What an amazing weekend. Not just because I got showered with love. With or without Mother’s Day, this past Saturday and Sunday were just plain awesome.
Kyle was down in LA on Friday for a conference, so I was solo parenting again.
I broke the fast with a bowl of overnight oats. Man, it’s been a while since I made these! I basically just added boiling water to some oats the night before, along with a few big spoons of peanut butter. Then I stirred it all up and left it in the fridge so it was ready the next AM (totally a life saver when I woke up and didn’t have to hassle with the stove). I topped it with Udi’s GF granola and raisins.
I spent the rest of the afternoon like this. All the while making my way through the “family size” tub of classic Sabra hummus.
Carrots, Lundberg’s GF brown rice cakes, Van’s GF crackers, monster salad, spoon, finger…nothing was safe.
That salad had spring greens, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, hummus, and TJ’s balsamic glaze.
I don’t even know what I had for dinner because there’s no photo. It was probably another salad like the one I had mid-day.
I do know what I had for dessert though. I’m a hoarder of chocolate bars. This (seasonal) Nutcracker theo bar is one of my absolute favorites. I finished off the remaining 3/4 of the bar with some frozen grapes. Probably way more dessert than anyone should eat, but totally delicious.
Kyle’s flight landed well after midnight so both P and I were asleep by then. Saturday marked the beginning of mommy celebration.
For breakfast I enjoyed a warm gluten free blueberry muffin, compliments of Udi’s. I topped it with peanut butter because I’d been dreaming of it since the middle of the night. Seriously. I dream about food. Normal?
After breakfast we hung around the house enjoying family time. At some point Kyle offered to change P and when he came back my little boy had on a new onesie.
I know it’s hard to read, but Frodo refuses to let go of the rings once he’s got them in his grasp. It says Happy First Mommy Day. So cute right?
Once we were all clean, dressed and ready to go, we packed up the car and headed to San Rafael. Kyle had a fun day planned for us that started with lunch at Radiance Cafe.
I don’t quite know how to say this. But this was some mega hippie sh!t. He said he found it by googling vegan in Marin.
It’s kinda attached to a bookstore, but it’s also kinda in a bookstore. The decor. The vibe. It was about as hippie as it gets. We both agreed it was exactly how a vegan restaurant would be depicted (stereotyped) in a Paul Rudd movie. The funniest part was P’s face when we entered.
I cannot stop laughing because it’s exactly how I felt as I took in the scene.
All jokes aside, the staff was super friendly and the food was awesome. So really, there’s no reason for me to make fun of the place.
The menu is basic. They have a grain of the day and a veggie dish of the day, and you either get them in a bowl form (macro-esque) or a plated form. The plated form comes with a salad.
Kyle and I split the large radiance plate which had an organic salad, brown and wild rice (the daily grain), veggies with a white sauce and the soup of the day.
The soup of the day (above) was a curry lentil thing and it was super yum. We both really liked it.
The salad was okay, nothing special. It had a tangy dressing. The veggies with the white sauce (seen on the far right of the plate) were the highlight for me. I don’t know what was in that white sauce, but it was gooooood stuff. I mixed all the rice in with it to soak up the extra.
I regret not getting a cookie for dessert because I got hungry shortly after.
There was a cute little street fair going on in San Rafael, so we walked around for a bit before we went back to the car.
Kyle changed P’s diaper in the trunk and then I fed him in the backseat…and then we were off…
To Muir Woods.
I love nature. I love being in the beautiful outdoors. It sounds cheesy, but it can really bring some zen into your life. Being under 250 foot tall redwoods (that are over 1000 years old) makes you feel very small.
I ate this deliciousness before we went in. Chocolate and protein and a little caffeine kick in the pants. Hit. The. Spot.
We need to invest in a sun hat because all we had to shade our little guy was this stupid bonnet. It worked, but in the future, we should probably get something that’s not quite as silly looking.
The place was super crowded and we ended up parking pretty far down the road, but the baby bjorn worked out great. Stroller freedom! And how cute does he look as a little koala clinging to me…those big blue eyes kill me.
So pretty!
We asked someone to take our photo and this is what we got.
Hmmmm. Artsy?
We did a short loop in and out so that we wouldn’t be too damned if the baby carrier didn’t work out, but P passed out for much of the walk. He did seem to enjoy it when he was awake though (he’s always mesmerized by light and the outdoors). We left before it got too cool and unfortunately hit some traffic leaving the area, which meant we didn’t get home until later in the evening. I changed and fed (and then changed again) PAC man before we left the woods, so he wasn’t hungry, but Kyle and I were starving.
