I had breakfast with my mama friends at our Monday (MOPS) meeting, so no photos of that, but it wasn’t that memorable. It’s a rotating potluck and sometimes the DF/GF options are nonexistent. Normally I don’t mind but this week they ran out of coffee which is a BIG BIG problem in a room full of preschool moms. So anyway…
I was super excited for lunch!
I swapped in smoked salmon (which was what I was really craving) for the protein and fat that I’d normally get from the candied walnuts. Plus I knew dinner had pecans so I wouldn’t miss out on a meal with nuts 🙂
I made up this recipe, and it was SO good I’m going to have to post it.
All four of us were WAY into this. I mean, P goes gaga for anything with bacon or Brussels, but I had no idea he’d love pecans too. My kids eat pretty much anything and everything I give them, so it’s not that weird, but still…it’s always nice when they beg for seconds (and thirds!) and ask if I’ll make it again soon.
Bacon, Brussels and Quinoa
- 1 cup quinoa
- 1 lb Brussels sprouts
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 7-10 slabs bacon
- 1 cup roasted pecans
- 1/4 cup shredded parmesan / pecorino romano
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Roast bacon on a baking sheet for ~15 minutes (until browned as desired).
Meanwhile, cook quinoa and prep Brussels sprouts (halve or quarter and toss liberally in olive oil).
Once bacon is done, reduce oven temp to 375 and roast sprouts for ~20 minutes.
To serve, toss quinoa, Brussels, and bacon (with grease) together then mix in pecans and shave cheese on top.
I gave Kyle the parm, but used this pecorino romano for my bowl.
I love this stuff. This dish was AWESOME and I could have easily eaten four more bowls. Per the family’s request, it will probably re-appear on the menu soon.
I was so ready for these waffle leftovers on Tuesday am. Butterrrrrrr…
Pushkin’s waffles are so soft and fluffy and pillowy, which is mind blowing for a GF waffle. The butter filling each hole put it over the top. I savored every gluten and dairy free bite.
Back to the OG recipe for this lunch.
Kale massaged in vinaigrette, avocado, roasted butternut squash, candied walnuts, and dried cranberries.
Ok guys, I’m going to be strait with you here. This batch of walnuts was made with Costco nuts as opposed to the fancy farm fresh ones that I got last month…and…I like them the same. I don’t even notice a difference. I guess I’ll never be a fancy pants foodie. Or maybe I just like nuts SOOOO much that I’m ok with them in any form. The good news is that I can spend far less and not sacrifice anything in the flavor department.
The kids want pizza all the time now. Once a week seems a little much for me, but whatever.
I used the Vicolo crusts for them – one with dairy cheese (for Kyle) and one with daiya (for the kids to split). And applegate pepperoni and bell peppers for both.
I still had my leftovers from last week though, so I didn’t have to do anything.
After dinner I was feeling kinda off, but I had a rock climbing date with some friends planned so I sucked it up and went. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! Oh my gosh, I was super into it. We had a total blast. We took a belaying class first so we could partner up and be safe (talk about nerve racking!!!). I think climbing was the easy part! Making sure I didn’t let me friends fall was way scarier. Anyway, I am so glad I went. My gut issues dissipated shortly after we started anyway. I am definitely addicted to climbing. I might try to convince Kyle to go with me on a date night soon… 😉
I had a cookie for breakfast the next day. After going on a very chilly bike ride. The rain has finally hit us and it’s forecasted to continue for another week or more, so I wanted to get in a nice outdoor activity before being trapped in the garage with my exercise DVDs.
This was a pecan cookie btw, which I brought back from our San Diego trip. It was TO DIE FOR. Rich and nutty without being too oily (it was mostly made from ground pecans). Plus it had a nice gingersnap/molasses flavor with a soft chewy texture. Loved it!
Kinda a random lunch but I knew I was making kale for dinner so I wanted to do something different for lunch. At the same time, I was still craving candied nuts. And cruciferous veggies.
Sooooo, I made a bowl of leftover Brussels sprouts with candied walnuts and smoked salmon. With baby carrots on the side.
I made dinner during nap/quiet time from Gena’s cookbook.
The recipe (coconut kale and lentil bowls with roasted delicata squash and jasmine rice) sounded interesting but a little random. But Gena’s never led me astray so I put my trust in her and went for it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any delicata squash, so I just got a kabocha (both are awesome anyway).
Onion chopping time! Once the onions were simmering along with the ginger I chopped the squash up to roast it.
The best thing about this recipe was that I could do it all in advance. We get home late on Wednesdays from soccer so dinner needs to be ready to go.
The idea of coconut milk with lentils and kale would never had occurred to me, but why not?
I made a simple tahini sauce to go with it (tahini, lemon juice, water, tamari, maple syrup, salt and pepper).
When we got home I reheated the kale and lentils on the stove top quickly before assembling the bowls.
First, jasmine rice. Second coconut kale and lentil sauté. Finally, roasted squash.
Optional sauces include the curry goji berry sauce suggested in Power Plates. Or the tahini sauce I went with.
The kids LOVED LOVED LOVED this.
I’m hitting home runs this week and that makes me feel really good because parenting is REALLY testing my limits right now.
I know everything is just a ‘phase’ but I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel right now and it makes the daily grind SUPER exhausting. And frustrating.
