Recipe first, giveaway second. Cool?
Or you can skip ahead to the end if you want. I won’t be offended.
I was trying to make meatless meatballs, but they weren’t really cooperating, so instead we got sliders. The recipe still needs some work though (in my opinion). They taste good, so that’s not the issue. And for anyone wanting to make sliders (or bigger veggie burgers?), these would probably be good enough.
I’m sure everyone is thoroughly sick of Super Bowl recipe ideas at this point (I know I am). So make these whenever. Or don’t. And if you want to throw them on top of a bowl of pasta with marinara, then by all means go for it. They’re basically massive meatballs after all.
White Bean Balls [vegan, gluten free, yields 24 meatballs/tiny sliders]
- 1 can (15 oz) cannellini beans + the liquid
- 3/4 cup cooked brown rice
- 7-9 white mushrooms (~1/2 of a 8 oz carton)
- 1/2 cup ground flax seeds
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1 tsp dried basil
- 1/2 tsp dried thyme
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees F.
Mix everything together in a food processor.
Let it sit for a few minutes (so flax seeds can cause the “batter” to thicken).
Using a tablespoon measuring spoon and another spoon, scoop onto a pan lined with parchment paper.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes.
Let rest until cooled.
I think my main issue with these was how soft and sticky the batter was. It was hard to form balls. And the final product wasn’t as dense or hearty as I was hoping for.
In the future I think using really dried out old rice or fewer mushrooms or less liquid could help. Who knows. They still baked up fine. They just weren’t firm solid meatballs.
This is one of two trays.
I made them the day before we ate them so I just reheated them in the microwave for ~30 seconds before servings them.
Kyle ate his with whole wheat pasta, tomatoes, Italian seasoning, and parmesan.
We were out of marinara, so I just used diced tomatoes and added seasoning and olive oil. I didn’t mind the difference at all. Kyle never said anything, so I’m not sure he even knew he wasn’t eating marinara.
I had mine with spaghetti squash, diced tomatoes and nutritional yeast.
We both had seconds. And Kyle had them plain for lunch the next day.
Texture wise they seem to be improving as the days go by. I’m glad I made a lot. I bet adding in some veggies (carrots, corn, etc.) and shaping them into larger patties would make perfect burgers.
But for now, I’ll keep pretending they’re meatballs.
Now, about that giveaway…
I’m a very loyal consumer of Doctor’s Best supplements. I have been taking their fully active folate and DHA throughout pregnancy. I also take the digestive enzymes regularly (although I stopped all things herbal during pregnancy).
So guess what? Doctor’s Best is offering to give THREE readers a collection of nutritional supplements including:
- SAMe
- Fully Active Folate
- Natural Brain Enhancers
- High Absorption Magnesium
- Curcumin Phytosome featuring Meriva
- Kat James’ book “The Truth About Beauty”
Cool right? All that for three lucky readers. *Open to US residents only*
You’ve got a couple of ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment telling me what supplements you take currently and why (if you don’t take any you can say that too!).
2. Tweet about this giveaway mentioning @elisehippie and @DoctorsBestInc (and leave a separate comment telling me you did so).
I’ll choose & announce the random winners on Friday February 1st (so get your entries in now!!).

I take zinc. And to be honest, I have no idea why. Ha. I wonder how many of us take supplements just out of habit…
I just bought vitamin b12 and b1, and soon I will be getting vitamin D.!
I get so overwhelmed in the vitamin isle!! Right now all I am taking is a general multivitamin with extra vitamin B. I have an appointment coming up with an Integrative Med Doc who I am hoping will offer some hope on my gut issues that my pcp and the useless GI specialist had no idea about. I’m sure this guy will have supplement recommendations, he’s a more natural approach type guy.
Love the sound of that burger recipe without soy!
I currently take One A Day Women’s, because ya just never know. Or maybe you do…
I also tweeted!
They look like falafels.
I take gummy pre-natals.
I take a liquid iron supplement; its done wonders for my energy levels. I wish I could get enough iron from diet alone, but after trying for quite some time I’ve been taking Floradix Iron and Herbals for months. Love it. I also take a liquid multi-vitamin and B12!
I take Cod liver oil caps & 2 garlic horseradish vit C every day, to try & build immunity after a year of constant colds! 3 months in & so far so good!
I take a prenatal vitamin and vitamin D
I’m not very good at remembering to take vitamins but definitely need to start!
I take calcium with vitamin D cause I am vegan and my mom has early signs of osteoporosis, a multi vitamin and probiotics
B12, D and occasionally a probiotic. When I remember 🙂
I don’t take anything, but I don’t really have a good reason why. It’s so overwhelming to figure out what to take!
Also, the cafe indigo bakery is in my town – I’ve never been but I’ve heard such great things. I may try and run over there for lunch this week!
