Working on the holidays isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I realize there are worse things (like being a patient). So I tried to make the most of it, and celebrated regardless. I was working with my fave co-RNs, too, which helped make the day fun, rather than depressing.
Last night, in an effort to get to bed on time, I threw this lunch together way too fast. I’d like to blame the lack of groceries on my desire to save $$ and use up what’s currently in the deepest depths of the pantry, but the truth of the matter is, this snowy weather makes it very difficult to keep the kitchen adequately stocked. When the temps drop below 30, laziness (read: staying warm and dry) trumps all.
So, in addition to the PB&J Dipped MoJo, Chocolate Brownie, and Chocolate Chip Z bars, I had banana chips (meh), apples (crunch), and a HUGE (albeit somewhat random) salad.
This completely bizarre ensalada contained steamed kale, butternut squash, wakame seaweed, chickpeas, and raisins. Oddly enough, it was quite good. Just goes to show you if the individual ingreds are good, the sum of the parts will likely be good, too.
Also, I had probably 1000 kcals worth of pita chips. Ok, but let’s get something out in the open right here and now. I examined the nutritional stats on these addictive mothahs, and ONE SERVING size is SIX CHIPS. Excuse me?!? To me, this makes less sense than Heidi Montag’s fame. I’m not sure in what universe people eat 6 chips and call it quits, but there’s no way Stacy’s are meant to be consumed in such limited quantities. Simply sea salt? Psssh, works for me!!
Anyways, when I got home and put on this while getting dinner ready.
I adore The Nutcracker. I haven’t been in a couple of years (since I’ve been in NYC), but prior to living on the East Coast Kyle and I went to the San Francisco Ballet’s production a few times, and when I was young, it was a family tradition.
Watching it on tv clearly wasn’t the same, but Tchaikovsky’s music is amazing no matter what. I worked with what I got…
After all the pita chips, I really felt like a fresh, crunchy, veggie-ful din.
Starting on the bottom: assorted field greens, spiralized yellow squash, apples, and raisins. On top I made a pomegranate balsamic vinegar dressing. And on the side: carrots. Just carrots.
Christmas day without a little hummus? Blasphemous!! I wouldn’t hear of it.
And dessert was perfection.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Mmm that looks like hot cocoa…I think I need to go make myself a mug right now. Glad you got to enjoy the nutcracker (even if on TV)…it’s one of my favorites, too. 🙂
oh stacy, hate to love her… pita cracccck. Don’t even go near the cinnamon shoog ones – you won’t be able to stop. Take it from experience.
Hey, for a hodge-podge of a salad, it looks pretty dang good to me!!
And 6 chips? that is indeed blasphemy.
I love Tchaikovsky… I have him on my ipod 🙂
Have a great day!
love stacys!
hmm, online it says the serving size is 14 chips – did your bag say 6? Your eats look delish as always 🙂
you’re just a posting machine, that’s all I can say!
Heidi Montag’s fame comment = LOL!!!
i agree- 6 chips is crazy!!! love the comparison to heidi montag’s fame hahaha
That’s ridiculous about the pita chips! Were they at least semi-big? They look pretty tiny too… how in the world can six chips be ONE serving????? Maybe it was a typo. 😮
Glad you kept your head up, even though you had to work through the holiday.
And Stacy’s pita chips are so delicious, WHY would they call that a serving size?! Insanity.
I was a “snowflake” in a production of the Nutcracker ballet when I was little, maybe 10 or 11. We danced with Russian ballerinas and it was such a magical experience. Really nothing beats that music 🙂
i loveee the nutcracker too!! and i totally feel you about pita chips.. there is NO way you can stop at freaking 6 chips!
yay for working with fun coworkers!! definitely does make the time go by SO MUCH FASTAAAAA.
wakame seaweed WAT WATTTTTTTTTTTT.
i havent had pita chips in a minute. (as in way. too.long.)
i saw nutcracker every year growing up!!!!!! i definitely have a soft spot in my heart for the music!!! memoriesss
haha. the first picture i thought was a giant spider. very halloweeny with black and orange. i would be all over that shiz like white on rice…or brown on rice haha. love me some seaweed salad!
you’re an angel for being there for all the people who had to be there on xmas!
LOL – 6 chips is like the tasting handful I eat immediately after opening the bag!
That’s usually the last thing I remember – I have pita amnesia.
Do you treat that?
Again, many thanks for all you do from all those who never get a chance to thank you. I think you do the most admirable work, E! Really.
Pita chips= each summer I consume mass amounts of these- it also doesn’t help to buy the biggest bag that they make.. but what better vehicle for tasty hummasing?!
I’m not kidding, when we had our Costco membership I had to buy Stacy’s pita crack in individual bags because I would just plow through the regular size in one day. Good thing I was still in my sport!
Well done you! (Mi salsa!)