Hindsight is 20/20 and looking back I can now say with certainty, this was the day when we should have realized something was wrong with my baby girl. The poor thing was up way early and then after I nursed her she snuggled back in bed with Kyle and I and slept for another few hours (!!!!). This is inanely unlike her. She doesn’t snuggle at all. Like, at. all. She won’t curl into bed with us, she won’t be rocked, she won’t tolerate anything that seems like a hug. None of it. So her falling back asleep between us? Foreign child.
The rest of the day was pretty smooth though.
Kyle went golfing with the dudes, while my mom and sisters went and got mani/pedis with the girls, so I was left to play with the babes. I was nervous about the logistics of carrying all the pool crap from the parking garage of the Marriott to the pool along with my children, but I have to say…I basically nailed it as a mom. We had SO much fun. It wasn’t stressful at all, and we just had a blast together, no agenda, no schedule, nada.
After V’s morning nap I got us all packed up and we hit up the Marriott. First we watched the koi swim around for a while. Then they came to feed them so P got in on the action.
Then we went to play in the kid’s pool. Hours later we were all tired and ready to bounce. I got a starbucks on the way home which made mama happyyyyyyyyy.
These little cuties.
After lunches all around I put them down and laid out our clothes and took in the view.
V napped for an all time epic THREE HOURS. Holy #&*% it was a record breaker. At the time I was stoked. I read so much! But now I know she was sleeping so much because she was sick. Poor baby.
Snack a thon.
Nursing with her hand and my leg. So happy.
Kyle and my dad got home from golf and I immediately changed into a dress so I could join the wedding party for a sunset catamaran ride. Kyle stayed behind and did the dinner / bedtime routine so I could enjoy some drinks and adult conversation.
My phone was in my sister’s purse the whole time so I don’t have pics but it was fun meeting some of the Aussie crew and chatting it up with family who traveled all the way to Hawaii as well. Also, sailing is really fun. And so are Molokini Mules.

What an awesome “whole family” vacation. What an awesome family!! What an awesome mother you are!!! You help build such ego and pride and self-worth in your children without making the affected and pompous. I did the same thing. Makes for fabulous young teen and adults. Obviously, bec you are the same way. Enjoy the summer!
XO right back atcha 🙂
Oh No – I’m so sorry that V got sick on the trip. Poor thing – I hope she’s completely recovered by now.
I’m enjoying hearing about your trip and seeing the gorgeous photos. Wow!
Well until the part about V getting sick it sounds like a wonderful relaxing vacation! (Aside from the fun with the rental car people)
Of course the macadamia nuts and molkini mules sound fabulous!