I just found out they are piloting full day kinder for our neighborhood school next year and it’s been a rollercoaster of emotion. On the one hand, I understand why working parents want longer school days for child care, but the transition for V is going to be a big one. She still naps periodically and her preschool is only a few hours of a few days per week. But I think the biggest thing is that I’M not ready! I thought we would still have lunches together and a bit of one on one time before picking up P. She is my baby girl, even though she’s actually a big girl, and the idea of having both kids gone until 2 is a big change. She, of course, is thrilled because it means she gets a packed lunch (like her big bro!) and we will all bike together.

Anyway, now I’m making sure I savor every single moment because man oh man is it flying by!

We went out to lunch this week because that’s what you do when you realize you just got short changed an entire year of lunch dates. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

The weather has been a treat lately! I think it even reached 75. Perfect for after school popsicles and lots of outside play. They love each other so much.

We are re-doing our backyard soon and I can’t wait! And yes, he’s dribbling while holding a carrot. Multi-tasking.

Packing lunches is one of my love languages. I’m so glad the kiddos appreciate the food I make for them.