One year old.

Wow.  Time flies when you’re having fun blogging about it.  It feels like just yesterday I stumbled across this amazing community of foodies and decided to begin a blog about my adventures in the vegan kitchen. 

Who would have known the decision to write (almost daily) about my food/exercise/etc would have impacted my life the way it has?  I certainly did not.

And yet, here I am, a YEAR later, with a ton of new friends, having tried food I hardly would have known existed a year ago!  Thank you to everyone who has ever made a comment…it is only a small aspect of how this blogging community has touched me, but it’s still a treat nonetheless.  I only wish I could have met more of you all in Boston this past weekend. 

Anyways, I figured I should at least mention my one year BLOGIVERSARY.  But now I will get back to the good stuff…my eats, of course.


What else, but frothy coffee.  I do what I know, and what I know, is caffeine makes the world go ‘round.  On the side, was a heaping bowl of apples, bluebeezies, and honeydew

I was hungry again by 10, so I decided to go with a sin-ful pre-lunch snack.  And by that, I mean a Dave’s Killer Bread SIN DAWG.


HOLY effing YUM!  This should be illegal.


Inside this deliciously seedy exterior was an oozy, cinnamon-y, sticky, sweet filling.  I almost died with the first bite.  And the second.  And so on, and so on…

Dave needs to get his bread to the East Coast NOW!!

I wasn’t at all hungry for lunch after such a carb-a-licious AM.  Instead, I food-coma-ed on the couch.  In and out of snoozing I read some blogs, and did some online errands (read: wedding planning). 

How come my days off always fly by!?  It was early afternoon before I knew it, so I decided to throw a quickie meal together.


LightLife smart ground “meat” + roasted red pepper hummus + plain greek yogurt = randomly amazing

I smeared the Sloppy Joe-like mix on top of two toasted slices of Dave’s Killer sprouted bread.


I can’t put my finger on what this reminded me of.  It was a bit like Sloppy Joes, but with a Mexican flavor profile thanks to the red peppers and greek yogurt (which takes on the sour cream zing in recipes)…so I’ll call it Sloppy Jose.


SO good!

After a few hours of digesting dilly-dallying around the apartment, I headed to the gym for a long overdue sweat sesh.  Not my finest hour.  I barely made it through 60 minutes of cardio before I plopped my butt on the mats for stretching.  I headed home in a less-than-thrilled state, but not every day is going to be record breaking, so I chose to forget about it and make dinner.

What day would be complete without a big salad?


Spinach, corn, broccoli slaw, tomato, and avocado.  Simple is as simple does.  And CHECK out what else I found!?!?!  The brand spankinnew Spinach and Artichoke flavored Sabra hummus. 


Sabra is playing with my emotions.  Could the roasted red pepper flavor be dethroned?  Spinach and artichoke are two fabulous flavors…

I had a few (hundred) dollops in my salad, and the rest on the side with some dried yacon slices.


I don’t think I need to prove how much I loved this hummus with an overly descriptive essay, all I need to say is, I finished the damn thang.  Yes, in one sitting.  Friggin’ Sabra, why must you taste so good?  (j/k, I aint mad ‘atcha).


Even though I finished off all the Yacon chips AND the entire tub of hummus, I still was on an apartment-wide hunt for another course.

And since I had some of my lunch-time Sloppy Jose leftovers staring me down in the fridge, I made another open faced spread with the rest of it.


After this I was filled to the brim (maybe a bit over).  Oh well, we can’t all have perfectly balanced days, right?

I think in my next post I will do a post of highlights (a celebration of the year in recap), since several wonderful things have happened.  I’m very pleased to still be blogging after one whole year.  Of course if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Ummm, yeahhh.  Given the above photo, I know what you’re probably thinking…either (a) I was lying about how full I was after my massive, multi-course din, or (b) I have no self-control.  All signs point to b.

I was really craving a Larabar, but rather than waste a perfectly good wrapper up lunch-able snack, I decided to make my own!!  How hard can it be to replicate dates and nuts?  Turns out – not hard.


All hands on deck!!  Almonds overboard.  The lucky ones were rescued in the medjool life boats, but like the Titanic, there just weren’t enough dates Leo DiCaprio’s to go around.  I’ll never let go Jack, I’ll never let go.

Ok, I’ve officially lost my mind.  Better get to zzzz for work tomorrow.

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  1. VeggieGirl

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!! Love ya lots 🙂

  2. Katie

    Jeez, Elise, way to have a killer post for your blogiversary!

    Dave’s cinnamon (I want that so badly!), spinach artichoke sabra (haven’t tried that) and medjools with almonds?! Holy crap, lady.

  3. carolinebee

    omg your delirious state = hilar 😀 I CAN”T believe u’ve been blogging for a WHOLE year- what a small little world from our LA and Deeg connections, haha love it! Have a great night love!

