Last weekend we had one on one dates with the kids. I know I’ve mentioned that we do this every couple of months or so, but just in case you missed those posts, it’s nothing major. Just a half or full day of time where we split off into twosomes and enjoy the quality time. Last month I went mini golfing with P (followed by a sushi dinner date) while Kyle took V to the city pool. This time we swapped kids and Kyle took P to the zoo, while V and I went blueberry picking.

I’d never been to Morgan’s of California before, but a lot of people had been this season and it came highly recommended. This weekend was their last one so the bushes were pretty much picked over, but as you can see we managed to get plenty.
We got a tour of the property from Steve, who was so friendly and even offered to let me grab whatever figs I could from their property. There were about 50 green ones that are probably going to be perfect in another week that I sadly had to leave behind, but there was another tree at the entryway that had some ripe ones, so that was a treat.
The 18 acre farm is organic, and has everything from citrus (multiple kinds of oranges) to stone fruit (peaches, apricots) to nuts (walnuts, almonds) as well as dried fruits, animals, and a very impressive play area. V loved riding the airplane, playing on the swing and climbing in the tree house as well as saying hi to the goats, chickens, and puppies.
Definitely worth the drive out to Winters…

When we got home we got right to work on baking.
We picked five different types of blueberries, although I could really only tell you the difference between them when they were on the bush because the leaves looked different.
The one exception to that is the “pink lemonade” blueberry which is actually reddish pink. Steve picked some for us to try, which I was hesitant about because it looks like it’s going to be tart (on account of not looking fully ripe), but it is, in fact, a uniquely sweet blueberry.

Anyway, Morgan’s is wonderful and I definitely plan on bringing both kids back again next year.
Now if you have any good blueberry recipes, please send them my way…