I just realized I finally have the answer to the question “what is your favorite fruit?” which someone asked me last month and I couldn’t answer. I love berries so much, particularly strawberries. But bananas are the most versatile. A smoothie without a frozen banana is not even close to as good. But that’s a lame answer right? I also love melon and stone fruit. But are they favorite worthy? Nahhh.
That title is reserved for figs. Green figs if I am being picky.

Fortunately we have a TON of fig trees all over Davis. Unfortunately most people know about them and are as eager to forage from them as I am.
We do have a few in our neighborhood though, which I’ve been able to score.

This is about half my current stash and that’s only because I don’t have room to store many more. It’s so sad seeing all the fruit on the ground, so I’m trying to do my part though. It’s a tough job…

I find myself popping one in my mouth every time I open the fridge, but my preferred way to eat them (currently), is in this salad.

It has farro, kale, dried cranberries, walnuts, candied pecans, feta and figs with an orange juice and olive oil vinaigrette.

I’ve had it every day this week 🙂

Figs are by far my favorite fruit too!! Wish the season was longer.
i know!