Kyle is really benefiting from all these leeks from the UC Davis student farmers because I have been making creamy pasta on the weekends for him. We still have lemons from our friends and neighbs and you know alliums go soooo well towards a creamy lemony sauce…

These shells are the latest bulk bin pasta choice so you’ll see them for a while because I got a bunch.

My lunch came together quickly because of all the prep I’d done the day before.

Vegan Winter salad back in action!
Only for some reason I was still hungry after and carrots weren’t cutting it…must have been the body back workout that morning and the 4 non-consecutive hours of sleep I got the night before. Are you sick of me whining about my (lack of) sleep yet? I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t mean to whine, but I really am at the end of my rope. Parenting is hard enough with a full battery.

I ended up finishing (!!!) the bacon wrapped dates. Dang. I really thought those would last more than two days.

I made a quinoa dish for dinner, which was actually based on a veggie burger recipe from the Half Baked Harvest cookbook. I had grand plans to make them into veggie burgers and then I ran out of steam. My plan B was to bake it into a quinoa casserole kind of dish, much like these quinoa quiches from back in the day. And then I ran out of time for that. So instead I just doubled the sauce (that was meant to be a condiment for the burgers) and served it as a big quinoa salad.
Chipotle tahini peanut sauce!?! Yes please. I even used peanut butter because I aint scurred of those nuts anymore.

It looks so ugly, but it tasted great. It had white beans, carrots, sunflower seeds, and spices, plus an insane amount of sauce.
The sauce had some heat! Luckily I made a quick green salad for the side – and then both parts of the meal got the chevre treatment.
I gave both kids a version without the nutty chipotle sauce at first, but V finished her bowl and wanted more so I gave her the saucy version afterwards and she loved it, heat and all. Go Valley!

do you have a recipe for your creamy lemon sauce??
Your vegan winter salad is such a perfect combo!! I use sunflower seeds instead but i make this often :)) great with the crucifycrunch blend from TJs too.
The quinoa dish sounds like a success! I’m having a serious peanut butter phase lately- baked sweet potatoes with drippy peanut butter are my favorite breakfast lately
I am sorry to hear P does not feel well. Taking care of a sick loved one is exhausting mentally and physically. You have every right to express feeling tired. May P feel well soon and you get some good sleep.
No sorry…I just sautéed the onions/leeks in butter, garlic and lemon juice and then added milk in towards the end once it wasn’t as hot so it wouldn’t curdle. Finished with salt and pepper. It’s a little different every time, but good.
OMG that combo is a DREAM.
Thanks Lynn 🙂