Happy Christmas break!
Kyle is back home now so we got to chill this weekend and it was fantastic. The best part (in addition to his negative covid test result which he took once he got back) was that I got a chance to run to Nugget for a huge haul and THEY HAD SILK SOY CREAMER!!
Finally!! I could have thrown a party right on the spot.

I bought three just in case disaster struck again. Now I can order groceries for a while without needing to go a store in-person.
While there, I also stocked up on two other key things including the #secretspecial which may sound insane because we have SO MANY sweets in the house already. [And for me to say that, means it’s beyond the abnormal status that is our status quo). But when Jo’s chocolates are only $1 you need to take advantage!

These PB cups are AMAAAZING and I never buy them because they are way too pricey.
The other Nugget market essential I grabbed was a new loaf of Nourish bread.
Because ever since I finished off that leftover loaf I stumbled across last week I’ve been wanting to get more.
So now that I’ve gotten all the things I can ONLY get at Nugget, I am fully ready for a few months of online ordering. Hunker down mode is under way! Which is perfect since it has been SOOOO dark and dreary this week. The fog settled in on Monday and has yet to lift a few days later. It’s so weird not seeing the sun. That said, we are really enjoying the unstructured days. I’ve been keeping them busy with art & crafts, workbooks, games, and every once in a while I shove them out with masks to play basketball on our hoop with the neighbors.
I’ve been in a taco salad mood, so I made sure we had tons of leftovers for my lunches lately.

I had extra burgers in the freezer from a couple of weeks ago, which I used once the ground beef was all gone.
And while tortilla chips may be the traditional pairing, I much prefer kettle salt and pepper ridges.

This family size bag is my everything. I’m sure they know it’s the best flavor that exists which is why it’s hard to find in a size that isn’t ginormous. No problem for me!

If you need me, I will be over here sipping on a cup of SOY coffee organizing my chocolate stash…
Seriously, I can’t even describe to you…the amount of cake, cookies (SO MANY COOKIES), pie, etc that we have in the house right now…ON TOP OF our baseline (excessive) sweets hoarding…it’s got me like !!!!!!
The ridiculous part is that I still want to bake more! I have a few things that I’ve been meaning to make with the kids – peanut butter blossoms, grinch cookies, and cut out sugar cookies – but it seems ludicrous to ADD to our collection at this point. But I think I just might have to do it! Neighbors, friends, and Santa beware 😛
We aren’t alone though…it feels like everyone else also decided to bake and deliver food to each other this holiday season since we can’t be together. I am NOT mad about it one bit. If this is the silver lining to 2020, I will embrace it.

Looks like quite the perfect Christmas haul! You have peaked my interest … what are Grinch Cookies?? We made banana bread, chocolate dipped peanut butter Wheat Thin treats, and homemade chocolate chip cookies today! But we can always make more! <3
Basically cookies dyed green…with m&ms
Omg!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!! U have an arsenal of awesomeness!!!!! Ii LOVE dessert so I can relate!!! Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to you and your whole family!!!
Have you tried the “Browniest Cookies” on Smitten Kitchen? Your house will smell like chocolate for days. Delicious.
wow. definitely going to look into that!