My highlights: week 8



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We spent too much time at Lamps Plus last Sunday buying a chandelier for…drumroll…our new house!!!  I am still in shock.  More on that later.  In the two hours it took to find a suitable chandelier and matching chain, P managed to pee through an outfit and get super hungry.  Like a total rookie mom, I was prepared for neither.  We left at 11:30 thinking it would be a 30 minute trip, tops.  But we were way wrong.  Needless to say I made it work.  I changed him in the car and cleaned his outfit as best I could, then found a pouch of applesauce and corn puffs in the bottom of the diaper bag.  He was quite happy and fell asleep on the traffic-packed drive home.  Kyle and I both wanted to eat our own faces by the time we got home and were laughing at the ridiculous nature of the whole outing.  In the end we got a chandelier though, so mission accomplished! 


My sister bought me a 6 pack of Roscato (aka the best wine ever) for P’s first birthday.  It makes me sound like a mega boozer, but if you’ve ever tried this fizzy red vino, then you understand.  If you haven’t, I suggest you remedy that situation asap. 

Anyway, I popped the cork screw top last weekend when we had some friends over.  The kids romped in the backyard while we sipped and supervised.


Looking over the fence, keeping an eye out for our friends.


The blue eyes babes.


Salt and vinegar roasted chickpeas.  I made two batches and shockingly, P actually ate the salt-less ones.  Every day is a new food mood, though, so I’m not holding my breath.


This week’s weather was rather schizophrenic.  Shorts!  Flip flops!!  I dressed like this for two glorious walks in the sunshine until the rain came.


After a gorgeous start to the week, the storms hit on Wednesday and haven’t slowed since.  Spring is such a tease.  

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Went to the East Bay again on Monday for this lecture series.  I carpooled with my parents, but when I first got to their house my mom was out on a hike with the dogs.  Patty-cakes was so confused as to why the dogs weren’t in the backyard.  When they got home, he gave grandma a nice greeting, but quickly turned his attention to the pups.

PS This lecture featured Joan Dye Gussow & Michael Moss, speaking on “Consumerism, Marketing, and Health.”  They got me fired up all over again about the crap the majority of the nation eats, and how big businesses target us, and why our grocery stores look the way they do.  Ugh.  Somehow it was depressing and discouraging, while still being inspiring and motivating.  But if you’re looking for answers, I came away with nada.  If only we could all have the time and financial resources to make our own food from real ingredients and completely boycott processed products.  Not super realistic though.


Breakfast battle: sweet or savory?  I don’t do “or”.  It’s sweet AND savory for moi.

On the left, steel cut oats with golden raisins, strawberries, and cinnamon.  On the right, two fried eggs. 

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Testing out the umbrella stroller.  I got it at the thrift store for $6 in preparation for our travel.  All it has to do is last 12 days.  Or at least just the flight portion.  I can rent something once we arrive if it turns out to be a p.o.s.

So far so good though.  I treated myself to Starbucks because I had negative cups at my parents’ house and then P got an eye infection and I had to go to the hospital and yadda yadda, I wanted caffeine.  The stir stick made a nice toy for him.  It’s the simple things…


Twinsies.  And it happened twice!  So weird cracking into an egg and seeing double yolks come out. 

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Breakfast strata for Kyle.  Sourdough, Green Valley organic plain lactose free yogurt, spinach, eggs, salsa, and parmesan on top.  He loves the gluten and dairy, so P and I live vicariously through him. 

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Aint no drizzle holding back our family jog.  But lack of sleep does (P is sick).  This was a short run, but we did it, and that’s all that matters. 


He fell asleep like this.  Like, wtf, that cannot be comfortable. 


Top meal of the week was packed with these roasted veggieeeeeeees. 

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Kale salad lunches were a close runner up.  All good.

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Comments (14)

  1. Sue wilson

    I don’t understand a lot of your recipes they would have me doubled up eating things like chickpeas cous couscous pulses. I’ve been told to lay off 20 major foods associated with flare ups. A lot of your good is in this list . I eat very low fodmaps not a lot of high fibre. Basically soluable foods . Love to follow you but doesn’t make sense to someone with IBSD.

  2. Elise (Post author)

    I’m sorry about your IBD. I’m not sure what couscous you’re referencing (I didn’t make any) and the chickpeas were for my son.

  3. Patricia

    Lovely family! Love these updates. Your baby is so cute!!!!!!

  4. Lee

    Congrats on the house! That’s exciting.

    Our weather has been crazy too. Lows in the 20s earlier this week and today’s high is 70!

  5. Red Deception

    Congrats on the new house! Looking forward to seeing photos!
    Poor little wee one with an eye infection 🙁

  6. S

    I feel ur pain with the ibd. What foods do u tolerate?

    Elise, what do those yummy salads consist of? Looks delish

    Congrats on the house

  7. Sara

    Congrats on the new place, so exciting! I’ve followed you since NYC and it feels like you should be a moving pro by now, I am sure it will be a breeze.

    I feel you on the lecture series. I get all fired up but it seems to always be an uphill battle. I consider myself well informed and I can’t resist buy their crap half of the time… Eh.

  8. Livi

    Babies are too funny- how can he sleep like that?! Too cute!

  9. Emily

    Oh my- congratulations on the new house! I can’t wait to hear more details about it.

    How is P so big already? I feel like it was just yesterday that you announced your pregnancy…so crazy! He’s such a little charmer! (:

  10. Katie

    Oh I can’t wait to hear more on the house! Eeeeks! Congrats! We are moving soon too! 🙂 Love that picture of him sleeping 🙂

  11. Kate

    How do you handle fodmaps when you eat out? Do you ask for no garlic, onion, etc, or do you just “take the hit”?

  12. Elise (Post author)

    I take the hit for the most part. Unless it’s something that onion can obviously be omitted from (ie red onion in a salad).

  13. anne

    Congrats on the new home!! I really love that you go with your parents to different lectures, you’re lucky :). I always bookmark city arts and lectures, and inforum events but no one I know is interested in attending, so podcast streams suffice for now!

  14. Megan

    Hi Elise!

    Made your savory muffins and they were a bit wet could u ever use flax meal or almond flour quinoa flour to help dry them out?

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