The next morning we were up early (except P) because V hadn’t yet adjusted to the time change. She was up at 4 something though so I guess it could have been worse.
After making peeps a light (HA!) breakfast of eggs, waffles, and bacon we headed to the Wailea Marriott Resort’s kid pool. I had yogurt and granola because I’m still into sweet breakfasts. They had Kite Hill’s almond yogurt at the Maui Whole Foods so I obviously went for it. Nothing like paying 200% the price of something that’s already $$$ on mainland… But it’s really good so it was worth the vacation splurge. I got the strawberry and blueberry flavors and liked both enough to buy them again here in CA. I also got bulk bins granola which turns out to be decent, but I added raw almonds and salted macadamia nuts to it to give my (still nursing and therefore often ravenous upon waking) self a caloric boost.
Too cool for the pool. Just kidding! He was so into it. The first day he was still testing the waters (literally) but we went back several times (my sisters and most of the wedding guests were staying at the Marriott) so by the second day he was a little fish. Because he’s been taking swimming lessons forever, I felt comfortable letting him do his thing. Once the kids were exhausted, we ordered poolside take out to-go and packed up in the car to drive the measly one mile South to our place in Makena.
I got a kale salad with blackened fish (I don’t remember what the daily catch was) and a side of fries. FRIESSSSS. I order fries as much as I can on vacation. The fish was super spicy by the way, but I’m glad I got it because the kale salad on it’s own would not have put a dent in my appetite.
Local ‘buch in the afternoon while starting a book. Yup, I had the balls to bring my kindle on vacation. And guess what!? I actually read an entire book! For the record, The Martian is a super quick read and now I can’t wait to watch the movie. Also, this green flavor was the best I sampled of the Valley Isle brand. I also tried raspberry (not my thing), lilikoi (?) and pomegranate.
We had to wake P up early from his nap so we wouldn’t be late to the Te Au Moana luau (which was back at the Marriott Resort). Our group had a few tables and I was super excited for P to take in the scene. He’s a musical kid and appreciates dancing, instruments, and rhythm like nobody else I know (and Kyle and I are both pretty musical so that is saying a lot).
I know you don’t go to places like this for the food, but it was actually pretty good. They did the whole kalua pig procession and I even tasted poi (not so great). There was a lot of sesame so I was cautious about people and things touching P (I brought food for him planning to not feed him anything from the buffet whatsoever). But then I saw the opportunity to speak with the staff and they were super knowledgeable, got my a hand out that listed every dish and all the allergens in it, and they let me serve myself first so I could make sure the serving utensils and whatnot weren’t contaminated. SUPER awesome. Well done Marriott.
The pork was a big hit with both kids, but once the hula dancing started….oh buddy…he was captivated.
He even got on stage at one point which made my mama heart burst with pride. The entire drive home he was talking about it and how brave he was and how he did something not even adults do (his exact words, not even at our suggestion!).
We stayed as long as we could until V was truly beyond, which was actually later than I thought we’d make it so I’d say it was a success.
And after the kids were down we snuggled up to some tv on the iPad and more chocolate covered nuts.
BTW I scanned in the sheet I got with the luau food for others to know. I tried to google the luau menu beforehand and got nothing back so maybe people who do the same will get to this page and find it helpful.
As you can see sesame isn’t alllll over everything but there was one dish to avoid. And peanuts were nowhere to be found. Plenty of gluten and dairy though.