My baby sis is married! And what a perfect, fun, amazing weekend it turned out to be! I was pretty stressed going into it on account of the baby sitter situation…and the other normal stuff that accompanies a wedding. But things went about as smooth as you could hope.
Truth be told, Valley girl did NOT like having a baby sitter. AT. ALL. and so that was hard, but it’s over and I’m just glad for that.
Started Thursday like the rest of the week…with breakfast and play time outside until it got too hot.
We had a play date with friends and then I ran errands to get ready and pack before soccer in the afternoon…and before I knew it, we were off to my parents’ house. Kyle was flying in that night from a work trip so he drove separately, which resulted in the very fun task (sarcasm) of having two cars all weekend.
But it was nice to get there early, because I had more hands to help out (my sister and her husband were there for the night too), which is always helpful, but is especially appreciated after solo parenting for a while.
The kids got naked and went swimming with my dad as soon as they got there and then once the food was ready, we feasted on salmon, flank steak, cauli, and salad.
I ate twice. 😬 Once with the kids, and then again later with the adults when the kids were in bed.
V was convinced Auntie Laura’s shoes almost fit. 😉
These spazzes love their Auntie so much.
The next morning was nice and leisurely, which was another perk of arriving in town the night before. We slow played breakfast and eventually made our way to my sister’s casa in Danville.
I had this amazingness for breakfast (plus starbucks, duh). I LOVE Urban Remedy so much. I had a really hard time picking a juice. Thank goodness I was just choosing from the WF case as opposed to the proper store in town (they have a limited selection in WF so imagine how much I would struggle with quadruple the options!!).
I set up the kids’ rooms and toys and food at my sister’s place while the babysitter played with P (V was wailing and calling for me the entire time). Once things were all squared away I headed to Walnut Creek for a lunch and nail date with the bridal party.
We went to Tender Greens for lunch. Yummmm…and then I ran to get P’s bowtie and met the fam at Jamba Juice.
They had just woken from naps and weren’t in the best moods (per Kyle) so this was the perfect cool treat to perk them up.
Time to change and head to the church for the rehearsal!
They were so excited to walk down the aisle.
The first time through they did great! [Which made me a little nervous about how it would go the next day because I thought for sure they had wasted the good surprise procession on the rehearsal]
Everyone but the bride to be.
Who’s excited!!!
After some photos, Kyle took the kids back to my sister’s house where the babysitter was waiting for them. I went with my sisters and parents to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner while he was doing that drop off…
My mom and I accidentally twinning. No surprise there, we have THE SAME taste in clothes. I was trying to explain the twinning emoji to her to model here but she didn’t know what I was talking about. Not a bad effort.
Kyle joined not long after and told me the kids lost their minds when he left them sooooo…ugh. I was a little on edge for the rest of the night. We were entrusting the delivery of P’s dose (the most important thing ever) to someone else for the first time and that was scary enough, so to know that they were both crying was anxiety inducing. No amount of champagne could push it out of my head. In the end, P only cried for a couple of minute before composing himself, but V never stopped crying. She eventually went to bed without dinner which is apparently all she asking for. Poor thing. Shockingly, she didn’t wake up early and/or starving despite her rough night.
Sleeping beauty.
I had to leave early the next morning to get to my sister’s hotel room (WEDDING DAYYYYYY!!!!), so I did a quick nike workout, laid out brekkie for the wee ones, and hit up the bucks on the way to the Lafayette Park Hotel.
Champagne be flowing! We took turns with getting our hair done and just hung out for a few hours. I love these girls so much. My mom brought over a nice lunch for us and eventually it was time to get dressed for photos.
Meanwhile back in Danville….
Kyle was hanging with the kiddos trying to exhaust them so they’d take early naps and wake up in time to get to the church by 2:15. Miracle of miracles, my super husband/ the best dad ever did exactly that. Naked sprinklers, rock and tree climbing, and lots of food helped seal the deal…with only one minor injury in the process.
How well do they clean up!?!
