I’m definitely in a big, huge, massive, obscene rut. There, I said it.
Almost every single meal this week has involved nutbutter in some form.
It all stemmed from this purchase.
And the delivery of this package.
Both have become absolutely essential parts of my diet, so much so that I’ve ended up creating the oddest food combinations, all in an effort to incorporate some form of nutbutter.
For instance this sweet potato & apple dish dressed with peanut sauce.
Peanut sauce you say?
Yes, peanut sauce. All it is is peanut flour, almond milk and a dash of salt, and yet, it makes everything taste so much better.
Before VS After
(I’ll take the after)
The peanut sauce can be as thick or thin as you want, depending on your use for it.
For dressings I prefer a more runny consistency for optimal drizzling.
Even spinach, butternut squash and apples are better with peanut sauce!
Peanutty salad – who’da thunk it.
For a thicker paste-like consistency, I just used less milk.
Great for toast 🙂
Psshhh, I had like 3 times this amount.
As in, multiple slices of peanutty toast.
It may seem like the same thing as peanut butter, but it’s not. It’s hard to describe. You should probably just try it for yourself. 🙂
My carb and nut butter induced coma was welcomed with open arms as I had yet ANOTHER day of work ahead of me.
Early to bed, early to rise. And when my alarm went off at 4:30 am, I shot up with a bolt of energy. I’m still surprised by how well I am adapting to my new schedule.
After getting the crap beat outta me by this b!tch, I grubbed on a new kind of granola.
I never knew that Alvarado Street Bakery made granola! What a yummy surprise.
As far as ingredients go, this is one of the cleanest and purest granolas on the market. It only has SIX ingredients, one of which is filtered water.
I had a bowl for breakfast at 5:30 am, and then brought another baggie full for snacking on the job.
To be honest, this wasn’t an eat-by-itself granola. In other words, it needs other stuff, especially milk. This is fine for breakfasts at home, but when I’m snacking at the hospital, it’s not what I’m looking for. On it’s own, it’s too dry and aside from the dates, it doesn’t have any source of sweetness. It reminds me of muesli. Also, I like clusters in my granola. I may sound harsh, but I have had some pretty bomb granola recently, so Alvarado Street had prettttty high standards to live up to.
Here is what the rest of my lunch contained.
Quinoa, roasted butternut squash, and raisins.
And then there was this.
Love at first lick (hmmm, now that sounds dirty).
But really, I can’t put into words how crazy my taste buds went for Artisana’s cashini. The stuff is like a drug. I received this sample for free, but would gladly spend my own money for this. In fact, I intend to make this a part of my diet on the daily. LOVE. IT. This is anything but your average nutbutter.
It reminded me of a thicker, richer version of hummus from my beloved UWS neighborhood hot spot, Nanoosh. It’s because Nanoosh uses a ton of tahini in their hummus, and as you can tell from it’s name, Artisana’s cashini also has a fair amount of tahini in it. It’s only other ingredients are cashews and salt. That’s it. Cashews, sesame seeds, and salt. All 100% raw and 100% organic, too. You know what I have to say to that? Eff yeah! Is there anything better than healthy, wholesome fats? Negative ghost rider.
Artisana, you have my heart.
I drizzled some of the cashini butter on top of this quinoa dish and the rest with Quorn meatless meatballs.
I discovered Quorn products up in WA when I was staying with my in-laws. While they are as processed as things come, they are a soy-free alternative to other faux-meat products.
All together now…
All of the above plus two apples, carrots, candied ginger, Annie’s fruit gummies, and Tazo chai tea.
After work, I had another peanut coated dinner.
Quinoa, roasted veggies, and peanut sauce drizzled on top.
Oh baby. This, my friends, is a deliciously NUTTY dish.
And for dessert? Well, duh.

Guess I need to get crackin on using my peanut flour–I’ve had it in my pantry for over a month and have hardly used it!
Peanut flour is the same but different- that’s the only way to describe it. I haven’t had any in awhile, but I picked up a bag today and I can’t wait to bake with it!
I had a package of Trader Joe’s peanut flour shipped to me since I don’t live near a store and I am completely hooked. Your right in that it doesn’t taste like peanut butter, but oh my word is it good. I put it on everything.
PB sauce is the new ketchup!
Us Floridians are DEPRIVED by not having Trader Joes. I am dying for some of that peanut flour, but have no way of getting it. I wish Trader Joes shipping, these dishes all look fabulous with the peanutty sauce. Too bad I cannot afford the online peanut flour that I see on my meager college student budget 🙁 I’ll just keep drooling on my key board by what you post!
that cashini sounds awesome.. I must find this immediately. or make some… 😀
hey! you still using your mom’s camera? I just had one tip for you on lighting- cause my pics used to look the same way- try putting the lighting on “incandescent” not “direct sunlight”. sorry don’t mean to post an annoying comment, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll be SO happy to find this out 🙂
i love peanut flour- so many possibilities ah! and so many less calories 😉
CASHINI BUTTER IS FREAKING AMAZING! I’m so obsessed. Have you tried it with jam? Or lemon curd? Amazing. I just posted a recipe for cashini-roasted tempeh, too.
I’ll have to try the peanut sauce idea. I use my peanut flour in smoothies.
i use peanut flour in overnight oats — it makes them SOOO thick and creamy. i need to try making your peanut sauce — it looks perfect with those roasted veggies. peanut makes everything better!
I can’t handle Jillian early in the morning. It has to be at least noon before I shred.
No shame in nut butters!
Peanut sauce is such a great idea!!! Thank you!
thanks so much for the tip…im going to do some research now. dont worry about seeming annoying, i want all the help i can get with this baby. so feel free to give advice liberally 🙂
i’ve yet to purchase the peanut flour – but you’re inspiring me!
Didnt I tell you it makes a killer sauce??? I prefer the real deal when it comes to having peanut butter on bread, but its great when you need a thinned out peanut butter. I make a PB “frosting” out of it my blending some honey and greek yogurt.
Nut butter should be in every meal. It’s just that good.
I want to try TJ’s version of peanut flour. I have Byrd Mill’s and I’m just not jiving with it.
Ohhh the peanut sauce is a great idea! I usually add it to oats or smoothies but the sauce idea is BRILLIANT! 🙂 🙂
I LOOOOVE 30-day shred!!! L2 and L3 are KILLER! Such a great wkout for only 20 mins!
welcome to my addiction hahaha soon you will find yourself stocking your tjs cart with that shiz fearing the day they decide to stop selling it.
don’t think about it now hahah it will make you cry
i’ve seen that peanut flour everywhere! i’m trying to decide whether or not I should play around with it….
your sauce looks yummy!
Of everything in this post, my favorite part is your punny title. Dweeb. I love you.
Can’t wait to make a batch of macaroons! I just need to get some nuts.
4:30am are you serious? I admire you to the moon and back. And is that Malasadas I see in the next post down?
Love malasadas. I used to eat them all the time when I lived in Hawaii.
what brand/where do you find the candied ginger? i think i am going to give it a shot…
365 (aka whole foods)
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