Kyle had a huge mac n cheese casserole that I had made him the previous day, so I just made myself a salad.
It had spring greens, smoky maple bacon tempeh, fried eggs, carrots, and tomatoes with Bragg’s aminos.
Half way through I decided there wasn’t enough fat in it, though, so I added a bunch of salty nuts. I had more nuts for dessert, too. Nuts for nuts.
We had nothing really planned for Sunday. One of Kyle’s friends was in town so he stopped by in the morning. But aside from that it was just a nice mellow AM.
I had a messed up fried egg with a toasted Udi’s bagel. This is the mighty bagel and lemme tell you, it was hard to believe it was gluten free.
It’s made with quinoa and millet, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and cranberries. Packed with goodness! Reminds me of my (former) favorite bagel from Noah’s, the cranberry orange one that’s only around during the holidays.
See all the stuff going on in there? That’s a far cry from the nutrient devoid gluten free stuff you normally see.
I digress…
I had breakfast in parts. The first half right when I woke up, and the second half an hour later. Both with lots of peanut butter.
The rest of the morning was spent opening cards (yay!) and trying to figure out how to pick the cherries from our cherry tree.
Yeah, apparently we have a cherry tree. News to us! We only just figured it out since they started getting ripe, but they are all so high up that the birds are stealing them before we can get them! Boo.
Kyle went into the shop to borrow a ladder foot stool thing, so we got a few branches worth. And some oranges from our neighbor’s free too. They have figs and persimmons that we may get later on also. Yay for free produce!
I got hungry around noon and decided to make myself a large salad. I’m in a huge salad phase, can you tell? This was lots of the same, greens, carrots, tomato, tempeh, and a hummus dressing (Sabra + Bragg’s + water). I had plain quinoa on the side.
A little bit later I heard the doorbell ring and since I was nursing, Kyle went to answer it. Next thing I know my sister is walking into the nursery with flowers in her hand! What!?! Such an awesome surprise. It is soooo cool that I live close to family for fun surprises like this. Love love love being in Nor Cal. 🙂
The three of us headed to UC Davis for the Whole Earth Festival. As if my weekend could get any more hippie. Oh boy was this a scene. I loved every second of it, though. The most tempting stand was one that sold kombucha mothers (as well as dried ones on necklaces). The most ridiculous was one that had fairy wings. There was food and music and had it not been 100 degrees and packed we may have hung out longer. I did end up buying a hanging necklace rack thing.
Back home, Auntie Marie played with her nephew. And he showed off all his latest tricks. Like trying to roll over and army crawl scoot (mega face burn with the latter).
Okay okay. He’s only 3 months old. He’s really just mastering the whole neck support thing. But he really does want to move move move.
The day got to be too much for him though and as soon as my sister left he conked out too.
While holding the ring. And his bib. Watch out ladies, he’s a grabber.
Another salad beast. Greens, roasted kabocha squash, carrots, tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, and sprouted pumpkin seeds.
These pumpkin seeds to be exact.
What a salad!! So happy with this guy.
And I still have the rest of this squash to take down this week.
I ended the weekend by enjoying too much trail mix (damn you Costco and your bulk yummy goods) but oh well.
Life is good. PS Thanks for the super supportive comments on my last post. Reminded me why blogging is awesome and totally made me want to keep it up.

Man, he loves those rings! So cute.
I woke up and you had 62 comments on your last post, and all (I think?) were super awesomely full of luv – yay for HHH friends! I did comment but it got lost in the smelly train in the way to my high rise job in the city! New job, 11 to 12 hours a day I am tired! And lost my comment. But so glad all your hippie followers showed their stuff!
Kisses to koala P, and you really suit that green tank top, it looked swell 🙂
x Lori
Seriously. Pinch yourself. Every post I am so completely envious of where you live and your accessibility to such awesome food, events and people. P is so lucky to have been born into such a fun family 🙂
I tried to comment yesterday, but it must have been on positive comment overload since I was kicked out twice, so here it is today. Glad you’re feeling better about things, especially blogging. You are an inspirational young woman and mother. As hard as I looked, I can’t find a single thing to fault you about, even though it’s human nature to look for the weaknesses and cracks in people and situations. You make me laugh every morning, and the days when I’m too busy to start by reading your blog, I look forward to when I can click on that link and take a brief respite in California, around your table, and gawking at cute pictures of P! Keep up the good work, Elise.
