Normally I make my own pie crusts because it’s pretty easy, but I’m cutting corners these days so I bought a two pack from the frozen section of Nugget.
Buying two pie crusts is a bit like giving a mouse a cookie…you may as well just make TWO PIES, right?!? Right.
And that is how we came to have the same meal last week and this week.

It was actually a welcomed relief to have a dinner already made because (in case I haven’t made it abundantly clear) sh!t has OFFICIALLY hit the fan here in CA.
As if the current state of the world wasn’t enough to bear, we literally have ash falling from the sky all day and night as fires surround us. It is horrible. The air quality is so bad we aren’t even allowed outside – not that anyone wants to go out because it is way over 100 degrees every day. On Monday it was 116!!! I feel like we are literally in hell. You can’t even see the sky through the smoky haze.
Getting back to my original point, though. Having dinner made was nice because turning the oven on was not an option. Not just because I didn’t want to heat up the house, but also because we are having rolling blackouts due to the stress on the power grid. Like I said. Sh!t has hit the fan, people.

This is based on the fig ‘n pig quiche from Run Fast Eat Slow.
I used my favorite feta (Bella Capra goat cheese) and a spinach/baby kale blend for the greens.

The combo of figs and cheese is *chefs kiss*.

And because I just could not get enough of the figs, I served some fresh ones on the side. Can you believe these beauties!?!

We had leftover corn and a slaw salad the second time I served the quiche.

That looks amazing!! Stay safe!
We had terrible fires here in NSW Aus just like you are having now. It’s suffocating. I remember the sky being orange and just raining down burnt black leaves everywhere. It did feel like hell. Hang in there it will eventually pass and the sky will be blue again.