Currently I just take a multivitamin! I have been looking for a good probiotic though because I do have digestive issues that pop up.
i take D and some Bs, and melotonin for sleeps.
I take lots of supplements because I am a vegetarian and also planning on trying to conceive later this year. I take B-complex, Vitamin D, Flax Seed Oil, Folic Acid, Pre-Natal Multi, Immunity Booster, Biotin, and a Pro-Biotic. Phew!
I take b12, peppermint oil capsules, magnesium citrate pills, sometimes vitamin c powder, and also trying this new hit craze raspberry ketones for the heck of it until the bottle is gone. I also take digestive enzymes when I have them.
I take emergen-c whenever i’m sick 🙂 and gummy vitamins!
I take prenatal, dha, and magnesium on a regular basis. I’ll throw in the occasional vitamin c or b complex or digestive enzyme if i feel like my body could use the extra support. I’ve never tried doctor’s best products, thanks for the giveaway!!
I currently am not taking anything but feel like I should really start taking a probiotic and at least a multi vitamin!
I’m currently taking a prenatal vitamin and calcuim supplement. I’m 32 weeks pregnant.
I take a general multi-vitamin just to cover my bases 🙂
I’m not currently taking my Probiotics because I can’t afford them this month and I am MISERABLE.
Would love to try these as my brand – I have been told- is not good so I imagine I could do better.
Right now I’m just taking a prenatal vitamin!
I take fish oil (for my heart) and vitamin D daily. I live in Ohio and we don’t get that much sun in the winter, so I was prescribed 50,000 units weekly! whoa baby
Cool! I take a general vitamin plus A, D, and calcium, as well as Spirulina tablets. I’m curious about their folate as that’s something I’m trying to get lots of!
i take folic acid because we are planning to have a baby sometime soon!
I am taking a fish oil and acidophilus. I actually ran out of my prenatal’s last week and haven’t go to buy more.
I was taking SAMe before I found out I was pregnant but stopped. Are you taking it now? I thought it would be a good thing to take cause it is full of folic acid but got nervous to continue taking it and keep forgetting to ask my midwife if it is ok to take.
Pingback: I’m giving away the BEST supplements | CookingPlanet
I take Vit D3 bc my dr found my level if Vit D was a little low at my last annual exam. I’m not sure I’ve ever had it checked before that–yikes! Anyway, dr said that its not uncommon to have a slight deficiency because we no longer work outside all day due to office jobs and well…shelter. 🙂 good to know bc I apparently wasn’t getting enough D from my diet!
i take calcium and b12 when i can remember, since i don’t really eat animal products. my doctor has recommended magnesium to me also, this reminds me that i need to find some!
currently: cod liver oil, women’s multi, vitamin B blend….vitamin B is for mental health!
i take Serrapeptase, calcium, omega 3’s and b12 when i remember…
I take a probiotic to try to help with some stomach issues. The digestive enzyme sounds like something I should check out.
I currently take a vegan multivitamin, a probiotic, a sublingual b12, a vitaman d and a prenatal DHA (cuz it’s vegan). i also sometimes have vega one in my smoothies, which gives me vitamins and protein.
I’ve been majorly slacking on my supplements but when I do I take many, including multivitamin, fish oil, D3, st johns wort, calcium and cranberry supplement.
I have a batch of cooked white beans that need to be used up soon so I will be trying this recipe. Thanks for sharing!
I keep forgetting to take my supplements! When I remember, they’re a multi, a vegan DHA, a B complex, and probiotics. I’ve also been experimenting with enzymes before meals, but didn’t really find that they made much difference for my digestive issues.
I am a very on again/off again supplement taker. Sometimes krill, sometimes Bs, but this month it’s Vitafusion Women’s Gummies. I haven’t skipped a day yet. I think it’s because they’re pretty purple. So pathetic.
Yes! I need this! Broke college senior looking to travel next year doesn’t exactly translate to spending much money on supplements, but I take probiotics, echinacea, and B12… when I can afford it.
right now i take Garden of Life Primal Defense probiotics. i think they really help!
I’d love to try these supplements! I try to eat my vits in whole food form as much as possible, but usually supplement with probiotics, D3, magnesium, B12, and a prenatal.
I take a multivitamin (Rainbow brand from WF I think) because I know I don’t get all the vitamins I should from my diet.
I take a daily vitamin, a probiotic and fish oil!
I take fish oil and vitamin D. I take the fish oil to make sure I get all those good Omega 3 fats and the Vitamin D because I live in a COLD COLD place and don’t get enough sun in the winter months. I’ve also read that the combination of these two can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder which has plagued me in the past.
Hi Elise! I was actually in a natural health foods store today browsing the vitamin and supplements isle.. SO many to chose from!! Currently though.. I take a Deva multivitamin, a DHA supplement, B12 and vitamin D. I believe in getting your nutrients through whole foods but also am not blind to the realities that we may fall short in some categories sometimes – so I look to viatmins for help.