Beautiful weekend! Your family is wonderful
I’ve always wanted to go to Muir Woods! I want to stand next to those big trees! So cool!
It looks like you had a fantastic first mothers day weekend! Those trees are huge! So cool! Where did you find those amazing GF bagels? I haven’t seen them in upstate NY, hopefully soon. Motherhood looks amazing on you 🙂
Ah I’m so jealous you went to Muir Woods! I got to go there in January when I was visiting my friend, i was blown away with how gorgeous it was!
OMG, you have a cherry tree!!!! lovely story, btw, but you have a cherry tree. i can only hope that my cherry patio tree-thingy can give some fruits.
thank you so much susan. this comment really touched me so im glad you took the time to re-write it.
i felt really good about things after yesterdays post and so im probably going to continue…i just have to sort out the right balance. but your kind comment and support mean everything to me. 🙂
its a crazy feeling – you should go!
any ideas on how i can get them off the high branches?! they are going to waste and its killing meeeeeeee!
believe me i do. every single day. for lots of reasons. 🙂
hes ring obsessed i tell ya!
the lovely outpour of support on yesterdays post made me so happy. it just reinforces the positive stuff. 🙂
whole foods has most udi’s products and the blueberry ones are AWESOME. totally recommend.
I laughed out loud when I saw that even sound asleep he keeps a death grip on those rings!
I love hummus as a salad dressing, I mix it with cider vinegar.
My cousins had a cherry tree and covered it with a sheer sheet. It looked ridiculous but it kept the birds away and the cherries for us.
Climbing up a ladder sounds like plan. i doubt my boss likes me coming over to help you, since i’m a little taller then most people. my cherrytree is just a meter high, the biggest problem i have, besides not having cherries, is scaring away the birdies.
Wow, what a great weekend! I need to check out that Radiance Cafe and jealous that you went to the Whole Earth Fest, next year!
I love the sleepy “these are mine!” photo!
And now I miss CA.
Glad you had a great weekend!
What a great first mother’s day you had! It is so clear how much love you have in your life!
Oh my goodness, his face in that lunch photo is too much! I love crazy baby expressions.
I’m envious of your cherry tree, though as a fellow height-challenged individual, I can only imagine the torment of not being able to reach the goodies.
And I love reading about your experience with new motherhood. I didn’t see the negative comments that spurred yesterday’s post, but I sincerely hope you continue sharing your life. It’s been so great to read about your pregnancy, birth and parenting right before I go through it myself. Also, you have some a normal, balanced approach to food that is lacking in basically every other “healthy living” blog, so I’m grateful to read about food ideas from a non-disordered person.
So happy to see your blog in my inbox! I was concerned about you! Elise, how do you cook your fried eggs? Also, how are you liking Davis compared to Santa Monica? I so want to move to California but the budget is a bit tight. 🙁
How did your tummy handle all those fodmaps? Hope you didn’t suffer too much! It definitely looks worth it even if you did! 🙂
Oof Beth. Sunday night and Monday were rough! Definitely back on track now. I guess it was worth it Bc I enjoyed the food in the moment but I was suffering later for sure. 🙁
Get the pan to high heat. Spray w oil. Crack in egg. Cover w lid and turn to lowest heat. Wait til tops have cooked but still have barely white translucent sheen. Slow and low!
The ring thing is so cute! I burst out laughing at his expression when you entered the restaurant. Great post 🙂
My precious! Ha ha. (Sorry; couldn’t resist).
But seriously, your Mom and I have put Muir Woods on our short list of to-dos.
I hope you had a great first Mommy’s Day!! 🙂
First of all, I like P’s bonnett, lol–he will rock whatever he wears! Such a cutie.
Second of all, you have a cherry tree?!?! I am SO freaking jealous!! Sooooooooooo jealous. And figs and persimmons next door?! When can I come and visit? I’ll camp out in the cherry tree 🙂
Great idea with the overnight oats! I forgot about those, and I’m sure they will make the mornings so much easier! Love the onesie – SO cute! Good job Kyle! Glad you had a great Mother’s Day! xoxo
The picture of the little guy’s face in that restaurant made my afternoon! Awesome! Happy first Mother’s Day!
That vegan restaurant reminds me of the first health food store I visited as a teenager–I had just decided on becoming a vegetarian and went there in search of some tofu, among other things. Very hippie place with similar decor to the pictures you posted. Regardless, the staff was friendly, and I got tofu in the heart of Alabama, so who cares?
