Even though I’m predominantly Irish and German, I can’t help but wonder if there is a long lost Mediterranean family member. How else do you explain the POUNDS of hummus I consume on a daily basis?? (…not to mention my love affairs with falafel, beans, and fresh veg salads…)
Does your heritage creep it’s way into your diet? Or do you have love for foreign flavors?
Even though part of my family is Japanese (not by blood), white rice was never really something I got into…although it did make for some very tasty (albeit unconventional) Thanksgiving dinners (one of which was totally ruined after my grandpa dared me to consume a 2 cm wide ball of wasabi) – what a sucker 😛
Anyways, back to the day.
WORK (le sigh).
The usuals: dried figs, almond/cashew/raisins/carob chips, apple, hummus mini-tub, spinach salad (with carrots, brocc slaw, dried craz, chickpeas), superfood odwalla, coconut cream pie larabar, and apple crisps.
The only thing I want to say about this lunch was how weird it felt to eat dried figs in the humid hot summer weather. I haven’t had them for a while, and it brought back memories of winter and cold weather…is it just me or do some foods seem like they only belong in certain seasons?
For dinner I had some treats that I bought on yesterday’s WF trip. Falafel!!!
Falafel, meet hummus. Hummus, meet veggies. Food meet my mouth.
NOM! The roughage in that bowl was NO JOKE. Fiber food baby.
I got this in the mail today! Can I just say how effing excited I am to read this book! Clean Food by Terry Walters is all about the idea of eating seasonally and locally (sign me up). I will let you all know what I think once I have done a more thorough read, but I can already tell I’m going to love it. It is broken down by season and has tons of recipes. Loves it.
If you aren’t drooling over my dessert, there’s something wrong with you. Fo realz. I started off with a cashew carob raisin bowl, but then went balls to the wall with my VitaTop (helloooo lover). I melted carob chips on top of the blueberry flavor. HOLY yum 🙂
**I may not be posting again for a while, since I am heading to Atlantic City for the weekend**
I am planning on cooking the (above) vegan dinner from Veganomicon Saturday night. Other than that…I guess you’ll have to wait for a Monday recap to see what veg options this hippie managed to track down in the city that prides itself on casinos, salt water taffy, and all things Trump.

bianca from vegan crunk just made that veganomicon recipe! it looks and sounds so good! and yummmm, i love falafels! have fun in atlantic city!
Whoa, I could dive face first into that tub of falafel!
OOH, that recipe looks good! We FINALLY installed our bookshelf, so I can bring my cookbooks (most importantly, the V-CON!) back over and get cooking again!
oh boy have fun in atlantic city! i have never been there. i must have mexican, greek, italian, japanese, norwegian and indian heritage…haha. that book sounds informative~cant wait to hear about it. have a great weekend!!
Hello lover is right!! Carob and blueberries are meant to be. Heck, carob and anything sa-weeeet is meant to be!
And I feel ya Elise!! I must also have some med. genes in my family!! I re-introduced the glorious CLASSIC sabra into my life today. Ohhhhhh myyyyyy, it seriously melted in my mouth!
Woo hoo! Have fun in Atlantic City!
I am part Chinese and my taste buds prove it. Sigh. Although maybe I’m also part Japanese, Mexican, and Italian?! Hehe.
Have FUN!!
I hope you like the quinoa salad! Super yummy 🙂
I will be interested to hear your review of Clean Food! I have been eying that one for a while…
Falafel and hummus! Did they like each other once they met?! I think they sound like a match made in heaven…mmmm….!
Have a wonderful time in Atlantic City! It is nice that you are staying somewhere where you will be able to cook–that is lucky!
Ive been wondering about wether or not i was mediterranean in a past life. Lately i have been scarfing down hummus and baba ghanouj like there is no tomorrow. I work in a lebanese resturant too and i get all the free food I want so lets just say its a challenge for any hummus to make it to the table lol (:
Have a great time in atlantic city!
Oh my goodness… if my (Jewish, Eastern European) heritage showed up in my diet, I’d be as big as a house with blood pressure through the roof!!! But I saw those Sabra mini cups today and thought of you. 😉
Some foods DO belong to certain seasons!!
Have a great time in Atlantic City! 🙂
<3 <3
3 Cheers for being Irish/German! Haha, I too am totally drawn to the Mediterranean diet though. Love me some Greek and Italian anyday (hmmm so is THAT why I married a Greek/Italian man…..)
Well…I’m Scandinavian (predominately Norwegian) and the only thing I consume from my heritage is alcohol. Does that count? K doesn’t do fish!
Oh girl, have fun in Atlantic City!! Let me know if you see any NJ Housewives 😉
So I bought hummus on Wednesday…and I finished it this morning. I totally thought of you =)
It’s funny because I’m German and Native American in heritage but plain old caucasion is reality. But people always ask me what my ethnicity is. I get things from Chinese, to Indian, to Italian, to Greek. I find this interesting because I love all those foods, especially Greek (Mediterranea), Indian, Japanese (not mentioned above but oh well) so I think I do have some of that up in my blood stream somewhere, haha.
Anyways! Can’t wait to hear how you like the book. Have fun in Atlantic City!!
Yes I am drooling over that dessert! I must make that ASAP! I am a hummus addict which they eat a ton of in Israel so yeah, I like food from my heritage! I am also a Japanese food addict too though of course!
have fun at Atlantic City! Just missed each other by a week! Haha don’t gamble all your $ away like I did!
Being 100% Chinese, I can tell you that heritage plays 0 role in my food consumption. Of course, growing up, my mom cooked mostly Chinese meals for us but ever since I started school, I’ve been pretty much an all American girl. Now that I’m completely on my own, Mexican and Italian are probably among my favorite cuisines. I also love hummus and sushi though!
I can not wait to hear more about that book. Is it out yet or did you get an advance copy?
We joke in my Filipino family about eating dogs, so my answer would be “No!” My heritage does NOT creep up in my diet. My mom loves Menudo and pigs feet…gross.
My family has no idea where I come from, seeing as we’re Polish. To them, that translates into copious amounts of kielbasa, kapusta and other things stuffed with meat and meat juices.
They joke that “vegetarian” is an old Polish word for “bad hunter,” but they soon got over it when they realized it just left more for them. Plus, I bake traditional Polish desserts, so I’m their Polish Pastry Princess. All is forgotten.
I LOVE pail & shovel bucket of fallafel! So beach summer of you. You can build a castle for the Hummus Princess when it’s empty 🙂
Have fun in AC!! win LOTS of money 🙂
I love V-CON! And the new cookbook looks awesome — will have to check it out.
What a great combo. I love falafel and hummus
FALAAAFEL!!! I am totally craving. I just ate TJ’s med. hummus….incred. Sorry this comment sucks. But just stopping by to say HAAAAY GURL HAAAAY <3
Hey girlie! I am mostly german and very little of it sneaks into my daily diet! I do enjoy a good beer every now and again though 😉 Love those crisps- so yummy! The Falafel looks awesome too- I’m looking for those next time I go to WFs! What section do you find them in? In the fridge near the salad bars or freezer or??
I’m Greek 😀 I love my culinary heritage, and I’m honored that you do too!