My little boy is no longer a baby. Happy first birthday patty-cakes. You are the biggest source of joy I have ever known.
Obviously the boxes and wrapping were more exciting than the actual presents.
We had a little party with our closest family and friends. It was pretty perfect.
Pacman muffin. 🙂
I had the same breakfast 4 days this week thanks to these GF lemon streusel muffins by Udi’s.
Sorry for the hyperbole, but they are SOOO good. I don’t usually go gaga for lemon things, but they actually aren’t mega lemon-y. Nor is the streusel mega sweet. It’s pretty much the perfect muffin.
Their fluffiest flavor by far!
The one day I deviated from the muffin extravaganza was for these failed pancakes. The good news is that as a chia pudding it was awesome.
It had chia seeds, mashed banana, desiccated coconut, coconut milk, cinnamon and stevia. I ate the scrambled “pancakes” warm and the rest of the “batter” cold. Good both ways!
Not mom jeans.
Rain rain go away.
Pent up energy…and crappy weather…means chasing balls all over the house. Kinda like baby Jillian Michaels routines.
Our neighbor dropped these off on P’s birthday!! How sweet!
Afternoon smoothie obsession going STRONG. This one had frozen bananas, frozen pumpkin (from a huge one I baked in Fall), coconut milk, Vega One french vanilla mix and ice. No extra sweetener needed thanks to the super ripe banana and stevia in the vega mix.
Took advantage of the break in the rain to go on a morning jog.
My bestie came to town for Pacman’s birthday and we grabbed lunch at Crepeville. Our $ allowance only includes one (non-dinner) meal out per week, so this was a great one. 🙂
Packing up Kyle’s lunch. This sando had salmon salad on one half (canned salmon mixed with celery, mayo, mustard, S+P) with smoked hummus on the other half. Do you guys miss my work meal posts? I do. If you want me to share what I make for Kyle every once in a while let me know.
Because mine all look like this. And sometimes they aren’t even plated! Oh carrots, how I love thee.
If life gets better than this, I can’t even imagine it.

Such a beautiful, Happy family. 🙂 glad pacman’s bday bash was a success!
Darling post. It definitely made me smile. Happy Happy Birthday to your little one!
Happy Birthday P!
Happy birthday little man! Looks like a love filled week! Xx
Dear Elise, thank you so much for your week highlights. I love those posts, they always make me smile and be looking forward to becoming a mum one day myself.
Lots of Love from Germany!
I love everything you post! But it would be fun to see what you pack for Kyle too. I always need new ideas.
Happy Birthday Pacman!
My boy is a month older. He’s my whole heart that boy. Yes post pics of Kyle’s lunch.
Your boy is gorgeous! He is a blue eyed boy like mine. Melts my heart:)
Happy Birthday!!
What a cutie! Can’t believe it’s been a year. Happy Birthday lil guy!
Happy Birthday P!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, PacMan!!
And yeah – I’d love some meal ideas via Kyle’s lunches for my hubby. 🙂
he is so big, it’s crazy!! and so so cute :)!
Happy Birthday!!!! I love the family photo 🙂
Happy Birthday, PAC Man! xox
Thank you for sharing! Happy Birthday to P, did he love the cake?! It would be great to see what you pack for Kyle if you don’t mind sharing. Kind of random and not related to this post, but doesn’t hurt to ask….would you consider doing a post about baby sleeping/napping?!
Happy birthday, P! He is such a cutie. Love your non-mom jeans. 🙂
Happy birthday P!!!!
He is rockin’ that “fun to be one” bib! Did he like the cake??
It would be great to see posts of kyle’s packed lunches! (Assuming its not also an egg avo mix with carrots and pretzels most days 😉 hahaha.
Ha – Kyle’s lunches are not as lame as mine.
As for P – he wasn’t too sure about the cake. He liked it for a little bit, but then he smeared it all over and the crowd went wild…and this kid is all about the reaction of others…such a ham. So once he figured out he could get a laugh from wiping it everywhere he didn’t want to eat it at all. Probably would have preferred peas and banana. Next year – an avocado cake!
it’ll be your turn before you know it!
awwww…thanks so much sarra 🙂
thanks jessica. he was iffy on the cake, but once he smeared it everywhere and got a huge reaction from the crowd it was all over – the kid likes an audience, so no interest in eating the cake after that!
im not really knowledgeable on sleep stuff – we have been SUPER lucky with his natural sleep pattern. he started sleeping through the night (12-15+ hours) from a few months old and i had nothing to do with it. as a result, naps were all over the place because he slept so much at night! until ~10 months we had no real structure with naps and (in hindsight) that was annoying. now we (try to) do 2 naps – roughly around 10 am and 3 pm. sometimes he goes down easily, sometimes he puts up a fight and crawls all over the crib for 30 minutes before giving in. so i don’t really know what i can offer. all babies seem sooooo different!
you got it then cecilia!
Time goes so fast. It seems like yesterday you were showing us your baby bump! You’ve done a great job embracing the new chapters of your life with aplomb and keeping up the blog at the same time. Your blog has been my favorite for a long time and I appreciate your dedication to it.
Happy Birthday P!!!!!!! Yes please post lunch ideas from Kyle’s lunch.
Continue to love and enjoy life. Love your blog it is how I end my day. Thanks for posting.
Thanks Elise! Wow, that is an amazing sleep schedule :)!!
carole – your comment means so much to me. thanks for your support and encouragement. blogging makes me happy but the positive feedback i get from readers makes it even more fun.
Did you quit work? Are you still working? And I am sorry if I missed it but where are you flying? None of my kids have allergies otherwise I would comment on that one. But because we are an international family living here my kids have been traveling often since they were each 6 months old. Florida (domestically) to visit my husband’s family and overseas (12 hour flight I prefer direct if I can find affordable) to visit my family. Good luck and safe travels. Mine are older now ages 9, 7, ad 5 so it is easier 🙂
Ah! I am curious about the avocado cake… I tried using avocados in sweet stuff with no success. I love avocados in savory dishes and salads but could not do it in puddings and such…Curious how yours will come out. Good luck!