Can I just say that you look AMAZING? Seriously. How you managed to get back in shape that quickly is beyond me. It just goes to show that staying active and eating healthy throughout your pregnancy makes a huuuge difference.
It looks like you three (four including your sister!) had an amazing weekend. And I’m dying over P’s face in response to the vegan restaurant! That is priceless. (:
OOH fun that Marie came out! I cant wait until I come visit!!! Also…Mac n’ Cheese?? Lactose-free? Recipe?
Gracias 🙂
not lactose free. hence it being for kyle. it was just annie’s.
[costco for the win]
i absolutely love your blog! it’s one of my favorites and has been so for years. thank you for sharing your day-to-day life with us filled with delicious food, sunny CA, the little baby and so much more! 🙂
What a perfect weekend! (also, does P already suck his sweet little baby thumb?? I’m obsessed with thumb suckers. It’s so cute.)
he found his thumb by chance a week ago and ever since hes been obsessed. its so dang cute. he sucks like a fiend – it sounds ridiculous.
on the internet i saw a fruitpicker. it’s a stick with a little basket with a knife or scissorsystem. maybe you can find something like that… good luck.
thank you kayla 🙂
thank you emily!!! i have to say i am really surprised w how my body has already transformed. i dont want to sound like one of those women who i hate (“the weight just fell of!”) but thanks to an active pregnancy, good genetics, and breast feeding, ive been pleasantly surprised.
and yes, P’s stunned deer in headlights face is awesome.
exactly. if the food is good, i have little reason to care about anything else.
btw, i really enjoyed your paleo analysis. i have looked into it quite a bit as it overlaps with FODMAPs a lot, but im still not convinced that quinoa is the devil and making bone broth will heal my gut. the part of paleo devoted to GI health is intriguing nonetheless. id love for you to describe the difference between the weston a price, primal, and paleo approach from an RD perspective. the nuances of each are lost on me.
totally a life saving breakfast!
ps im exclusively cloth diapering now…keep your fingers crossed for me 🙂
youre more than welcome if youre camping out in the tree! i need someone who can climb up and get the fruit. its the BIGGEST TEASE EVER.
thanks brigid. the comments have been via email mostly, which is all the more distressing. who takes such time to email a person mean things??? anyway. i got a ton of amazing and positive comments so i am optimistic that i can continue with little modifications to what i share. we will see…
so true! im a lucky mama 🙂
i know right? hes so funny. now that he is figuring out his hands and what they do its hilarious.
ive seen those tree covers, btw. but ours is already fully grown…hmmm…
i need a cherry picker device. i saw something in the hardware store yesterday but it cost 40 dollars to kyle veto-ed it.
ive seen a similar thing…now im trying to see if i can get one for cheaper than the $40 i saw in stores. thanks!!
it was quite a scene!!
What brand/system are you using? I’ll be asking you how it’s going in the next couple weeks! We are going to Phoenix to visit family next week, and I *hope* to start it when we get home. Good luck! 😉
sometimes he looks like kyle and i swear, sometimes he’s you! he is just so precious!!! but not in the smeegle sort of way…hahaha! can’t wait to see him and his thumb sucking action!!!
you and kyle look so happy in nor cal. hate to admit it but perhaps bueno decision. =)
p.s. nice card, eh? 😉
oh my gosh what an adorable family:) your little guy is the cutest! those eyes!! 🙂
I will come with a huge ladder! Now I just need to buy a ladder and figure out how to get it to CA… 😉
Seriously, though, my grandparents used to have fig trees, and they had a horrible time with the birds eating them too. What they did was put a mesh netting over the tree to protect the fruit and then put lots of plastic owls and things in the tree to scare the birds off. Of course, the birds still got some of them, but we got a ton too!
ah so jealous of the beautiful trees at the park! I need to go hiking more:) P’s eyes are just gorgeous, I bet he’ll be a ladies man. Right now I’m loving some fried eggs on my salad too, so yummy with the runny yolk.
hes gonna be a total heartbreaker w those baby blues 🙂
Elise, how do you make your fried eggs? They look so much yummier than mine. Do you fry them in a fat of some kind? If so, how much? Maybe that is my problem.
never mind! I found the answer above. So sorry! BTW, what is your fodmap blog? Also, I thought of you when I saw this post on Kate Skalata’s blog. http://blog.katescarlata.com/2013/06/24/lemony-kale-hummus/