Happy Hanukkah peeps!
I’m actually a gentile myself, but the hospital I used to work at in NYC was a Jewish hospital, so I’m totally down with Judaism.
Lightlife’s Smart Bacon is both vegan and kosher, FYI. Just sayin’
It’s also salty as all hell, which is not great for blood pressure, but makes for one tasty a$$ dish. Bad cardiac nurse. Shhh…don’t tell on me.
The idea for this dish came while I was home last weekend browsing through my mom’s Bon Appétit mag. There was a bacon and brussel sprouts dish that caught my eye and I knew immediately I had to veganize it asap once back in LA.
In typical Elise fashion, I had already prepped roasted veggies and quinoa in anticipation of the work week.
Also in typical Elise fashion, I made some changes to the recipe (ok, I basically revamped the entire dish).
Remember how I raved about how this restaurant cooked their quinoa? Well, I finally tried my hand at stir frying the cute ‘lil grains to recreate the crunchy crispy texture.
After a bit of sizzling went down, I tossed in the roasted brussels.
Snap, crackle, pop.
The bronzed bacon looks pretty beautiful, and that’s coming from someone who has zero interest in pig.
At the very end I added the butternut squash and Bragg’s liquid aminos.
All warmed up and plated (aka ready to be devoured). I.Could.Die.
Holy [bleep] this was good. Pretty sure I could eat this same thing for all 8 days of Hanukkah.
In case you missed that, here’s a little zoom zoom action.
Lunch dessert gave me a boost and next thing I knew I was out the door. I ran for 35 minutes – no idea how far I went. It felt good though, and it’s the longest run I’ve done in a while (sad but true). The fact is, my average daily mileage has dwindled now that I’m running outside (as opposed to running on a treadmill). It’s way better, but makes me wonder about my stamina for potential future races. While I’m not signed up for anything currently, I can’t help but feel like I’d probably need more preparation to get in shape. Maybe not. I don’t know. What I do know is that previously I could’ve run 6-10 miles on any given day without thinking twice about it. Now. Well, I honestly can’t remember the last time I logged more than 4 miles. Whatever.
In any event, I came back, showered, and got ready for my first night shift. Thank you to everyone who left helpful tips, it was really nice to have insight from PM pros.
I didn’t leave my man high and dry for the week, though.
I made a lasagna for Kyle to remember me by…haha. Of course I’m kidding, but it is SO weird being on an opposite schedule as he is. We don’t even see each other!
I used TJ’s no boil noodles which were a welcome break from the usual lasagna noodles that you have to cook first. These are definitely easier. I haven’t talked to Kyle to see how it tasted, but there’s a big chunk missing, so I’m guessing he was ok with it. 😉
For my packed eats, I brought along a couple slices of my favorite bread and other fiberrrrific snacks.
Alvarado Street sprouted whole wheat bread…also known as God’s gift to carb lovers. I feel ok using the Lord’s name in vain, given the fact that the bread is actually made with the essential ingredients as listed in Ezekiel Verse 4:9 in the Old Testament. This post is getting awfully preachy. Oy!
So yeah, given that my (unpictured) first dinner was a bowl of cereal, I packed a more complete and wholesome second dinner for work.
Baby carrots, 2 slices of Alvarado Street sprouted bread, and an apple all to go with vegan faux “tuna” salad.
This bread literally keeps me held over for-eh-ver. I had one slice with the “tuna” salad at midnight and wasn’t hungry again ‘til 4 am. The second slice did the trick again and kept me sated until I was off work in the early morning.
I also had several tea bags on hand for various degrees of caffeination needs.
How’d the night go? Welllll…it was weird at first. But, whatever. I survived. Although I’ve currently been awake for 28 hours and I’m not remotely tired AND I have 6 hours until my next night shift starts. Not good my friends. Not good.
It may be due to this.
Venti soy misto with an extra espresso shot.
That’s a mouthful of a drink order. Maybe I should sign off now and crawl into bed. Goodnight?

Glad the overnight shift went okay! The lasagna looks great, as does the quinoa!
My running base disappears so quickly. I ran a half a little over a week ago and I already feel incapable of runnnig further than 3 miles. Maybe it’s a mental thing though…
Haha this post may actually have helped me study for my Hebrew Bible final on Monday 😛
And a Happy Hanukkah to you, too! Wow, that “bacon”-brussel sprouts-quinoa-squash concoction looks unbelievable. I love that you prep all your roasted veggies before the week starts–I will definitely need to start doing that!
I’m sorry your running hasn’t been what you’d like. Sometimes I go through ruts and phases with my running, but I think it’s very important to acknowledge how your body is feeling and honor it.
Good luck with your night shifts–I hope you get some sleep soon! 🙂
Mazel Tov on your brussels dish. It looks like a winner.
Love that you’re “down with Judaism” since tonight is Hanukkah Night 1! That bacon looks a little strange. The squash with brussels sprouts look great!
Oh on the blog on Friday I’m also going to talk about some latkes that are from California and hard to find outside of CA called Linda’s Gourmet Latkes. We’re trying them tonight. If
That bacon dish looks SUPER delicious! I’ve actually never tried SmartBacon… I bet this would be fab with tempeh bacon, too. Yummmm.
Where did you get your sandwich box (the one pictured with polka-dots)? … it is cute!!!!!!!
Working opposite shifts doesn’t sound like fun, but think of it as a reason to leave each other fun notes and stuff 🙂
I’ve never used veggie bacon, but every brussel sprout recipe I see has bacon in it! I guess I should give it a try.
Wow, that was quite the post to write on NO sleep! I could never do it… props to you 🙂
Brussel sprouts and quinoa are two of my faves!
O I’m glad your friendly towards jews, cause I’m a pure jew (although I totally never go to temple or keep kosher, actually, I’m a “bad” jew).
I do love veggie bacon (and real bacon for that matter). One of my favorite combos is a sweet potato with greek yogurt and soy bacon bits. I don’t know why but I always prefer the soy bacon bits. It must be the Jew in my preferring the “soy” to the real thing.
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haha! i was reading bon appetit and food and wine while visiting family too… and so excited to come home and veganize the recipes! i will definitely link here when i write my post…. especially because brussel sprouts and bacon (soy or otherwise) are not in my repertoire!
Never had vegan bacon. Honestly never was a fan of bacon.
Your dish with the brussel sprouts and squash looks amazing, I love all the colors!
me either! can you believe i’ve never actually tasted real bacon? anyway, the salty flavor really makes this dish fantastic!
that mag has some GREAT recipes. that green bean and walnut one we had at thanksgiving. my mom has so many flagged to try when i get home its a bit overwhelming, but i agree – veganizing them is a fun task 🙂
thanks girl 🙂 it felt like a deliriously random post, but if it was coherent enough to understand, then im glad you enjoyed it!
I love bacon, fatty pork bacon. Nut now I’m super curious to try this vegan one. If it’s salty I bet it’s good.
Have you see the Silk pumpkin spice or chocolate mint? Omg. I saw them next to the nog at whole foods today!
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