Lovely sweet p

Happy middle-of-the-week day (I don’t really like to associate “hump” with such a negative time).


You know the drill.  My pre-packed comida included: dried papaya chunks, oat bran pretzels & raisins, salad (with the works), apple pie Larabar, and peanut butter pretzel MoJo bar.


Spinach, carrots, raw corn, black beans, and sweet potatoes.  Love me some sweet p’s.  They go with EVERYTHING…even things they shouldn’t go with, they do. I dare you to name something they don’t go with.  Just to be clear though, I’m not saying I’ll try it…  😉


This was a good one, but for 200 kcals, it didn’t hold me over as long as I would’ve liked.  PB & pretzels are a nom nom duo.  Both would go with sweet potatoes, for the record.


Sometimes I play with my food.  I guarantee the other Starbucks customers were staring at me with raised eyebrows.

I got home at 7:32 on the D.O.T. and thanks to yesterday’s food prep, I easily threw together a little bit of this and a little bit of that from every tuperware I could find, which resulted in…


Quinoa, chickpeas (al dente), raw corn, and a few dollops of hummus.  Do you see that nutritional yeast shaker in the upper left hand corner of the picture?  Yup.  That’s how I roll.


Along with the bowl on the left, I had twin open-faced veggie burger sammiesGardenburger’s garden vegan patties were as FABULOUS as last time, and the english muffins were warm and fluffy and perfect.  Basically, dinner rocked my world.  But things didn’t end there. 


Once upon a time these were simply steamed sweet potato slices…but then the nooch fairy came, and dusted them with a heavy hand pour, and (in the words of Emeril) BAM!! 

Flavor explosion in my mouth = amor.


What else?  Oh, yeah, the ONLY way to close the day…fruity tooty goodnight.  Adios bloggies!

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  1. Ada

    Sweet potatoes totally rock:) I have to say though, I am not a fan of that nutritional yeast. Perhaps it’s an acquired taste? I will gladly give you the remainder of my container when I meet you at the Oct.9th blogger dinner!

  2. Courtney

    Tehehehe…I play with my food sometimes too 🙂 It is fun to get the “perfect bite” and sometimes to get it, you need to play, dammit!

    Hmmmm….lets see….sweet potatoes and papaya? Sweet potatoes and pickles?! Sweet potatoes and chocolate (that actually does sound kinda good…)? Sweet potatoes and…kombucha?! (Seeing as how I have never had kombucha, I can’t vouch for that one, though.)


  3. blueeyedheart

    Sweet potatoes don’t go with… cucumbers? (Got a stomachache just thinking about it.)

    <3 <3

  4. Maggie

    Mmmmm sweet p’s. Second only to kabocha! I’m not really a nooch person; I use parm instead. YUM!

  5. The Foodie Diaries

    uhh you just really made me want to dip a honey wheat pretzel in mashed sweeet potato. I have neither on hand so this is going to be a tough one to kick…

  6. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    Love your opening line LOL and the nooch fairy comes here nightly with a dump (not a sprinkle) too 🙂

  7. devan

    i love the “i heart starbucks” on the napkin 🙂

    where in the world do you get NOOCH? i need to try this thing you speak of. Im very intregued!

  8. luckytastebuds

    what in the world does nutritional yeast taste like?? I can imagine it’s great for regularity! hahahah or are my assumptions completely off??

    I’m totally on your team when it comes to stuffing raisins into pretzels! hahaha that’s the best way to eat the best of both worlds. 🙂 Sweet and salty the yummy way.

  9. ellie

    I imagine Kyle waking up one day to find a little chickpea doused in nooch has replaced you. I worry about you 🙁 😛

    I love the MOJO but they do zilch for my appetite. Tasty though (and good with banana oatmeal!)

    Playing with food is TOTALLY normal. They were just jealous cause they didn’t have cameras and photgraphic evidence is half the fun…

  10. snackface

    Wow, I really have to think about what would be bad with sweet potatoes. Pickles? Banana peppers? Nah, I can even see that working somehow.

    You sit with your shaker of nooch and I sit with a shaker of Parma– we twins! And I ate a triple-H dinner again just because you are so brillz!

    I agree that the middle of the week shouldn’t be associated with hump —you kill me! XOXOXOXO

  11. Naomi (onefitfoodie)

    nutritional yeast! what does this taste like??

    love the combo of quinoa and hummos in taht bowl!

    totally agree on the mojo bar, they are delish but didnt fill me up!

    playing with myfood is so necessary to get that most amazing deliciousness in every bite!!

