I plugged my iPhone into my computer this weekend and was VERY alarmed by all the amazing photos I took over this past year that never saw the light of day. Well, certainly I enjoyed the moment as I lived it, but many of the pics I took with the intention of sharing and then life got busy and they got buried behind 400 other photos.

Here’s a quick look at the Mother’s Day thing we got going on…six years in a row!

Muir Woods gets more and more fun as the kids get older. For the second year in a row we actually did the full loop to the end and back. It’s not terribly long, although there are plenty of additional jaunts off the main path that you can take to extend your hiking. But the kids are just getting to a good point with the current amount, we didn’t feel the need to push it.

You need parking reservations now, but we knew that and took care of it ahead of time, so it was a breeze (after the not super quick drive over).
Like last year, we found our way to Belcampo at Larkspur Landing for lunch after…
Unlike last year, they didn’t have a special mother’s day menu and their menu was quite limited. I was a little disappointed TBH, but they had recently had a fire in the kitchen, which caused most of the issues, so it is hard to be mad about that. The fact that the place is still in business is a relief in and of itself because kitchen fires can be a little scary.

As a result, there was no deep fryer, which meant we had to settled for chips instead of fries. And the Brussels sprouts starter that I wanted more than anything wasn’t available either.

Chips are fine, but these weren’t even good ones and they gave us such a small amount that it looked so sad next to the burger.

Kyle was smart and got a salad on the side of his benedict, although he said the hollandaise was so weird that he didn’t even recognize it as a benedict.
Sorry Belcampo, but I think we will try a new spot next Mother’s Day.