My second night shift would have been fine had I slept longer than 2 hours before starting it. At least it was a learning experience…I now have a better idea of how to approach a schedule change.
I had coffee before starting the shift, and was doing fine until 1 am rolled around.
Since my patients were stable and I was starting to do that eye-droop-head-nod thing, I decided to try and get some shut-eye.
When my phone alarm went off at 2 am, I was sooo confused. Where am I? Why are my pajamas stuffed with saline syringes? Why am I on the ground?
I reoriented myself as best I could, but the stretch from 2 am to 4 am WAS. THE. WORST. I hate to wish for less stable patients, but sometimes it’s easier to stay awake when you are busy.
Around 5 am, the activity of the morning’s tasks kept me occupied enough…and then (finally), 7 am arrived.
After I got home from work I immediately showered and crawled into bed and slept until noon. What a relief! Four hours of snoozing has never felt so sweet.
I had a big ‘ol mug of coffee sprinkled with cocoa upon waking up. And from then on, the day was semi-regular.
I made another quinoa dish for lunch.
First I started with quinoa, fresh from the rice cooker.
Then I added roasted butternut squash on top.
Followed by one gala apple and one golden delicious apple.
With a large spoonful of Artisana cashini butter to bind it all together.
I took so many dang photos of this dish trying to make it look appetizing, but the fact of the matter is, sometimes the most hideous mashed up meals are the ones that taste the best. And this was one of those dishes. Visually, not so stellar; but it sure tasted yuuuuuummy.
Kyle came home as I was eating lunch, so that was a nice surprise.
I did mindless work throughout the afternoon, which included internet nothingness and a Bravo marathon.
I had an early dinner in anticipation of my night shift.
Mmmm…steak. KIDDING!! I found this seitan’s appearance eerily similar to a slab of meat, but I could be way wrong since I don’t know ANYTHING about cuts of animal protein. I adore seitan, but when I don’t make it myself, it really does look like a$$.
I think I’ve posted about this brand before? I can’t really remember. Anyway, it’s sold at Whole Foods and is great for lazy vegans nurses who are on in the middle of a stretch of night shifts. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I think the company is trying to appeal to the recently vegan (formerly meat-eating) population, which is why this brand tends to look kinda icky to people like me, who have zero interest in meat. I like seitan for it’s flavor, not for it’s ability to imitate or replace a former part of my diet. Well, to be fair, meat never really had a role in my diet, but you know what I mean.
My steak and potatoes = seitan and quinoa
[plus roasted butternut squash]
I doused it all in Bragg’s liquid aminos and dug in.
And then it was time for work…again.
If it ‘aint broke…
From left to right: candied ginger, “tuna” salad, 2 pieces of Alvarado Street bread, Tazo chai tea, apple, and some organic raw cacao goji energy squares.
You want me to repeat that last one?
I said organic raw cacao goji energy squares. Compliments of NutsOnline.
The other day I got a raw sampler pack from the company and let me tell you, it was PACKED with goodies. So many things I have been wanting to try!!
Hemp seeds, spirulina, maca powder, cacao nibs, Turkish figs, and so much more!!! I literally CANNOT wait to taste them all. Browsing the website, I felt like a kid in a candy store. They have hundreds of organic items – from raw superfoods to specialty chocolates. So I have since decided that I want all my Christmas presents to come from NutsOnline. No joke.
These cacao energy squares were the first item I tried (wouldn’t you?). I brought a few to work, and whoa, they are quite the packed squares! You get some mega bang for your buck so to speak, since each bite is about as nutrient dense as a food can be. Check out those ingredients!
I found the balance of nuts to cacao perfect for my liking, as I’m still iffy on nuts in general. I loved the subtle hints of coconut and the fact that dates and raisins were the only sweetening ingredient. I’m pretty sure I could live off these. The best part is that they are so hearty, but still easy to pop on the go. In other words, a nurse’s dream food. Healthy, quick, and delicious, and able to hold my appetite for quite a while. Uh, that’s a win win win.
I’ll share the rest of my NutsOnline reviews as I try them.
And on that note, it’s bed time.

I think I may have gotten sleepier just from reading this post. Not because of your writing–hello, I love your blog–but because I can’t imagine having this work schedule. You totally rock.
You are so right about needing to keep busy while working night shift. I worked nights for a couple years and the nights that were slow were the worst!
I love They have great prices, great timing, and have super fun stuff. They sent me a stuffed elephant wearing a t-shirt. It’s super cute. Plus they send me coupons in the email for free stuff.
I laughed out loud at your title! Love it!
You are definitely not alone…I swear there is something about that 2-4am time frame that in the words of Wayne and Garth, “sucks your will to live!” Haha!
I’ve never heard of seitan before, but I Googled it and now I’m curious. So weird that yours totally looks like a pork chop!
Good luck with your shift tonight! Hopefully the gogi energy squares will work their magic!
I think your quinoa always looks appetizing. I need to get my hands on some soon. I haven’t been eating much grains lately. Been so busy with school. oh and that seitan seriously looks like a steak….
Man girl, I do not know how you do it. I though our work hours were crazy…hope you get rest soon!!
Ah man, shift changes have to be rough! My sister (also a nurse) does 7 on-7 off for the 11PM-7AM shift, and always has a rough time switching from a normal sleep schedule to a completely backward one.
wow seitan really does look like meat (ive enver seen it before)
whats your favorite way to prepare it? I’m intrigued, now 🙂
I work nights as an RN too, so I can sympathize with how long that stretch can be when it’s slow! By the way, that quinoa looks delicious.
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