My Salsa

To the few people who understand my weird (read: abnormal) humor, this title is for you.  For the rest of you, I’m sorry.  Hopefully this isn’t your first red flag that I’m not exactly “normal,” but if it is…well, there you have it. 

Be afraid.  Be very afraid. 


I had a weird dinner tonight.  “My salsa makes all the pretty girls dance…”


Yeah, Eminem knows ‘wassup.

So before you close this page in disgust, allow me to explain. 


Cado + salsa + large-and-in-charge amounts of roasted red pepper hummus =


Spreadable brilliance.  So why limit my perfect dip to something normal, like, say, chips?


Kyle was less adventurous and went with plain WF salsa, but MY SALSA added an extra oomph to the already bangin’ Buffalo flavored Food Should Taste Good chips. 


These were way better than the last flavor we tried (Everything), and kinda resembled Doritos!  Ha! 

However, being the odd duck that I am, I quickly transferred my humm-cado-salsa to my main course. 


Just take my word, it was good.


But of course I had dessert.  This was mostly frozen strawberries, with a touch of cocoa powder (I’m nearly out 🙁 eek!), and ‘fu, xanthan gum, ice, and NuNaturals stevia (I use the liquid drops).  Soooo good!


And in true backwards ADHD fashion, here are my day’s worth of work eats, for your viewing pleasure…


Broccoli, corn, edamame, and dried cranz.  Simple AND yum.


Pretz/carob chips/pepitas/and raisins, a Graham Cracker Z bar, a Cookie Dough Luna protein bar, Tazo chai tea and two apples a la mode.


The Cookie Dough flavor is the only protein Luna that I like, but after having such pure, chemical free bars (Larabars and PranaBars), my stomach hasn’t been taking to these as kindly as it did previously.  Hmmm…

Anyways, I’m off to bed.  I finally have a day off tomorrow, so I will be catching up on all my errands.  Thrilling, I know.

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Comments (21)

  1. Anna

    I’m totally with you. I just read that and said – “By George she’s brilliant!” While wearing a top hat of course… Okay, maybe not… but I’m totally with you on making some sort of thick salsa and that’s on my list now. I think what I love about your eats is seeing all the great fresh veggies each day, and adding salsa to that? Win!

    Too bad I already ate dinner… but I have some salsa (of course), so tomorrow I might need to whip up some hummus and see how it all mixes together.

  2. healthyappletite

    I really wish we had Luna bars available in the UK! xx

  3. Beth

    Cookie dough Lunas are the best of the three.
    And I’m glad you said that about the Buffalo flavor FSTG chips. I’ve tried them all and have been disappointed. Thats the only flavor I haven’t tried, so I’m on a mission now! 🙂

  4. snackface

    So, this is how much I’m influenced by your eats:

    Monday night late-night snack: raisins. Tons of raisins. Some dipped into pb.

    Tuesday: I’m starving still, after beans and cereal, so I go to Kroger for the one thing I know will work: Newman’s Spelt Pretzels and Sabra. While there, I spied Bora Bora bars. Of course, I had to buy these.

    Thank you for your delicious influences. Now I must go buy avocados and salsa.

  5. feetinmotion

    The cookie dough luna is the only flavor I like too!

  6. Adam

    I feel the exact same way about any non-natural bar now… They just don’t cut it anymore! Luna needs to step it up. And i have an exam today which means a little free time afterwards so i may even make the trek to WF solely for the purpose of finding things i have seen on HHH. 🙂 Oh ya and maybe groceries for my fam too… if there is any money left over.

  7. Jenna

    dip looks amazing!

  8. Jenny

    i’m just going to go out on a limb and guess that your post title is referring to that eminem song? in which case, I am madly in love with you. If it’s not – well, i’m madly in love with you anyway.

  9. samantha

    i’m about to try that cookie dough protein luna thang. it looks nummy so i sure hope it is!

    your smoothies always look UNREAL – i have recently jumped on the bandwagon and just. can’t. get. enough. i might have to invest in xanthum gum.

  10. Holly

    holy dippage. that’s all i have to say about that.

  11. lowandbhold

    YOUR salsa sounds amazing 🙂 Way to kick it up about 5 notches!

  12. schacalieu

    I’ve never been a huge luna bar fan, but that flavor sounds good. Maybe because I LURVE cookie dough!!! Your salsa looks amazing!

  13. elise

    you got it!!! 🙂

  14. Anna

    I’m loving those cookie dough Lunas — I just wish they were easier to find in my part of the world! And hummus + avocado + salsa = brilliant.

  15. Melissa

    Love that salsa..yum. I have to try your strawberry ice cream looks delish!

  16. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    omg too funny that we both posted the luna cookie doughs on the same day. i havent broken into mine yet and i have been told there’s whey in it (again, trace dairy i dont freak out for, vegan police be damned) but anyway yea im sure it’s nothing like a pure bar but hey, mine were a buck! ha!

    vday gift. amen. Just a month+ late. Wow. I’m sure it’s “amazing” and that you will enjoy every sec of it.

    BTW we lowered the price 10g’s in an attempt to stimulate efforts here. Trust me, climbing the walls.


  17. julie

    dude i think your salsa is totally un weird and totally normal. in fact i think its genius. my kind of meal. just mix shit in a bowl and put on other shit? done and done. kyle was missing out if you ask me..

    …by the way i’m totally and completely addicted to xanthum gum. so much for it “lasting a long time” hahaha

  18. ethel

    My salsa! I love love love it! AND I’m so much more inspired to make guacamole tonight. It has been a mexican themed week so far, but I’ve been too lazy to make the sides, but not tonight! I’m inspired!

  19. adrianna

    and why NOT mix the 3 best dips ever? dont know why i never thought of this…genius i tell ya!

  20. rachel

    my salsa 🙂 how funny E and E- my week has been mexican themed too with full on guac deliciousness on mon and for tonight! perhaps one day ill add hummus too! miss you!! xxxxx

  21. ksgoodeats

    Cookie dough is the best of the three, I agree! I fully support you and your weird sense of humor and eats. My life would be INNNNCOMPLETE (like the Backstreet Boy’s song) without them.

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