So sweet. Our limo pulled up and I was so excited to see them.
I gave Valley her bouquet, took P to the bano, and before we knew it, it was time to line up!
And then they got married! Weeee! I started crying the second the organ started the wedding song. She was so beautiful. I get so sappy with this stuff these days!! I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I was tearing up for the speeches the night before just thinking about how proud I’d be as a parent. Geeeeez Elise, get it together. Anyway, the kids did AMAZING walking down the aisle. They were the cutest things ever, which I’m not biased for saying because every other person told me that 100 times over the course of the night. I have the cutest babes. Hashtag blessed.
Mr. and Mrs. !!!!!
Limo ride to the reception.
Sadly, this is the only family photo of the night and it isn’t even that great. We took a million with the professional photogs before and after at the hotel, at the church, at the reception…but Kyle and I didn’t get a single one with just the two of us. He was full time hands on with the kids because I was full time hands on with bridesmaid stuff, so we couldn’t really do much as a couple until later in the night. We did manage to get the kids fed fairly well though (they got the salmon and cleaned their plates) and then I gave P his dose before it was my turn to do my speech. I didn’t know when I’d be going, but then they told me first so that was like BOOM ok I’m up! Obviously I was nervous, but I had it written down and had practiced it a bunch so it went smooth. P watched on with Kyle and V, but V unraveled after that so Kyle had to take her out and he missed the rest of the speeches. Unfortunately for P, that meant he was going to have to be done for the night too. I felt bad that he wasn’t going to get to dance with the live band, but at least he got to dance around on the dance floor with V a bit before I gave him his dose. The two of them were having a ball, and I think the audience enjoyed the show too. In the end, Kyle took the kids back to the house where the babysitter pretty much put them right to bed. And so even though he missed the rest of the speeches, he did get to come back and maximize his time on the dance floor. And at the bar. 😉
First dance.
Pretty good looking couple.
The night was SO SO FUN. With the kids gone and my speech done, I could finally relax and let loose. The band was fantastic! I felt like I was at a concert it was incredible. I just wanted to live it up. Which we did. Until the band had packed up and all the lyfts were called.
P was up at his usual time the next morning, so I fed him after I got back from a run around the neighborhood. V slept in past 8 though (!!!) which really cramped the morning. You see, I had left my car at the hotel that we got ready at the day before and it had all my toiletries, clothes, shoes, and other necessary things in it. And my sister’s too! Oops! But we finally packed up and left her house to go get it all on the way to my parents’ place. They were hosting a brunch for my mom’s side of the fam. P took his dose as soon as we got there and then the rest of us ate.
We had no plans for the rest of the day so we hung with my fam for a while and eventually got on the road to return to Davis. Back to real life again. It’s been quite the build up to this event, so it’s bittersweet now that it’s over.

Looks like such a great weekend! Weddings with kids isn’t easy! I love your blue lace dress, where did you get it from?
banana republic 🙂
I teared up reading this post! I know that feeling when your kids aren’t happy being away from you. They’re old enough now to realize you’ll always come back and it’ll just keep getting easier and easier.
thanks for that reminder. it’s definitely nice that he can be spoken to rationally, and you’re right that she’s soooo close and then it will be a game changer.
What a beautiful wedding weekend. P and V are beyond words cute, but it’s not only their physical appearances, you can see all the love showered on them through their vibrant smiles and loving, devoted sybling relationship. Just so uplifting to see!! A devoted, hands on mom always has trouble leaving their children with a sitter. My children weren’t accustomed to it either and it was always extremely unnerving. That’s why I did it infrequently. Btw, your sister looked stunning!!!
Thanks! It’s definitely hard to leave them. V has PTSD now and seems scared everytime another person approaches her in public that I’m going to suddenly abandon her. It’s so sad. Even at home, she gets fearful when I leave the bathroom (when just Kyle is there) at bath time. And last night she cried when I left the room after rubbing her back in her crib. Ugh. It looks like we aren’t getting another sitter for a while….