  4. snackface

    Ahhh! Happy one year! That’s incred. Can you even imagine the day we all stop blogging? I don’t think it will happen. We’ll be congratulating one another happy 50th blogiversaries.

    Ummmm, I need that Sin bread! Looks out of this world! And isn’t that Sabra flavor OUTRAGEOUS!!! It really might be the best of all of ’em.

    I just caught up on the last few posts and I can say I’ve missed regular doses of Elise! Anyway, have an incredible Tuesday night!

  5. prettyladycmu

    Seriously, how do you always manage to literally make me laugh out loud?? Happy Blogiversary, by the way. Your eats lately look delicious and congrats on getting to the gym and pounding out 60 minutes – mega accomplishment, lady!

    Oh, and the Dave’s Killer Bread stuff looks out of this world!!

  6. theskinnyplate

    Happy blogiversary. The DKB looks sinfully delicious. I love seedy breads, combined with cinnamon, I can only dream how good it can be.

  7. janetha

    yayer! happy 1 year of blogging! it is my dog’s 1st bday, good day 🙂 that bread is EPIC!

  8. broccolihut

    I totally agree–Dave needs to migrate East!

    Clever way to satisfy that Lara craving. Much cheaper than the real thing!

  9. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    That cinnamon bread….OMG I wish I wasn’t GF. Most times, i really dont miss bread, dont even think about it. SEeing that, yep, I miss it but moving right onto the coffee froth. I still have not ordered one of those things but am going to. Do you think it would work with almond milk? I see no reason it wouldn’t. The hummus flava sounds really good. And most of all..Happy Blogiversary. I am still trying to figure out how some of you fine ladies have lives AND blog. My blogs are still taking me way too much time. I need shortcuts b/c I am blogging every day too…anyway, Happy Anniv!

  10. Sarah (LovIN My Tummy)

    Happy Blogiversary! I think you should give a prize to whoever guesses the number of pounds of hummus you have eaten in the last year. My guess is 39,384,758,393.

  11. Annabel @

    Happy 1 year!!!
    Your pix make me want to fill a pool with hummus and swim in it while using Sin Dawgs as an edible floating device.

    just sayin…


  12. ~Jessica~

    Happy anniversary! I’ve been a reader for…ooh, a couple of months now and love your wicked sense of humour, delicious vegan eats and now your love for Larabars that *almost* rivals my own ; )

    I’m so in awe of how you manage to work such a demanding and stressful job and still maintain such an amazingly healthy lifestyle, and I’m really impressed with your 10K time!

    Dates…oh man, they’re not safe around me. I must have eaten half a packet this morning…

    Have a great day!


  13. Abby

    If I would have done an hour of cardio, crappy or not, I would have eaten a whole tub of Sabra as well…

    And congrats on the Blogiversary! I’m with Averie in my awe, in that I have no idea how you guys manage to have such fabulous posts every day and still work and have a life. I don’t even have a life and it still takes me forever just to post a few times a week!

  14. Shelby

    Happy Bloggerversary!!!

    I would kill for that bread and sin dawg!!! I can’t stand how delicious it all looks!!!

  15. julie

    A WHOLE YEAR! that’s a long time man! But in other words congrats 🙂 a whole year and about 50000 new friends and foods. whoopah!

    I would very much like to try that new Sabra’s! I saw it in a mag yesterday and thought of you! you had already beat me to it though.

    enjoy work?

    I’m not quite sure why I said that..

  16. Courtney

    Congrats on the year of blogging! That is really a huge accomplishment. I know it must be time consuming to blog nearly every day and take photos of what you eat etc., but it IS appreciated! Thank you for doing it 🙂

    And I canNOT even BEGIN to tell you how jealous I am that you found the artichoke sabara! I am gonna have to search harder now…you made me want it even MORE, if that is possible (which I didn’t think it was, but apparently you have super natural hummus craving powers over me…) 🙂 SO FREAKING JEALOUS!

    Oh! I have a recipe for actual homemade Lara Bars if you want it? I made them for my mom (who is a huge fan of them, but NOT a fan of the cost) for her birthday and she LOVED them…I can send you the recipe, if you want?


  17. Babycakes

    Happy blogiversary! I don’t comment often, but I read everyday and absolutely LOVE your blog and yummy vegan food. As a fellow 20-something nurse, I also very much appreciate your ICU stories. I can totally relate! <3

  18. Whit

    Happy anniversary!

    Sabra, sabra, sweet Sabra. Why must you make the choice so difficult? I cannot WAIT to get my hands on some spinach and artichoke.

  19. jenngirl

    Happy one year!! I love reading your posts, hope they never end 😉

    OMG WHY have I not found spinach and artichoke Sabra??!! That sounds incredible, it better come here soon.

