Nut-less-ly nutty oats

I was craving a seasonal breakfast, but didn’t have any pumpkin on hand.  What I did have though, was a butternut squash


You could cheat and use canned squash (they carry it at Whole Foods), but I decided to hack it with the real deal. 

Squash prep can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be.  If you have a big a$$ knife, you’re good to go.  The simplest (read: quickest) way to go is to forego peeling the skin off, chop it into large chunks, microwave it (in a glass container with a CoverMate) until it’s mushy, scoop the flesh away from the harder skin, and blend it in a blender or food processor until it has a nice pureed texture.


It’s worth it.


In the interest of fancifying (not a word?) my breakfast, I added 365 organic virgin coconut oil into my oats (at the very end – I still cooked them normally with water).  Since the oats were hot, I added the coconut oil in it’s solid form (coconut oil is solid at room temp).  It quickly melted and created a seriously drool-inducing aroma. 

ButterNUT + cocoNUT = nut-less-ly nutty oats


Then I stirred in the squash puree, topped it with a diced apple, sprinkled cinnamon on top…


Mixed it all up…


And dug in. 


The combo of coconut & butternut with the oats was a fabulous way to celebrate fall.  While it was raining and overcast outside, my autumn oats kept me all warm and cozy inside. 


Eat your heart out. 

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Comments (9)

  1. Katie

    Mmm, I like the way you celebrate fall. I’ve never thought to put apple chunks in with my oats…thanks for that. 🙂

  2. Marina

    I’m always use butternut squash puree as “pumpkin” puree. Love it. And your breakfast looks delicious

  3. Amanda

    A bowl filled with fall goodness! I also microwave the squash before I do anything else to make it easier to cut–my knives aren’t sharp at all!

  4. elise

    thats a good trick, but i had an accident once and it exploded in the microwave. now i punch a fork in it before microwaving it, if im going that route…

  5. rebecca lustig

    id like to name your recipe “howmanyfallingredientscanyoufitintoonerecipe?” haha, love it 🙂

  6. elise

    I like that name. I’m going with it!

  7. Pingback: Tweak-er « hungry hungry hippie

  8. Julia

    Elise – how do you cook oats? Oats-to-liquid ratio and cooking time? I am a first time oats cooker attempting to make this above recipe and it’s not going well…

  9. elise

    I like my oats more liquidy so I use a 2:1 ratio of water:oats (if you use less water they will end up more thick) I cook them on the stove and I don’t wait til the water is boiling to add the dry oats. Instead, I add the oats and the water at once, put it on the stove, and leave it be…I’m not sure how long they cook because I just wait until they look done. They will get much creamier…you can tell because the oats take on a more gel like gooey consistency. Hope that helps!

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