I take B Stress!
I take Sugar-Free Calcium Chews (from CostCo), and/or I drink Dynamo Juice from Trader Joe’s. The Calcium Chews take care of all the calcium and vitamin D I need for the day, but Dynamo is like a multivitamin in a cup. And also Melatonin at night, sometimes. And I drink kombucha that’s choke full of all the Bs.
I’ve noticed, though that I’m a little low on iron and potassium lately… I bet Doctor’s Best has something I could I use!!!
I don’t take anything though I should 8-0
Um.. CHOCK-full, not choke 🙂
I take probiotics, vitamin C, DHA, and B12.
I currently take B12 and D (my body doesn’t absorb B12 well and I live in New England so I need the extra D during the winter).
I really try my best to remember a mulitvitamin every day, but that doesn’t work out too well. I occassionally take sublingual B-12 dots.
Hubby and I are about to start trying to get pregnant, so I’m looking for a good prenatal.
for the burgers, try sauteeing the mushrooms before you add them. they have so much water in them, and sauteeing them first helps draw that out (and deepens the flavor), which might help with your texture issues!
I try to take calcium and a multi every day
I am vegan, so I take a vitamin B12 supplement on days where I don’t eat nutritional yeast (and on some days that I do).
Other than that, I eat pretty much 100% organic, whole foods–best supplement out there!
I currently take a multivitamin and Vitamin D daily! These all sound like a great addition!
I typically take a magnesium supplement as a migraine preventive, a prenatal in anticipation of eventual baby-making, and vitex for my cycle but recently ran out of all three and can’t stock back up until pay day.
I currently take a raw food multi-vitamin, a b-complex vitamin (helps me stay healthy while vegan), and magnesium (for stress & colon health).
I take Multis, vitamin D, B12, Iron, and Zinc!
Right now I take a multivitamin (I guess just for overall health-in case I’m missing something from my diet), calcium and vitamin D, since I have osteopenia. Boo.
I really need to start taking prenatal vitamins in preparation!
I currently take Doctor’s best High absorption CoQ10 before my work out and for energy. I love it!!! I also take B-12,vitamin D, and magnesium. I am a vitamin LOVER!! I would be thrilled to try some new ones.
Hi Elise, random question: I think one of your posts in the past included a picture of oatmeal with a fried egg on top. If I didn’t dream that (since I can’t find it anymore), was it just oats and eggs or did it include other ingredients?
Thanks so much!
I’m currently taking glucosamine and a multivitamin.
I take Calcium & Multi-vitamin for women! When I’m on business trips I take Airborne chewy pills. But I think it’s mostly for placebo reasons…:)
I take ginger and probiotics for digestion 🙂
I take Vitamin D currently, but use to take Juice Plus. It just got too expensive to give to our whole family.
Can Canadians win?
I take B12, vegan Vitamin D3 from Vitashine, Zinc Citrate at a certain times of the month, plus I use digestive enzymes and probiotics. I also use herbal teas from a local herbal dispensary. I worked at a health food store for a while and learned a lot there!
I currently take iron
I take B6, B12, calcium and vitamin D. Oh, and I take fish oil caps too if I actually remember they are in the fridge 🙂
I take GNC’s women’s active multivitamin and that’s it. I get overwhelmed and don’t really know if it’s necessary to take anything else.
I give my dog fish oil and Dasuquin supplements daily, for her hips and coat. 😉
I’m currently not taking any vitamins or supplements. I know I should, but I haven’t found the right ones yet for me!
I take a multi-vitamin, B-Complex and Calcium, all recommended by my nutritionist. I am not going to lie, I am a supplement snob and only like to use high quality ones, so I love getting recommendations, and I know if you recommend them, they must be legit 😉 I would love to try these!
I tweeted! @accidentlydlish
sorry nadine, open to US residents only 🙁
hmmm…ill have to try and find it!?! i eat savory oats often – if it was more than an egg on top, it might have had nooch & avo, too.
I don’t take any currently, but this would be the perfect way to start!
I take a daily multivitamin but nothing else at this point. Am considering digestive enzymes though!
I take a multivitamin, fish oil and calcium!
I also follow you on Twitter and tweeted!
I take b12, milk thistle, iron, and probiotic. I try and get the rest thru my diet….but all the help I can get is welcome!
I take a women’s multivitamin, calcium with D, fish oil, and a probiotic. I will be 50 this year, but I feel great and I can run circles around my co-workers.
I am a nursing mama so I still take a prenatal.
I am taking Fish Oil, Activated Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C!
It’s awesome to see that they’re giving away folate instead of folic acid since it is more readily absorbable and recognized by our bodies!
At the moment I’m only taking fish oil. I sometimes take vitamin D during the summer too.
I take sooooo many supplements it’s crazy! probably too many!