  20. ksgoodeats

    HAPPY ONE YEAR!!!!!!! I don’t know where I’d be without my hummus lover. I’m so glad you started your blog because who else would enable my chickpea obsesh?

    That Sin Dawg is ridiculous. I am DYING over here – Dave COME TO MI!!!

    The container of Sabra is a work of art. I’m glad you stuck it to the man and polished it off – it would be a shame to leave a piece of art halfway demolished.

    Oh Leo…..

  21. Graze With Me

    Happy one year!! Oh hummus. Why must you be so good?? And it’s good on everything too! What other spreadable goodness can do that??

    Brilliant on the nut stuffed dates btw, I bet they were good!

  22. Ada

    Congrats on your blogiversary! I just purchased the new sabra spinach/artichoke hummus so I can verify that it is one hundred percent amazing:)

  23. Missy Maintains

    Happy Blogiversary! Omg why did I not hear about that hummus till now! This is one example of why blogs are so important to read!! I must find it somewhere!! Love what you did with the Lightlife too! I am trying that next time!

  24. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)

    HAHA I love the delirium at the end. Happy blogiversary! You done the blogosphere proud, mama.

    That new Sabra flavor has remained a myth to me until now – I can only imagine it has to be stupendous! Plus you finished the whole dang thing, so that must mean something. 🙂

    You are right on with the homemade LaraBoats. Equally good with nuts or nut butter. It’s all I want after dinner these days… I think you should go to Integral Yoga health food store for bulk goodies! You will die at the sight of all the dried fruit and nuts (they even have tahini in bulk!). I actually just posted a pic of a certain goodie I got there yesterday. I die.

  25. lowandbhold

    Happy Blogiversary! I’ve enjoyed every post that I’ve read and can’t wait to read for another year.

    I can’t wait to try that Sabra either, but it is about as elusive as the PBJ laras.

  26. MarathonVal

    Happy anniversary – I find it very fitting that you devoured the tub of hummus on the 1 yr annivers 😉 A girl’s gotta celebrate right!??!

    Goshhhhhhh I am so jealous of those sin dawgs. How is it possible that those babies are vegan?!?!?

  27. Andrea

    Happy Anniversary sweetie! Thanks for providing us with (almost) daily good eats and (more than once daily) hummus shots. I think you should rename the blog Hummus Porn.

  28. blueeyedheart

    Wow, okay, you scared me for a second there — I thought you were going to say you’re going to stop blogging!! Glad that you’re not… happy blogiversary! 🙂

    <3 <3

  29. elise

    it would definitely work with AM.

  30. elise

    fear not…still blogging away 🙂

  31. elise

    hahaha, i may get some scary (read: unwanted) hits with a title like that…even though it IS pretty accurate 😉

  32. elise

    ill just announce you the winner right now then…it would be disturbing to read everyone’s guesses

  33. elise

    if that were socially acceptable, i would SO be there!!

  34. elise

    thanks so much jessica!! im so glad you enjoy it 🙂 im the same way with dates..ive learned to buy them from the bins in the portion that i want to eat right then…they are not safe in the apartment in bulk quantities – love em!!

  35. elise

    try it try it try it!! (work wishes were V. necessary yesterday, btw)

  36. elise

    if it involves walnuts, pecans or a food processor, dont bother (ill just get depressed that i dont have one…) but if its on the simple side, sure id love to try it…i really hope you find that sabra soon, it was FREAKIN amaze! good thing i had the insode scoop from you to keep my eyes out for it. what would i do without you courtney!

  37. elise

    hello fellow RN!! thanks for the sweet comment and for reading 🙂

  38. elise

    i KNOW! im thinking of starting a sabra-a-holics group. you in?! haha

  39. elise

    thank goodness i have you to make me feel “normal” apparently eating more than one tub of hummus a day isnt exactly representative of the typical american diet. who knew?

  40. elise

    i know. i challenge ANY other condiment to do what hummus does. i actually feel like “condiment” is an insulting term – hummus is its own meal in my eyes.

  41. elise

    ummm, ok im googling that integral yoga health food store now. bulk bins are my heaven and hell…by the time i leave ill be so poor, the wedding budget will be down to $25 dollars. instead of a wedding cake, ill just have a tub of hummus 🙂

  42. Lara (Thinspired)

    Happy (uh, belated) Blogaversary!

    What is this amazing David’s Killer Bread I am seeing around the blogs lately. That looks like a freaking cinnamon roll. Murderous. I want some!

  43. Jessica (jesslikesithot)


    You’re so creative.
    And dave’s KILLER bread + the new sabra flavored hummus??? Hook a sista’ UP!

    I’m just gonna ask kappa to steal all the goods in your kitchen and stock them here for meeeeee! 😀

  44. laura

    whoa whoa whoa….BOMB-BITTERS, ELISE???? sick. we need to talk about this when i fly in tomorrow…INTERVENTION!

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