4/8/16 was the big day. I have attempted to track down photos from various other devices (the phones of family and friends) to piece together something for HHH, but I was preoccupied soaking up this momentous day with my sister so I am sorry for the lack of decent footage.
We started the day with yoga on the beach at the Marriott. Kyle had the kids and they played around the hotel property until I was done and then we all went back to our house together. I helped with feeding the kids, but then went off to shower and get myself ready. From there on out, Kyle was pretty much dealing with them both solo.
My mom and I drove to the (suppppppper swanky) Hotel Wailea where my sister was staying to get ready in her room. It’s also where the wedding was, so it was way easy to coordinate.
We got room service while my sister’s hair and make up was being done.
Then, while the rest of the glam squad got things rolling in the bathroom, the ones who were in the hair styling chairs finally got their food. Not sure they are gonna love me for posting that one, but look how pretty they turned out!
Bridesmaid selfie.
I know she was starting to feel anxious at this point, but she did an amazing job keeping it hidden. Such a beautiful, composed, deserving bride.
Not a bad view, eh?
Ok, now is the part where you die from cuteness…
I wasn’t around for this part so you can imagine how my heart nearly exploded when I first saw my handsome big boy right before we walked down the aisle.
Baby blues <3
My sisters and I were the last ones to be carted over to the wedding venue (they literally drive you in golf carts from your door to wherever on the property…I think this isn’t exclusively for bridal parties, but who knows, it’s a relais & châteaux after all). The humorous part (I can say this in hindsight only) was that our golf cart ran out of gas 80% of the way up a hill and the wedding coordinator was our driver. She kept her cool fairly well but suddenly we went flying backwards down the hill at a seriously alarming speed. I kinda shouted at her “are you doing this on purpose?!” because I was pretty sure we were free falling backwards and only seconds away from doing a barrel roll in our heels and dresses. She sorta managed to maneuver us into another guest’s doorway and then we hitchhiked a ride from a different golf cart.
Phew. After that ordeal we basically just stepped out and started walking down the aisle! I was last to proceed in, so P just followed me to the front.
Stud of a ring bearer.
The ceremony was perfection. For my sister’s privacy I won’t go into details but I teared up at several points while still loving every second of it. And let’s just gloss over the fact that when everyone rose as the bride started to walk down, Patty-cakes’ folding chair collapsed in on him (IN THE FRONT ROW) and he started crying. I mean it looked pretty traumatic but I was at the front so I just stood there and watched it all go down. Grandma was quick on her feet though and whisked him off to Kyle and nobody was the wiser.
After the ceremony we toasted (lots), took photos, and then made our way to the reception site to mingle with dranks. I took it light because there was that whole – you know – speech thing looming over me.
But then my cousin made the brilliant point that buzzed (not sober) is the best place to be when speaking. So champagne it was!!
This is probably the only smiling non wailing photo of V from the whole night. And it’s because she’s in my arms, naturally. Poor thing. Poor Kyle. He had a seriously raw deal. He’s amazing, but there’s only so much you can do…
I felt bad for P too because he wanted to dance all night long, but V was done done done by 8. At least Kyle got to eat. And although he missed most of my speech, he did get to see a video of it after. Definitely took advantage of being child free for the night though. My parents gave me a ride home after the whole thing was shut down. IT WAS SO FUN!! What an awesome night of dancing and toasting to love. Weddings are such a blast.

what a gorgeous wedding dress and bride!! Scenery is also beautiful. Anyone who lives there is very lucky. And P looked so grown up and handsome. Beautiful family, Elise.
Your sister looked amazing, you looked amazing, but P almost stole the show! He is just so good looking!! So glad you got to have such a wonderful day, and yay for Kyle, what a trooper 🙂
Xx Lori
So beautiful! I used to live in Lahaina (only for a year) but still… Ah it’s so beautiful! And you have such a beautiful family! Cheers! And congrats! And, one more thing, I love your blog – I’ve been reading forever (like old school NYC days) and this might just be my first comment 🙂 you’re for real and I love how it shows thru ….and I eat way too much kale salad because of you!
My god!! P is too freaking cute for words there!!what a fabulous and very chic wedding- your sister is just stunning.
It does sound like kyle had his hands full- but then again when he leaves town and it’s all you now he really understands first hand what a bad day is ….
Really what a great way to celebrate the couple!
OMG what an awesome comment to get!!! Thanks for your kind words and rock on with your kale eating self 🙂
right?!?! he’s soooooo cute!!!!
I can’t believe I’m only just reading this. Love it!!! I love looking back at photos from the day. P was so dapper and I love that one of us outside the room. Xoxo
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