I was in a bit of a funk this past weekend and the dreary weather didn’t do anything to help, but a brunch with some girlfriends definitely did.

I’d never been to Black Bear Diner, but it’s a chain that compares to most diner style breakfast spots with an added layer of kitschiness. I got the California Benedict, which was fine, but as you’d expect the highlight was the conversation with my besties. Everyone was in need of the girl talk therapy sesh…and I’m pretty sure we could have stayed for hours.
There’s no way to say it that doesn’t suck, but my G-ma passed away the next day. I wasn’t sure if I’d mention it here or not but I’m still in that phase where it feels weird to do ordinary things (like blogging about food) without addressing the one thing that is impacting me more than anything else right now. She used to read my blog every day and she thought I made the weirdest food. The idea of putting nut butter in oatmeal was insane to her. And she never shied away from sharing her opinions (putting it nicely), so I definitely heard about any reactions she had. But her sweet tooth rivaled mine, so I know where I got my love of chocolate. Anyway. I have been feeling a range of emotions, but oddly, I’ve been mostly numb about the whole thing. It’s hard to explain. It took me a solid 20 minutes just to write this darn paragraph. Reminiscing makes the past tense of it all too real.
She had a very full life (we just celebrated her 93rd birthday in Newport Beach in October!)…and I feel happy that my kids will remember her.

Shifting gears…
I just found out that I finally got off the waitlist for the UC Davis student farm CSA!!!
The kids came with me for our first pick up on campus and OMG the amount of produce we get each week is crazy! Don’t be deceived by the appearance of that bag I’m holding. It was crazy heavy and that portion you see is only the front of it.

Here it is filling the back of our trunk (with an unpictured spaghetti squash in the other bag).

Everything was picked that morning by the UC Davis farm students. They reuse the twist ties and plastic bags, as well as the baskets that our portions come in.

This box had: dino kale, bok choy (2), napa cabbage, green leaf lettuce, multi color carrots, beets, turnips, cauliflower, cilantro, and spaghetti squash. And maybe other stuff I’m forgetting??
You pay by quarter and it comes out to roughly ~$23 per week (for local seasonal organic produce that is used to educate future farmers).

This cauliflower is half the size of my youngest child!

I spent the afternoon washing and chopping and prepping everything.

I also tackled the rest of the produce from my imperfect produce box. I’m supposed to get another delivery on Thursday, but I will probably end up skipping it now that I have all this on hand. I guess I’ll have to see going forward what to do. The CSA pick up is on Mondays, and the imperfect produce deliveries are on Thursdays, so in theory, I could probably stagger them and get everything I need (produce wise) without going to the store.

More meal prep for the week!
Meal number one with the goodies – kale salad with a lime vinaigrette dressing, leftover chicken, daiya cheese, avo, and cilantro. And home made chips.

Wayyyyy more chips than I care to discuss. So salty and addicting.

And then a Thai salad with kale, butternut squash, avo, salty almonds and cilantro.
Is cilantro a winter herb? I’m getting it in all my boxes…but I swore it was a spring/summer thing. No matter. I’m loving all the beets and hearty greens!
I even busted out my juicer to make a nice beet/carrot/kale concoction for breakfast.
Note the empty jars and containers ready for my trip to the co-op to refill them all. Operation ‘zero waste’ is plugging along…

Here’s a fridge glamour shot for ya. Prep game strong.

Makes this Thai salad something I can throw together with my eyes closed. or while getting two kids fed and ready for naps/quiet time. Same same. 😛

Noodles noodles for everyone!

If there were a chocolate CSA I’d really be in trouble…

I am so sry to hear about your grandma. I have followed u for so long and have seen her in many pics. It’s such a gift that your children got to spend time with her and bask in her love. Life is so precious. And it’s so important we value every minute. I know what a strong, bonded and beautiful family u come from so having each other is important. I am assuming it’s your mother’s mom?
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother. The pictures with the kids were just beautiful and they are at the ages that they will remember her especially through your memories. kim
I’m so sorry for your loss Elise. I hope that over time you’ll be able to look back on all the beautiful memories you have of her and smile when you think of her. All of my family lives on the other side of the world and even though I can’t speak to my grandma anymore (she’s getting too old to hear me over the phone), I’m dreading the day that I will have to miss her for good.
Yep, my mom’s mom. Thanks Leslie 🙂
Elise, I’ve been following you FOREVER (I’m one of those 🙂 I never comment – no, wait! there was one time years ago I did – something about kale (shocker ha) – anyway, what I am trying to say is I just had tears in my eyes as I read this post. I send you and your family so so so so so so so much love. Your G-ma was exceptionally beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and one last thing, your “paragraph” was beautiful. That wasn’t just a paragraph, that was such an absolutely perfect expression of love and grief and happiness and gratitude. <3
Thank you so so much Jackie. It really means a lot to me to hear that feedback. <3
I’m so sorry, Elise. My grandma died last year when I was pregnant with L so she never got to meet her but she was so excited for my pregnancy. G knew her, but since she died before she turned 2 I doubt she will remember. I 100% feel you on the weirdness of it all…the week after she passed was so strange. It would hit me at the oddest moments. I really am sorry. I’m glad you have so many memories with her
Thanks Courtney…I’m so sorry you went through this last year too. Sometimes it feels very weird going on with daily life – like somehow everyone else around me should know and be acting differently but of course that’s not realistic. I hope V remembers her but even 3.5 is pushing it…
Well shit. Losing a family member- regardless of their age or health status is tough. I love that she read your blog all the time :)i lost my grandparents many years ago, and have many happy treasured memories.
Sending you and your family big squishy bear hugs.
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elise, I was reading the newspaper a few days ago and while looking for an obit on my neighbor, I noticed a woman that for some reason looked very familiar. I read on to see if any names were mentioned that would jar my memory. Then it hit me. While reading this beautifully written remembrance it listed her love for chocolate, among other things and I now believe that Janis was your grandmother. It’s a small world. kim
Isn’t it the best obit you’ve ever read!?!