the kale salad with tempeh seasoning won out.
[Side note: it is really hard to find a soy, nut, seed, and wheat free option on a vegan menu. I knew this going into the weekend, but decided to just do my best, enjoy the food from my fave restaurants as well as I was able while still minding P’s allergies, and once we got home I’d reassess my plan for the future.]
Kyle got the Oklahoma burger, which is one of his standards, with sweet potato fries.
We tried to play with the little guy and stimulate him a lot in that last hour before his bedtime, to try to make up for a boring day for him. He wasn’t too fussy in the car ride, but we still felt bad.
My g-ma very nicely shared her holiday chocolates with us for dessert.
The next day we hit the road after breakfast.
I made us all some eggs, and I was so impressed with the fact that I didn’t crack any yolks I had to take a photo!
Once we arrived in Westwood, we swung by the hospital to say hi to my old coworkers and visit the units that delivered P and took care of me post-partum.
Then it was off to lunch!
Huckleberry always sounds delicious and they had a ton of new menu offerings!
I got the salad trio plate, which was really hard because I wanted at least 6 of the items in the window. I narrowed it down to the shaved brussels sprout salad, roasted carrots, and fried tofu.
I also got a quinoa cake.
The brussels salad was AMAZING. I don’t even like capers (or so I thought) but it was salty perfection. Combined with creamy avocado. Mmmmm…
The tofu had sesame seeds, which I didn’t realize at the time, so I only had a few and saved the rest for later.
Kyle enjoyed my bread in addition to his own order of the wedge salad and vegetarian quiche.
So cheesy.
P had fallen asleep in the car on the way from UCLA so we brought him in the stroller (covered with an aden & anais blanket) to try and prolong his nap but the street noise woke him up pretty much right after we were seated. He was still tired so he was in and out of it, until he saw our food.
I gave him a napkin to occupy him, which worked like a charm. He ripped it into a million pieces and we ate in peace. Win win.
After we were both stuffed we walked over to Montana Ave to meet up with Kyle’s friend. From there on out we spent the day meeting up with various groups of friends. I felt like a pinball on the Westside, just bouncing from one place to the next.
Eventually we got settled at Seamus & Cindy’s (we stayed with them for Fri and Sat night). It was so cute watching the boys kinda not really play together.
James has a LOT of toys but he was so good at sharing.
For dinner I went to the Veggie Grill in Westwood with my girls, Alene and Ethel.
I was so excited to try some of their new items!
PS Did you know they have an iPhone app? Cutting edge much? It’s awesome!
I got the kale caesar. Yummm.
Kyle hung back with our sleeping babe and got pizza from CPK so it was especially nice having a girls night with my besties. After I got home, we watched the last of the (DVR-ed) Orange Bowl game and passed out.
The next day we had a brunch on the calendar, so we were out of the house early and off to Rose Cafe.
I got a scramble with extra avocado, while Kyle got the spinach benedict.
We both licked our plates clean.
P was especially popular since both the couples we went to breakfast with are pregnant!
Good practice.
We both felt like crap afterwards and I’m 99% sure the decaf we had wasn’t decaf at all. My head was buzzing and I felt really blah.
Since P fell asleep in the car we decided to take our time getting back to Seamus & Cindy’s place, so we ran some errands, including a trip to Bristol Farms for lunch/dinner BBQ stuff.
I sipped on Kombucha while the boys prepped and cooked and drank beer.
More people came over around noon and the kiddos alternated eating and napping cycles.
We had chips and salsa, bread and cheese, and a massive spread of salads, asparagus, fish, meat, brownies, etc.
I had a couple of plates like this.
And a gluten free beer that Ethel gave me the day before. Whoa strong! I had to pace myself with this one.
We spent the day watching football and kiddos, which is pretty much my heaven.
I had the same stuff for dinner because I stayed in with P while Kyle went out with the boys.
Cindy and I ended up staying up chatting and watching D list movies, but I loved it and wished we lived closer to each other so we could do it all the time.
Sunday morning was mellow. We hit up Coral Tree for brunch, which was where Kyle and I went on our first date way back when.
I got a big ass stack of GF blueberry pancakes (it’s hard to tell but that plate is massive) with a fried egg on the side.
Kyle got the almond crusted french toast with a strawberry smoothie. I’m pretty sure the "almond crusted" portion was cereal because it looked an awful lot like honey bunches of oats to me.
P watched on with envy as James enjoyed bits and pieces of Cindy and Seamus’ eats.
We both had leftovers because the portions were massive which ended up being my second breakfast and lunch later on the road.
We basically packed up and headed back to Davis after that. The kids played a little more together and we stopped for one last order from Veggie Grill though.
Also I went to WF to get a few packages of my fave seitan. 😉
The drive home was long. Aside from a 30 minute nap, we had a really unhappy kid on our hands. It was a real workout trying to keep him occupied while we listened to the Niners v. Packers game.
We stopped twice – the first was a nursing break, and the second was to switch drivers.
Kyle’s BBQ tempeh smelled so good I decided to try and eat my dinner while driving. [His is the crappy photo on the left (sorry!) and mine is the yummy monstrosity on the right.]
I ate 3 bites of mine before realizing it was way unsafe. So I waited to finish it once we got home.
For the record, the harvest bowl is most definitely one of the Veggie Grill’s best dishes. It has Field Roast sausage, which is awesome, as well as quinoa, roasted veggies, and kale topped with a fantastic gravy / hemp seed sauce. I loved the cauliflower and squash in the bowl as well as the dressing so so much.
Now I’m going to be pestering Kevin Boylan to open a VG in Davis until it happens.
Back to meal planning and food prep!

All that food looks amazing…Still drooling over it! Haha…If I ever made it to LA I must try!! 🙂 I’m glad to see you got to enjoy some time with friends!
watching D list movies with a great friend makes them seem so much better!
It’s funny – I live here and I rarely go to Native Foods anymore. And I think the last time I went to Huckleberry was with you!
Veggie Grill on the other hand…let’s just say I’m racking up a lot of free meals with the new app!
I am confused why g free whe you eat seitan? Isnt seitan all gluten, pretty much?
I just made the mistake of looking up the Veggie Grill’s menu online because I live in Florida and there is like 0.01% chance I’ll be in L.A. anytime soon… but that place looks absolutely amazing! I want to try everything on the menu!! (especially the Quinoa Power Salad… I’m going to try to create my own!)
hahahha…sorry 🙁 but yeah, they have good stuff!
its confusing, but i avoid wheat, not gluten. heres a post to explain:
you’d be living at huckleberry too if you were as close as i was…our first santa monica apt was literally across the street!!
Oh my goodness…I told you the Harvest Bowl is amazing. I’m addicted! That sauce…and the field roast…I die. I’m glad you loved it as much as I did!
It looks like you had an amazing (whirlwind) trip. I’m really happy to see that you’re figuring out what works and what doesn’t in terms of P’s allergies. Have you thought about trying the almond/coconut milk hybrid by Almond Breeze for your coffee? I know it wouldn’t cut out the nuts completely but I’m sure it would make a big difference and it definitely tastes similar to almond milk, in my opinion.
Sending happy thoughts to all of you! xoxo
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