I don’t want to change your opinion of me but I did this last week.

And I’m probably going to do it again because by 4/5 pm I am very ready to get my own little happy hour under way. It helps to have dinner done beforehand. 😛 Makes the buzz a little more enjoyable if you don’t have to cook.
This sauce was peanut butter based, and yes, I even gave some to P. But not too much. The rest of the dressing was Bragg’s aminos, rice vinegar, lime juice, and maple syrup.
I tossed it all together, but then added extra peanut butter to mine and Kyle’s bowls.

This salad was truly SO random – made with the odds and ends I had leftover before my CSA delivery arrived.
- the napa and purple cabbage halves (left over from the Thai quinoa salad I made the day before)
- roasted sweet potatoes
- red leaf lettuce
- dino kale
- cilantro
- basil
- honey roasted peanuts

It was VERY well received and nobody even mentioned the idea that maybe these ingredients wouldn’t ordinarily be together???

I might even remake it after these weirdo times are long gone!!
Who knows.

Sweet potatoes aren’t typically in Asian flavored slaws, but there are no rules anymore.

Hey babe happy hour is what I live for these days and barely ever drink in years. Sweet eaters usually aren’t drinkers, but now it’s an enjoyable way to wash away the day. Love and hugs to you.
And back at you! Stay safe girl! I’ve been thinking of you and your fam.
Cheers to all who are home schooling their children!