Kyle was just as sample savvy as I was at ExpoWest. He promised to do reviews as he ate them, but I thought he was joking…
Then I got an email from him (with photos!) and descriptions and realized he was serious. Here are his notes, copied verbatim from his emails to me.
Late July organic Dude Ranch multigrain snack chips
- Great cheese flavor and not too ranchy (the name is a bit deceiving), especially since I don’t like ranch dressing.
- The chips also have that fun powder flavor stuff on top that sticks to your fingertips and its so good! Should I start a blog already?
Chocolate Peanut Butter QuestBar
- Good flavor, but a bit of a chalky texture. Some people like that – I do every now and then because eating that type of bar feels heartier after a workout.
- OK as a snack, but probably would be better after a race or tough workout.
Enjoy Life Plentils garlic & parmesan chips
- Was not overly thrilled with them.
- They were good enough but something about the flavor was a little off. Almost like there was too much garlic salt so the saltiness flavor came through more than Parmesan. Anyway there you go.
Food Should Taste Good Jalapeno Chips
- Had them with hummus. They actually pack a bit of a heat punch – by the end of the bag your mouth is hot! (which I liked).
- Good like the rest of their products.
Beanfield’s Nacho bean & rice chips
- Great nacho flavor.
- Went well with salsa, but would also be good on their own because they have enough seasoning.
[I took the photos for these and Kyle looooved them..the ingredient list is awesome, too, so I can’t wait to try them myself. Oh, and they’re a local company. Love. ]
Natures Options Protein Packed Bar-B-Que Crisps
- Reminded me of BBQ fritos, but fluffier (and hopefully healthier). There was a lot of chili powder.
- There were a lot of chips in the bag, which you rarely find. The bag was almost full which was awesome.
- I had them with hummus and they were satisfying and kept me full.
Food blogger in the making!?! I think so.

Thanks Kyle! I think you might have a future in blogging!
I’d love to try some of these snacks.
I love your husband! How cute was this?
Kyle is adorable!! Great reviews since ive seen some of these products but hesitated- those beany chips at the end sound like a winner tho!
All of those samples look amazing. Those are all things I really want to try but just haven’t found them around me. I hope soon enough I can try these out because they just look so good!
Yay Kyle! Great job. I love love love anything by Beanfields.
hahaha nice one Kyle. DON’T JOIN THE BLOGGING WORLD! Then I’ll be the only one in the family who hasn’t!!! 🙂
Well this was helpful! I’ve been wanting to find a new cracker snack 🙂
I love this! 🙂 I’m sure Kyle would make a great little food blogger!
Kyle is so great!
i see food blogger in kyle’s future!
well done kile! a mi me gusta!
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