
Nothing spooky going on over here!


My little lion got his trick or treat on in downtown Davis today.  Man was it crowded!  It was pretty fun going from business to business, showing off our cutie pie, collecting sweets, and enjoying the warm October sun.  His favorite thing of all was the red balloon he got from Mathnasium.  Nerd alert, ha.

Hope everyone got their sugar fix tonight.  😀

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Comments (10)

  1. Beth

    Great costume! First of many holidays to come as a mom!

  2. lynn @ the actor's diet

    CUTIE PIE!!!! You should’ve gone as Katy Perry.

  3. Dad/Jeff


  4. Livi

    I love living somewhere it’s warm- makes trick or treating so much more enjoyable!!

  5. Melissa

    Aww, what an adorable costume! Glad to hear a good time was had!

  6. G-ma

    Cutest little lion I ever saw.

  7. Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl

    Oh my gosh, he is the cutest little lion ever!! 🙂

  8. Katie

    Gaaah. I want to squeeze him!

  9. Simi @ themicroharvest.com

    he looks so adorable!!!! great costume.

  10. Elise (Post author)

    gah! youre so right!!

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