I browse the health section of the Huffington Post online almost every day. It’s one of my favorite online sources because they have an assortment of lighter stories mixed in with more controversial opinions pieces. Today I read about a study in which IBS sufferers who ate two kiwis a day for 4 weeks found they had significant relief in irritable bowel related symptoms (most notably constipation). Interesting.
How cool would it be if the solution to all my GI woes were as simple as enjoying a couple of kiwis on a daily basis?
Needless to say, I’m suspect of such an easy cure-all answer. I don’t doubt there’s value in regularly consuming a fruit packed with fiber (with a high water content) – wouldn’t that help anyone with constipation? But I think there are probably other variables that may have helped improve the results of the study. By just slightly altering the subjects’ typical diet (adding kiwi), I’d venture to guess there was a domino effect in the rest of the food choices people made over the course of the four week trial. Also, if you know you’re in a study that measures your bowels’ transit time, you are probably hyperaware of everything you’re putting in your mouth. Suddenly extra fiberrific salads and veggies are popping up all over the place!
There’s also the issue of the sample size. 54 patients? That’s nothing! Let’s get a broader group and do some repeat trials. If there’s the same level of success then I’ll start to get excited.
Sarcasm aside. I won’t knock it ‘til I try it.
Is it kiwi season?

Well, I don´t want to sound pessimistic, but I used to eat at least two kiwis every single day for almost a year and it did nothing to my IBS 🙁 Maybe I have wrong kiwis? Or I am just not a good example? 🙂
I find this very interesting. I eat 1 or 2 kiwis every morning with breakfast. I don’t have IBS – but there is nothing like preventative measures. 🙂 Hope the kiwi help.
Actually there are enzymes in kiwis, papayas and pineapples that help digest starches and other food matters, which may be helpful for IBS sufferers. It’s called bromelain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromelain
I work at a health food store and we carry bromelain from plant sources for use as digestive support. I use it when I am going to eat a starchy meal. Also have you tried taking a regular probiotic? There’s some preliminary research showing it helpful for IBS sufferers. I have IBS and I am going to try it and see how it goes!
well, my husband is a kiwi (new zealander) and being married to him has not cured my stomach woes. haha, jk. But I’m all about trying it. I think pears also have this affect!
haha, I ate 6 kiwis yesterday, skins and all 🙂
Mmm…something so simple cannot be a cure-all, right? I’m like you…suspicious. Plus, you eat so much fruit and stuff anyway, it was probably just the enzymes in the fruit, or the fibre that helped those people in the study? I’m not sure. But love your kiwi cocktail! And it certainly can’t be bad for you to kick some kiwi consumption into gear, lol! 😛 xyx
Sarcasm aside, when pregnant you can get very stuffed up. Well, digestion slows, bowels get sluggish even though I continued to eat my weight in vegetables, kiwi and prunes do help. Weird but at least they helped me.
Love how you analyzed the study!! I’m a scientist, I totally do the same thing.
But I’m allergic to kiwi!! :*(