Now that I’m back in L’town (my affectionate name for the town I grew up in), it’s wedding task-a-mania up in hurrr.
You’d think I’d be sleeping in (given my job-less state), but you’d be wrong. My sinuses have been crazy pissed at me with all the location changes (NYC, LA, Mexico, Newport Beach, San Clemente, and now the Bay Area). As a result I’ve been waking up with the sun thanks to an intense throbbing pressure in my head. Lovely. I’ve been buddy-buddy with Sudafed as of late.
Anyways, since I’m not quite back into the swing of blogging on the reg, here’s a summary of how the past few days have been going: Most mornings I get up and caffeinate myself before tackling the to-do list of the day. As we all know, coffee is pretty much a priority each and every AM, regardless of my location, but without a j-o-bizzle, it’s not quite as necessary. Being fully functional is optional when you aren’t saving lives (and with my sinus issues, my head is kinda a mess with or without java).
Fruit will never get old. This bowl was quite massive, and contained an entire apple plus some strawberries and cherries.
Add in some vanilla Chobz and…
Greek yogurt parfait blizzard.
Don’t believe me on how massive this bowl was? How about an object for comparison’s sake.
That’s a normal lemon, m’kay. After my food coma wears off, I usually hit peak productivity. Post-prandial tasks have included, but are not limited to:
- shopping for wedding bands
- thank you notes
- cell phone changes
- car insurance crap
- school scholarship crap
- joint checking accounts
- meeting with our pastor
- wedding food tasting
- make-up trial runs
- dress fittings
- hair research
- spray-tan research
- etc.
Clearly, being unemployed is a good move right now.
Lunches and afternoon snacks generally revolve around hummus, bread, and veggies. And copious amounts of apples.
I also received a package from WOW Baking Co. full of goodies I can’t wait to try.
They specialize in wheat and gluten free treats, and although I’ve only tried one cookie so far (see below for review), I can already tell I’m going to SAVOR the crap outta the rest.
And while I’m on the subject of indulging, I should mention that Kyle and I are going on five consecutive days of Jillian’s shred. She’s one tough b!tch. My mom has walked by the living room several times and overheard Kyle cursing at her, but, hey, it’s wedding season, yo.
But between all the tasks, workouts, and whatnot, we have been enjoying the CA weather and proximity to our family and friends.
Just the other day we went to a San Jose Earthquakes game.
My friend’s cousin is kind of a stud (and by stud I mean scoring machine).
Crafty girl that I am, I managed to smuggle in a full dinner, despite the “no outside food or drink” policy. Suckers!
Boca veggie burger + Tribe 40 Spice hummus + lettuce + avo =
Impressed? Just wait, there’s more.
FYI, owning a purse with very deep pockets is a life saver. I snuck in all the above (sammies for me and K, dried fruit/nut mix, and apple) PLUS the (below) cookie.
Oregon Oatmeal was my first Wow treat and it was love at first bite smell. I opened the package and the delicious oatmeal cookie scent was enough to seal the cookie’s fate. Breakability – perfect. No crumbling and it easily tears with the exact right amount of chewiness. Also amazing was the sugar content. It tasted like a cookie, not a health bar disguised as a cookie, but a real cookie. It was sweet but didn’t leave me feeling sick from over-syrupy-sweetness. No sugar high = no sugar crash. The best part were the visible dried apricot and cranberries. This combo sets it apart from oatmeal raisin cookies (which are typically my fave), plus the dried fruit adds a natural sweetness. The only negative thing I can think of is the fact that one cookie is two servings. That’s BS in my opinion because nobody eats half a cookie. Still, I can overlook that small detail because eating the whole cookie is worth it. Also, I should mention these cookies are not vegan (bad Elise whatever it tasted good).
On nights that we’ve stayed in, my dad has been working on his grill-master-3000 license, perfecting the art of veggie marinading.
Grilled eggplant. Swoon.
Fresh bread and corn. Must be summah time! I just can’t get enough of all the fresh produce, spending every spare second outside, playing with my parents dogs, and soaking up the sun.
Clearly, the West Coast agrees with me.
Life = a bowl of cherries

I agree–fruit will *never* get old! So good. Those cherry pics have me drrrrooooling! I freaking love cherries. I am so jealous you are in CA where you can actually get them locally!
Good luck with the wedding prep! It sounds like you are doing well with it all 🙂
I just got 30-day Shred from the library…I am gonna give it a go tomorrow. Any tips? I have no idea what to expect…is it going to kick my butt big time?!??
Yes it will kill you and you’ll love it!
I stumbled across your blog a few days ago. I must say, I’m riveted by your currently exciting jet setting life! You must be exhausted.
That cookie looks scrumptious. And the cherries are almost enticing me to pack up my purse and run to the supermarket, but I’m too settled in for the night. Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog 🙂
I must say, thanks for posting a new one so quickly! I sooo needed a happy read right now. Beautiful grilled veggies and jealous you went to see a game. No one here wants to see the Galaxy play. Will you come watch a game with me sometime? I’m glad something positive came out of my previous relationship…love for futbol. =)
USA vs. England? I say skip the graduation and come watch it with me. 😉 Kidding.
p.s. I’m so glad you’re on this side of the coast now.
Love BBQ!!
Those cookies look so good, too bad they aren’t vegan. By the way, I feel your pain in terms of Jillian. It is crazy how hard she makes 20 minutes feel!
I didn’t know you’re from Layfayette! I live up in the Bay Area too – Danville to be exact 🙂
I am absolutely tickled by the fact that you used the term post-prandial in a casual context.
Hahahaha – looks like you´ve had quite an adventure, Elise!
Lovely eats and pics, as usual – gotta love fresh fruit!
Wish you a wonderful weekend!
Brazilian XOXO´s,
i think i borrowed your breakfast fruit bowl for my salad lunch bowl. except somehow the bowl grew about 10 inches longer by the time it got cross country.
YOU SMUGGLER!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha it’s soccer seas baby 😉 world cup??
im SOOOOO glad you caught that 🙂
dude. i am SOO friggin excited. im gonna be in vegas for the semis too 🙂 EFF YES!
thanks for reading! this is definitely one crazy (but fun) summer 🙂
yup! lafayette is my home town. we are neighbs!
omg, lesley and richard are so pissed that the grad is the same time. haha. they may miss it. must find a bar for as much of the day as possible….
Ha! So, do you do all 3 levels in one go, then? Or do you just do one 20 minute one a day? Or what?
That piece of crusty bread is making me hunnnngray
Oh hell no. One a day. Some day ill make it to back to back levels but for now 20 mins has me sweatin in a mayj way
Mmm love the idea of a healthy Blizzard:)
Okay, good! But, I have to say…I did level 1 this morning and was so NOT impressed and pretty disappointed. What level do you do? Should I try level 2 or just skip ahead to level 3?
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