Here are a few articles I’ve read lately that I found interesting enough to pass on to you:
Finding the best running shoes for you <— This post has a video with tips, but the article portion references the original story written by the NYT which questions the claims made by many shoe companies about sneakers being able to prevent injuries. My last 4 pairs of running shoes have all been the exact same ones (Asics). Why mess with perfection.
According to research, “compared with other athletic populations, the death rate in distance running, one per 259,000, is low. The rate for collegiate athletes is one death per 43,770 per year, and for triathletes it is one per 52,630.” <— Good news for runners!
Mark Bittman on why we’re eating less meat. <— Calling out the government subsidizing corn and soy…I like it. I also love that flexitarianism is getting some love, as is the trend of Meatless Mondays.
Not only is Word With Friends a fun game, but it’s also a life saver! Using the texting feature of the game, a man described his symptoms to his competition, who advised him to head to the hospital. Turns out, his heart was 99% occluded but it was discovered in time thanks to his gaming.
27 ways to conquer the gym. <– This is hilarious, but I wish I didn’t have first hand experience with so many of the author’s points.
How yoga can wreck your body. <— Scary! This is why you start with beginners classes and always tell the instructor if you have any injuries. Just because the person next to you is super bendy and able to fold his/her body in half doesn’t mean you should try to as well!
Speaking of yoga girls, have you seen this video by the Whole Foods Parking lot guy? He’s so freakin’ hilarious. Evidently, he’s also my neighbor (since I know every single place where this video is shot).
I also wanted to share my new site about eating a low FODMAPs diet. I’m still working on it, but I hope to make it a good resource for those of you who have been emailing me, asking me questions, and requesting more and more information about all things FODMAPs. As you may have noticed, there is now a button and a link on the upper right sidebar of HHH, so check it out!

Already following the new blog! Thanks! Love your recipes!
Also loved the 27 ways to conquer the gym. So funny but also so true!
Haha I definitely looked at most of these links, and I’m excited to check out your new site! I think it will be very helpful for me!
Awesome news about the new site. I’m scared and ready to take the plunge after my gluten-free detox was only somewhat successful. Will definitely be frequenting your posts
I just had to comment here to state the obvious- mark bittman is brilliant and i am so thankful he has a nationally recognized paper behind him. Looovvee his own website and his intellectual point of view. And, btw, “how to cook everything vegetarian” (must have for anyone who eats any veggies or grains) is now an app for iphone! 🙂
hahaha thank you for that gym link article! they were all so true! especially this one about the creepers:
8. There’s also the Strange Guy Who is Always at the Gym. Just when you think he isn’t here today…there he is, lurking by the barbells.
thanks for the great article links always enjoy finding new great and interesting reads 😉
That yoga article is very timely. I just returned from the physio because I hurt my hip in yoga. I do yoga daily after my weightlifting or running, so I generally don’t push myself that hard. I see it as an alternative to static stretching. However, the other day I decided to do the forward splits and wrecked my TFL. Boo. It’s going to be okay, but there are good reasons I won’t do a lot of yoga poses, and it’s interesting to see an article on it!
I am so excited about your new website. All the FODMAPs blogs I follow are run by meat-eaters, so this will be great!
isnt he fantastic?!?! im going to have to get that app…
i have to say. it took me a while to figure it out. i dont have gluten intolerances though…wheat is where the fodmaps lie, so maybe thats your issue? ill share more on the other site, so stay tuned.
i hope so!
yes! haha. they were all so friggin’ dead on.
i know right?? since meat is free of fodmaps, it seems like all the elimination diets and low fodmaps diets revolve around animal products…but i have no interest in that, so i hope my new site can be a good resource for veg peeps 🙂
thanks paula!
Gluten seemed to work for a little while but I only think its a piece of the puzzle. I’ve read a ton of articles on FODMAPS and it definitely looks daunting though. But if you can ease down on the hummus then I think I can do just about anything 😉
I haven’t finished this read, but I wanted to give mad props to the video link for running shoes. I have gotten my run/walk/stance assessed at two places now. Sports Basement in SF was the first place I went to and they have the best policy on shoes ever! They assess your run, then they suggest shoes based on pronation or supination, THEN you can try the shoes for 30 days and if you’re not comfortable in how you run in them, you can exchange them!!!
Here in L.A., I recently bought new kicks from A Runner’s Circle near Los Feliz/Atwater Village and they too assessed my run/walk/stance. Sooo much better when you actually go to a running shoe store where it’s not Footlocker or whatever, and they know what they’re talking about cuz they are passionate about runnig themselves.
Great post E!!!
I just wanted to give you credit for favorably mentioning flexitarianism. I’m a veg, but my boyfriend is flex, and sometimes he feels like the veg community can do more harm than good when dismissing the flex lifestyle. I’d love my boyfriend to commit more to a plant-based lifestyle, but I also recognize that any meal he eats that isn’t meat is better for him and the world 🙂 I’m just glad bloggers like you are spreading that message as well.
Hi Kath! I think it’s great when veg eaters encourage those around them – have you seen this post I wrote:
It’s all about being inclusive and remembering that any steps in the right directions are worth celebrating. Thank you for spreading the message as well 🙂
Wow. So much info packed into this one! Love it! Although, I went over my “break” reading, haha. So worth it!
good for you!