While both kids were in school I had some time to myself so I went grocery shopping and prepped a bunch of stuff for the week. Above are some peanut butter oat and coconut flour balls, which I froze before bagging them up to keep in the freezer for easy grabbing. They turned out okay, but I think they needed more oats. Next time! For now they are good enough.
Lunches come together quickly when everything is already chopped and ready to go.
Same goes for mine too 🙂
I only added two chicken tenders to the salad but I actually ate all of them. I just kinda felt like eating the others on the side. I don’t know. There was also another (shocking) addition to this salad…
So you may think it’s super weird for me to have these, but I am happy to report we have successfully switched his daily peanut dose from Reese’s Pieces to honey roasted peanuts. YAYYYY!! He is still not super into them, but he tolerates them and since they are way healthier than chocolate candy I am obviously thrilled by this. He only has to eat 5 of them, but I’m hopeful that over time they will grow on him and maybe just maybe we will be able to increase the amount. Just knowing where we started and how far we have come gives me hope, because he used to gaga and nearly throw up every single time I gave him peanut puree – hidden or not. So to have gotten to this point is huge. In case there are any other allergy mamas out there struggling, just know that we too were once in a very bad way so YES there IS hope. OIT is life changing, people. Find an allergist who does it near you. You will not be disappointed.

Hi Elise…I just love reading your blog every day! You amaze me at what you throw together to make things edible…LOL
I was wondering if you have ever tried, or even heard of O’Dang Hummus Salad Dressings? I am so hooked on them!! They are low sodium, less sugar, less fat, dairy free (i think one or two of them may not dairy free), gluten free…etc. Check them out…I seem to only be able to find them at one Walmart Store here in North Cal, but it’s worth the drive to me to stock up. https://www.odanghummus.com/collections/all-products
Hi Cathy! Thanks for such a kind comment. Can you believe, I’ve never heard of them!?! I will keep my eye out for sure. Thanks for the heads up 😉
That’s such great news P is ok with the honey roasted peanuts! I have great memories of honey roasted peanuts because when my dad got home from work he would have exactly one handful with his beer and always gave me a few too :)) to this day there are always peanuts in my parents snack drawer!
I bet they make an awesome addition to your salad in combo with the kale and carrots. Carrots and peanuts are magical together.
Grocery shopping alone must be so much more efficient 😉
That’s such a sweet memory.