You must be sick of non-food (aka house progress) posts by now, huh?
Ok, how about my work food for a change of pace (slash return to the real reason I blog).
Oats, puffed millet, white chia seeds and sunflower seed butter on top.
You want me to back up with that?
1 cup whole rolled oats + 1 1/2 cups boiling water + 1/4 cup puffed millet + 1 tbsp chia seeds
Once I let them sit a bit, the water got soaked up and the chia seeds gelled, so then I got to work on the sunflower seed sauce topping.
1/4 cup salty roasted sunflower seeds + almond milk (just enough to nearly cover the seeds)
With a touch of stevia…
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
Greens, eggs and kale. Not to be confused with green eggs and ham, okay?
In a pinch, using frozen chopped kale is definitely an easy peasy shortcut.
Leftover (rice cooker) quinoa, mixed with kale, then topped with cherry tomatoes and a fried egg. And nutritional yeast.
Here’s the whole shebang.
Adora calcium dark chocolate, candied ginger, carrots, banana, maple roasted pecans, and roasted seaweed snacks.
Roasted nut recipe here.
Jury’s still out on these guys.
I came home and made dinner lickety split.
Spinach, quinoa, fried eggs, avocado, and carrots. Unpictured: half a pound of nooch.

white chia seeds?!
I’ve never heard of white chia seeds, but I have to think I would love them. Why? Because then when they’re stuck in my teeth despite my obsessive checking to make sure they’re not, at least they would blend in a bit better.
Side note: Don’t get weirded out or anything, but I had a dream you and Kyle had a baby girl. For what it’s worth, she was adorable. 😉
hahahhaa…well as long as she was cute 🙂
yes! they are called salba. its a different species of chia seeds or something, but they are the same, just a different color.
Mmm green eggs and kale. Sounds so good. I might have to write that book.
I *never* do this, but i’m doing a giveaway box of GF, vegan and mostly raw treats on my blog, just comment to enter if you like. The box is full of stuff I’ve seen posted here, so I wanted to make sure you knew about it. It’s my top entry 🙂
your lunch combo was my breakfast combo during the elimination phase…hahaha…sometimes I switched it up with spinach when I ran out of the kale. =)
p.s. need nooch in my life. STAT!
All your food looks so good!!!! Haha and I wish my daily life involved walking around like yours does and not sitting on my butt in law school so I could eat all those delicious nuts and snacks! Haha I’d buy them but then I just eat them like crazy! I can’t stop myself… dangerous.
White chia seeds? I’ve never heard of them before! Is there any difference between them and their black counterpart besides the color?
i guess i missed your transition to eggs. you eat a TON of them now – when/why did that happen?
a few months ago. during the FODMAPs elimination diet i wanted to be sure i was getting enough protein, so i started eating them again. when we were in BsAs i fell in love with them atop salads and stuff, so i just kept eating them. theyre a cheap and easy option that my GI handles, so im just going with it.
not really. in this post ( ) i mentioned the salba subspecies…same nutrient profile etc, just a different color.
girl, the grass is always greener…at the end of the day i feel like my feet are gonna fall off, my back is aching to the point of needing a brace, and my neck feels so stiff i swear im 29 going on 90.
you do!!
haha very true, the grass is always greener! Lol maybe if we could switch off every other day?
“Unpictured: half a pound of nooch.” OMG–I have been *obsessed* with nutritional yeast lately. Obsessed! I swear I am putting it on EVERYTHING and I may have eaten it by the spoonful while I was waiting for my dinner to heat up at one point…maybe. But I am not admitting to anything. 🙂
What is up with this current can’t get enough nutritional yeast kick I am on?! I swear I need to buy stock in the stuff, because I am going broke buying it…
yes. that sounds perfect – best of both worlds 🙂
Haha! I ALWAYS end up dumping a crap-ton of nooch on my plate after I take a picture! I need to get a shaker for it and just keep it on the kitchen table!
Your plate reminds me…have you tried the whole baked eggs in avocado thing that’s been going around the blogs lately? I haven’t made it yet, but it looks great! I chopped up some avo and baked it on a pizza a few weeks ago and it was amazing…might have to try adding some pizza sauce topping if I ever get around to making it!
i havent seen this!? send me a link. i am so curious now.