It was really hard to edit down the photos I have from our time with Kyle’s fam (and I feel like I barely took any pics!). We see them so infrequently that the week of togetherness is very important for grandkid bonding. Now that the kids are older, it feels so sweet when they recall things from past trips to Idaho. I’m glad we are all making these memories…even if there are such long stretches of time in between.

All the cousins!

Last I left off, we had just packed up after our time in Sunriver and hit the road. Kyle was a total rockstar and drove the entire 6+ hours, so we arrived just in time for dinner. And look what we were greeted with!
Ok, not just the chocolate (but seriously, do they know me or WHAT!?!).

Dinner was already minutes from being done in the smoker. Talk about a warm welcome. Now THIS is vacation! We had this yummy quinoa dish on the side too.

The kiddos enjoyed helping grandma with breakfast the next morning.
Kyle and I soaked up the time off (of parenting) and worked out in a leisurely manner. Well, the workout itself wasn’t leisurely, but the fact that we didn’t have to alternate squeezing exercise in while also managing the kids’ morning stuff felt like a true treat.

Kyle had a work call, so we hung around the house until after lunch.
I was watching the world cup game and the kids were playing on their own (so many new toys to discover at grandma and bumpas house!!).

After that we hit up both the splash park and library before dinner.
They weren’t in swimsuits (don’t get me started) but that didn’t stop them from getting soaked (once they finally realized they wanted to).
This is truly his happy place. Books and books and more books.
I probably said the same thing last year, but this teeny tiny town library has a completely amazing kids section. We got a bunch of books (myself included!).
This is vacation Elise at her best. Book and booch. Legos babysitting.

Cutie pies.
Grill master.
We feasted on ribs, roasted potatoes, and grilled veggies (Brussels sprouts and carrots).

Ok, just kidding, THIS is his happy place.

I made them lunch before they went off with Kyle’s parents for the afternoon.

And then Kyle and I had the rest of the day to ourselves!! Weeeee! Such fun 🙂
We watched soccer and ate lunch and went on a walk and then met up with the rest of the fam at this monstrosity of a grocery store.

It’s like WF on steroids. With it’s own restaurant and bar inside, and rows and rows and rows of hot bars and prepared foods and salad bars and sushi bars and a live aquarium tank and I could go on and on and on…basically the reason Kyle’s parents wanted to take me was to see this very reaction.
It was amazing. I don’t know why Meridien gets one and Davis doesn’t, but that’s neither here nor there.

I actually had my own reason to go there too, because, as a foodie, I had stalked this company, Real Phat Foods, for a few months prior (thanks instagram!) and discovered they only sell their products in stores in and around Boise.

So obviously I had to take advantage once I realized I was going to be there in June. Right?? Duh. So I bought two bags of every cracker flavor AND the dairy free bread AND the cookie dough.
My official review is BUY THE BLEEP OUT OF THEM because the crackers are ADDICTING AF.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to road trip to Idaho to get them…you can buy their goods online.

After our store tour, the kids went off with grandma and bumpa for pizza night and Kyle and I went across the street to Sur La Table for our date night cooking class.

The next day was full of cousin fun. We split up for the morning – the boys went golfing and the rest of us (grandkids and mamas) went to a trampoline park. I was the only adult who wanted to go in with the kids, and I DEFINITELY had the most fun. There was a ninja course and diving boards and basketball courts ALL WITH TRAMPOLINES. As you can see, I’ve never been to a place like this before. It was crazy fun. The older girls were pros, so they were showing us the ropes. Literally and metaphorically.
Then we all came home to hang out around the house and have dinner together.
Burger time! Think there are enough condiments there?
It was so precious playing with my nieces. They grow up so much in a year. It’s especially sweet seeing them with P and V – watching them bike around together. And play dolls. And dress up. And do each others’ hair.
Such a special trip.

I also got lots of QT with my babes. I’m infinitely more patient and present when I don’t have to worry about cooking and cleaning and am well rested and have exercise endorphins a-flowing. Wouldn’t it be amazing if parenting was always this way? Oh well.
Looking on the positive side, it sure does make the time extra valuable.

We got another morning to ourselves when Kyle’s parents took the kids to the Birds of Prey museum. I even managed to finish my SECOND book in one week!

I stress ate a family sized portion of brussels sprouts and bacon with sunflower seeds and feta while watching team USA beat France in the World Cup quarter finals. You guys, I was SO nervous. This is a serving bowl. Like, the kind you would see on a Thanksgiving table filled with stuffing for ten people. I digress…
We kept it chill in the afternoon…back to the splash pad and library.
She had a new suit and was feeling her mermaid self.

Family bike ride!
For dinner we had grilled salmon and roasted veggies (butternut squash, golden beets, potatoes and broccoli).

And then I ate all the chocolate (because we got more at the fancy Albertsons marketplace).

I know it sounds cheesy, but I am SO grateful that Kyle’s parents are as generous and amazing and thoughtful and wonderful as they are. Every time we have to say goodbye I get so sad because I know it will be a while until we get to see them again. And I feel so loved when I’m there. And I know Kyle and the kids feel the same way.

Miss V is alllll about the costume jewelry. P was thrilled with the flag safety pin thing. 😛

I don’t know where half of my food photos are from this trip, but here’s the package of cookies I broke into at some point.
Next up, dinner! Ha.
Went out with a bang, with grilled tri-tip, sauteed broccoli greens, and more roasted veggies.

Time to fly!

Have you ever been to Boise’s WinCo? I swear their bulk section is the reason we are moving there.
Ha! No, we never made it to downtown Boise this trip…next time!