It’s easy to eat green

I know people felt like this year’s St. Patrick’s Day was super unconventional but we never do anything cool to celebrate any more anyway. Kids will do that to you holidays that revolve around drinking.

But still. I made a bit of effort despite being trapped in – like for the kids’ lunch I made green pizza thanks to the TJ’s broccoli and kale pizza crust.

Full disclosure, I thought this sounded atrocious and only bought it because they made me on account of it being green (it’s been in the freezer for several months). No time like the present!

I topped it with cheese and pepperoni (I’ve had the same package of pepperoni in the freezer forever because you only need a few at a time).

They were big big fans.

And they thought I was a St. Patrick’s superhero for the themed lunch.

Small victories, people!

In the name of finishing off fresh stuff before it goes bad, I present to you…Greek chopped salad. This time I used frozen shrimp instead of chicken.


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