  12. jenngirl

    Agreed. Sweet p’s certainly go well with most everything. I mean, I haven’t tried anything crazy, but I totally wouldn’t doubt it would work out 😉

  13. Graze With Me

    Your food consumption was quite insane in this post! Volume eating at it’s finest. I love days when I can eat and eat and eat some more like that….especially wholesome, healthy and delicious foods. 🙂

    Still loving those fruit bowls and I’ve never tried any of the Mojo bars. I’ve heard good things though so I may need to try them. What is your favorite flavor?

  14. Steph

    I love clean out the fridge salads…especially when topped with hummus 🙂

    The sweet potato and nooch combs looks so delicious!

  15. monica

    You made me laugh and think of drew barrymore in 50 first dates….that so makes me want to build things with waffles….:)

  16. ksgoodeats

    I need to get me some nutritional yeast! Can I just say I love the food art? I didn’t get it at first but it’s been a long week so I hope I get a free pass for being slow.

    You know how they make potato vodka? They should make a sweet potato kind – that way I can drink my way to orange-glo instead of just eat it. Did I mention it’s been a long week?! 😉

  17. Laura

    Sweet potato and chocolate syrup.
    THAT would not work.

  18. broccolihut

    Totes agree–SP could go with anything. What’s the weirdest SP combo you’ve ever had?

  19. elise

    hmmm…im not sure. i think i once smeared mashed up SP on toast…but to me that doesnt seem weird. they are so versatile. nut butters, salads, they go with/in everything!!! how about you?

  20. elise

    really!?! (gasp)

    you better believe ill take you up on that offer homie!

    ps sooooo excited 🙂

  21. elise

    ok CLEARLY i have a problem because not one of those sounded bad to me…well, maybe the pickles are a little weird…but i bet i could make it work. like a salad with cukes, or…nah, youre right, its just not happening…

  22. elise

    im thinking cukes would be ok with SP. for reals. does this mean i have a problem? (dont answer that)

  23. elise

    ive only tried parm a few times…it seems to me like you need a LOT before you can taste the flavor of it…maybe its just me though

  24. elise

    whole foods (or any health foods store). sometimes its in bulk bins. hope that helps. its A-maze-ing

  25. elise

    ok, this is gonna sound gross, but it tastes like the powdered fake cheese in the old fashioned mac ‘n cheese (from our childhood)…but with the consistency of fish food, sorta. (i told you it would sound gross, but it is really good – i swear!!!) hahaha.

  26. elise

    seriously. your concerns are real, and founded in truth. he should be VERY worried.

  27. elise

    i saw that bomba$$ din, and it made me proud 🙂

    we will keep our vegan cheese companies in b’ness, fo sho!

  28. elise

    it tastes like (use your imagination here) flakes of fake powdered cheese…like the dry part of mac ‘n cheese, but more flaky (almost like fish food?)…but it tastes good. wow, im NOT a salesperson. try it!!!

  29. elise

    i think ive only tried 2 of them (PB&J and this one). i liked both, but again, not much staying power. ill get them again though.

  30. elise

    i wish! how amazing would that be…

  31. elise

    omg, you must try it now! SP vodka!?! you are brillz. i knew there was a reason we were friends…now get on that.

  32. elise

    uhhh, sound a-ok to me!!!

  33. MarathonVal

    Just wanted to give you the heads up that my recent post was inspired by you, TWICE! Thanks chica!

  34. glidingcalm

    mojo bars!! i havent had one of those in SOOO LONG!

    HOPE YOU GET SOME REST GURL!!! you amaze me!

  35. Ellen (Peace in Motion)

    Girl you have me totally craving a sweet potato ahora! sliced and baked to perfection with some ketchup. drool

  36. Diana (Soap & Chocolate)

    I like the Starbucks art. 🙂

    I’m definitely a fan of the nooch. At first I thought it smelled like feet, but once I started throwing it in like, everything, I realized the appeal. I actually made the remainder of my last container into vegan parm and it is FAAABulous. Maybe more addictive than the straight stuff.

    I am so down with the sweet Ps these days and while I wouldn’t have thought to put nooch on it, I think that might be a very good idea, thankyouverymuch!

  37. elise

    haha, i had a similar reaction when i first had it. i got it from the bulk bin, and i was like, whats that odd smell…oh, its the powder i’m about to eat! grrreat!

  38. elise

    hooray! glad you enjoyed some HHH staples 🙂

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