I was talking to Kyle about how there’s no tangible thing I have to show for my days, unlike his job, where he completes things every day and other people rely on that work and appreciate it. And it’s something concrete. He told me my cooking must count for something. And that he prefers my dinners to the lame spread sheets he makes. And as silly as that response was, it still made me feel good. 🙂
I seriously loved this meal. The lentil and coconut kale was amazing. I could have eaten the whole pan all by myself. Can’t rave about this cookbook enough!
And the kabocha was a perfect fill in for the delicata. It’s so good on it’s own so of course it was stellar with all these other yummy ingreds.
Bookmarked to make again for sure.
Tomorrow I’m going to check my kombucha and see if it’s ready! I’ve been drinking GT’s after dinner every night while I wait.

This may not be a concrete accomplishment,but I admire how much effort you make in feeling your family and yourself so creatively and deliciously and healthy.You inspire me to do better.
oops feeding not feeling..:-)
Oh wow I’m totally making the kale and lentil power plate. That looks absolutely delicious!!! I don’t have the cookbook but found the recipe at Kale and Caramel:
The cookbook is on my wish list 🙂
I hear ya about the parenting thing and having nothing to show for your day. Especially being a Type A kind of person… Ironically I read your posts and think ‘How can she get so much done!!??’ So it’s all about perspective I guess! At the moment I do well to do one load of washing and cook one meal because the kids are so full on. But I keep on telling myself, this too shall pass.
One day we will be sending them off to college.
And by that I mean, the day will be here before we know it.
Wow, thank you Irene, that truly means so much to me 🙂
Oh yay I’m so glad you found the recipe! The book is great. And you are so right – I am already in shock that he’s somehow five.
Day to day there might not be tangible evidence aside from dishes but ten years from now- or less- you will look back and instead of saying “I can’t believe i have had this predictable job where the years blur together “ you will see and know you spent irreplaceable time with your children. No on has ever said “oh i wish I had spent less time with the kids while they were young”.
Awesome to have two killer new meals! The onion goggles are very resourceful 🙂 I discovered the coconut kale combo from this great recipe with tofu from food52, this version with the squash sounds even better!
I am constantly impressed by how much you do every day and how well you do it! Being a mama is hard, and you are definitely rocking it. I can hardly get dinner on the table most nights, and you are cooking beautiful healthy meals for your family plus finding the time to blog about it, so I agree with Kyle–that counts for something! Plus, your kids will try new things and love healthy foods, which is not common for kids their age so you are doing something right. Good job mama!
You are so loving and sensitive when it comes to P and V…I know it is hard right now, but it will get better! I know it feels never ending, but your patience and love will help you all get through this phase.
I am constantly impressed by how much you do every day and how well you do it! Being a mama is hard, and you are definitely rocking it. I can hardly get dinner on the table most nights, and you are cooking beautiful healthy meals for your family plus finding the time to blog about it, so I agree with Kyle–that counts for something! Plus, your kids will try new things and love healthy foods, which is not common for kids their age so you are doing something right. Good job mama!
You are so loving and sensitive when it comes to P and V…I know it is hard right now, but it will get better! I know it feels never ending, but your patience and love will help you all get through this phase. .
Okay, a lecture girl! You are a highly educated individual that had put a career on hold to raise two beautiful children. Don’t second guess or down play your choice—it is an awesome one. You are raising to highly intelligent, exposed children bec you are home with them and you are building life love bonds. Work will be there when you are ready to go back and you will be stellar at it as you are now raising your family. You are perfect just the way you are. Go easy on yourself and stop thinking so much and over analyzing in your head. Enjoy this time it flies by and you will feel so accomplished that you made this choice. I do!
As a SAHM I feel the same but when I replay the day I my head I’ve done a ton: play, workout, laundry, clean, make 3 meals plus snacks for 4 people. Give yourself some credit! I may not bring in money but my kids are happy and my husband can focus on his job so it’s a win-win.
Yum! And thank you. Excellent point about nobody looking back on their life wishing for less family time!
Thank you for the pep talk 🙂
Ok you’re right – thank you for the perspective 🙂
I am a full time nurse and mama. I find it hard to balance everything. Trying to spend time with my family, stay organized, cook and eat healthy, exercise and keep the house intact are overwhelming almost all of the time. Im so beat, on many different levels, after working in an ICU I really have to rally to on my days at home to accomplish what I’d like to. I too constantly feel guilty that I’m not doing enough of this or that. It’s hard, hard.
I agree with all comments readers made. I myself is a stay-at-home-mom going through the same thoughts you had sometimes. But my husband say he can focus on work because I can well take care of all house matters and son. You do such impressive work around the house and to raise such smart, responsible children, not to mention you share great posts with us. Taking care of a child with food allergies must require close attention and is not easy, especially if you have to have hospital visits. My son has asthma and allergies so I can feel them. You may not feel but you truly are doing beautiful housework and motherhood, and staying an attractive wife to your husband.
Thank you so so much 🙂
You guys are blowing me away! I certainly wasn’t searching for compliments when I wrote this but I am feeling so grateful for my situation after everyone’s comments 🙂
It is!! Keep your chin up mama, because even if you don’t realize it, you’re setting a wonderful example for your kids tackling all you do.
Hi Elise, I know this is an old post, but I’ve been cooking salmon more recently and I was wondering how you prepare your smoked salmon? Do you have a smoker? And if so, do you recommend it? I loveeee smoked salmon I just dont’ know if I have time to prepare it myself thanks!
I don’t make it myself 🙁
I think you can do it SUUUPER low (as low as you can get it) on an outdoor grill with some cedar chips though. I haven’t tried it myself though. Sorry!