I tweeted!
For supplements, I take a women’s multi-vitamin and a calcium supplement! I’ve gone on and off probiotics, but I think I’ll start again!
Currently taking garlic to help with my cold and cod liver oil for my keratosis pillaris (KP). Trying to I find a daily regiment. Since my current IBS DX I have been eating Greek yogurt with physllium husk every morning.
I take B12 and iron because I’m an eaily anaemic veggie 🙂
I tweeted!
Multivitamins and then obviously gummy calcium chews.
I normally take a women’s one-a-day, extra vitamin C, and lysine. I am vegan as well, so the women’s one-a-day is for all the other vitamins but also B12. I feel like I get sick less when I’m on the Vitamin C, so I just keep taking it. 🙂 and the lysine for skin health.
Ohh, avo sounds good – I’ll definitely have to try that! This morning, I mixed in cooked spinach and added salt and pepper into the mix. I think I see an oatmeal + egg combo phase coming on.
Current line up: Rainbow Lite Prenatal One, Spectrum Prenatal DHA and Whole Foods Gentle Iron.
Honestly, when not pregnant I don’t really take supplements as I try to get all my nutrients from food if possible. Especially gjven that we really only absorb so much from vitamins and when you factor in the expense for quality supplements, I have to wonder what is really and truly worth it. When we were trying to get pregnant, I made sure to take a multivitamin with folic acid jut in case 🙂
I take Omega 3 fish oil supplements because my mom told me there are good for memory!
Rainbow Lite Multivitamins and Rainbow Lite Prenatal when I was pregnant. Love them!! Would love to try additional supplements.
I take a multi vitamin, norweigan cod liver oil, and a probiotic every day!
I take B12 on account of my veganess and vitamin D because I`m partial to staying inside.
I take prescription Vitamin D – can never seem to keep the levels up, even when taking 5,000 IU daily for months at a time! I also take fish oil and turmeric/bromelain for pain issues.
The only vitamin/supplement I take is a the Target knock off of One-A-Day Women’s Active Metabolism multi-vitamin. I should probably be taking other supplements but they are so expensive and I just don’t know what is/isn’t necessary for me. Love to try these out though!
I would love these supplements! I currently take a chewy multivitamin (umm…because it’s chewy and tastes like candy!), magnesium to bring down stress levels, a B-vitamin and vitamin D (because I live in the PNW…enough said!).
I take vitamin D, turmeric, advocare biotools, fish oil, glucosamine chondroitin msm. I have rheumatoid arthritis and am trying my best to control it though diet and supplements. They can be very expensive, and I would love to be able to win some. Thank you so much.
I take Drs Best hyaluronic acid because I want my skin to look great and also to help with my knees from injuries over the years. I would like to add more vitamins in my daily regime like a daily vitamin and something for allergies/sinus issues and for kicking my metabolism to lose weight!
I currently take MegaFood Baby & Me prenatal. Not because I’m pregnant… just because I was advised to start now if I’m thinking of babies soon.
I try to take Calcium, but I have a problem remembering to take my pill!
I take a multivitamin, b12, calcium, and vitamin D (since I live in NH, want to prevent that SAD). I’m vegan and taking these just because and just in case since its good to take a multivitamin at this age!
I just take calcium and a daily multi so I could use some more supplementation! Thank you!
I only take calcium right now! I’ve been scoping out vitamins lately but haven’t pulled the trigger. They often give me a belly ache but I may have to try these (or if I win…it would be even better) Thanks for sharing!
I’m a vegetarian, so I take b 12 & a multi just for good measure.
I take b12 and that’s it. I need to start taking probiotics.
I take a probiotic in the morning; sometimes an omega 3 fish oil. B12. and L-glutamine.
I take a multi-vitamin plus additional vitamin C, folic acid, biotin, and calcium.
I also take another daily supplement that contains: lycopene, green tea extract, sulphoraphane, astragalus, reishi mushroom extract, vitamin E & dehydrated aloe vera gel.
Love your blog!
I tweeted
I currently take a probiotic with my meal because it helps my stomach and being allergic to dairy and eggs makes it harder, not impossible just harder and a probitoic is easier. I also take B12 because my levels are really low, a multi and a magnesium at the recommendation of my doctor.
I take a zinc (acne), vitamin D, and magnesium (muscle tension/ibs) supplement daily. I also take liquid iron on rare occasions when I feel brave enough to face side effects (like stomach upset) to treat iron deficiency.
HI Krista! Can you share the name of the supplement that contains lycopene, green tea extract, sulphoraphane, astragalus, reishi mushroom extract, vitamin E & dehydrated aloe vera gel? I would love to order something like that. Thanks!
hi krista – you recently responded via email to me (elise) but KS was asking the question.
KS – send me your email and i can forward you krista’s reponse.
I don’t take any but would like to try some!
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