Guess who’s back

Shady’s back


Nope.  That’s not right.  It’s ME (duh).

I just couldn’t stay away from ya!  At first my time away from blogging (and technology in general) was kinda nice.  But after a week, I really started to miss it!!  Good to know – since this little thing all started as a hobby anyways :)  And as much fun as it has been having no agenda on my days off, it’s also important to keep doing the things you love.  I know I said it before, but I just wanted to emphasize how touched I was by the comments you all left for me.  The outreach I got was heartwarming, and just confirmed my (sky high) opinion of the blogging community in general. 

Oddly enough, I didn’t give much thought to my blog (or lack thereof) while I was away.  However, now that I am back to my regularly scheduled programming, I am thinking of ways to make it more interesting and unique (I know, I know – hard to imagine 8) I’m just so damn cool).  Sarcasm alert.  But seriously, improvement begins with I, and so I would love your input. What do you like to read about?  Food.  Exercise.  Life.  What do you want more of?  Less of?  I’m not saying I’ll do whatever you ask (in fact, I probably won’t change too much at all) – random nursing (horror) stories are sometimes inevitable after all – but I am curious.  

That said, today was a beezy of a day.  I had the normal eats packed for a long day at the hospital, and looooong it was!


Along with the usual posse of bars (Odwalla Strawberry Pomegranate and Clif Blueberry Crisp) and apples, I had two tupperware salads, Yogi Stomach Ease tea, and Starbucks Via packets.  The smaller tupperware had a simple corn/edamame combo with Bragg’s liquid aminos


The bigger tupperware contained: steamed cabbage (coleslaw mix) with carrots, asparagus, (raw) yellow peppers, and, again, generous amounts of Bragg’s liquid aminos.

It held me over fine, but I was eager to get my grub on when I got home.

Here’s where the format may change.

I’m sure you all know what pretzels and hummus look like.  There is no sense in me taking pics of the stuff you know I run to when I don’t feel like putting effort into my food.  So.  I think for the time being, I’m only going to blog about my notable meals.  I have a whole slew of new recipes I’m trying out, and I’d MUCH rather share those with you than mundane photos of sweet potatoes doused in BBQ sauce or veggie burgers haphazardly thrown over lettuce.  This is mostly a selfish change, as I come home from work hangry and about to chew my arm off.  But let’s not kid ourselves, my meals on work nights are usually boring leftovers anyways.  I promise if I make anything worth sharing, I will take pretty pictures and blog about it.  New products are another thing I will share, as those are the main reason I read other blogs.  If I try something new, you will know about it – in detail.  But if it’s broken record stuff that I’ve been eating day in and day out, well, that’s snooze-fest, right?  Right. 

Well, maybe I’ll do my full day of eats every once in a while if you guys really want it.  Every once in a while I get this odd desire to please people.  What’s up with that?

And with that, I am off to snugs with my boo (who just returned from a business trip).  Woohoo 😉

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Comments (60)

  1. aletheiazoe

    Hi Elise, I started reading your blog right after you decided (recently) to take a break from blogging. And I’m glad you’re back so I can start to get to read more about your journeys thru hungry hungry hippie-dom! 🙂


  2. Katie

    Welcome back my lovah!

  3. mayapamela

    I would love to hear about new recipes! yes, yes!

    And, even thought it may not seem very original to you, I kind of liked hearing about your noshings…they gave me some very good ideas like bbq sauce+hummus.

  4. molly @thevegandorm

    As always, whatever you post, I’m sure everyone will love. 🙂
    Glad your break was great! Have fun cuddling with your mister!

  5. Jessie (Vegan-minded)

    We all need a break sometimes! I think your blog is great as is, but would love to see some more recipes. 🙂

  6. JDawn

    *delurks* I’m suuuper happy you’re back 🙂 I’ve been reading for quite some time now, and I’d keep reading whatever you felt like writing!

  7. MarathonVal

    Welcome back Elise!!

  8. Mandiee

    i’m so happy that you’re back! i’ve really missed reading your blog, and now that i’m in the blog world myself, i’m happy i’ll finally be able to comment! your salads always look delish! my only request is that you keep the good food coming, and you haven’t disappointed me yet :).
    have a lovely day! xox

  9. Laura

    For some reason, seeing the amount of hummus you consumed was always a reality check for me- it’s normal to have more than the serving size, and just eat what you want!! Plus, hummus and pretzels? SO addicting. But if not posting that is what’s best for you, then so be it!! =)

    I’m glad you’re back though!

  10. Babycakes

    yay, you’re back! I was selfishly hoping you’d return soon.
    Personally, I love reading about your daily eats, even if there is some repetition, but I’m diggin’ the new ideas too. Whatever is best/easiest for you – I’ll read no matter what 🙂

  11. Gabriela

    Post whatever you want…its YOUR blog, and clearly people love reading it as is 🙂

    Your food looks so yummy and fresh! I love the apples…I eat three a day sometimes! Enjoy your night 🙂

  12. kbwood

    HEY LOVE!!
    so excited you are back! was just thinking bout you the other day. i hope everything is going good girl 🙂
    i love your posts-i love what you eat for lunch because its fuel that your body NEEDS and you dont compare yourself or anything like that. its awesome. love you E!

  13. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

    I was kinda starting to worry about you. Not worry, but just wonder and hope you were ok! In this overly connected world, a week can feel like a year and I missed you 🙂 And no, not your pretzels. YOU! 🙂
    Skip the pics of the mundane stuff (really, save YOURSELF the time and energy it takes to take those pics!) and of course Id love the new great recipes but really, just life, you, what you’re up to is the best. Who cares about food, it’s the people I care about 🙂

  14. Run Sarah

    Glad you are back! I like the simple corn edamame salad…do you buy your edamame pre-shelled?

  15. Carbzilla

    I missed ya and was a bit worried since I apparently missed the time out blog. Glad you’re back!

  16. ksgoodeats

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t care what you post as long as you post something dripping with sarcastic, pop culture references. I love hearing the med stories – that’s what about 95% of our family dinners consist of any way. Nothing says good eats like talking about the crazies that live in your town!

  17. Crystal

    Hurrayyyy! So nice to see you back.. I also love hearing about work stories, it’s just entertaining and good stories to share with others! I like the your blog just as it is my dear, and I look forward to seeing more again! Welcome back 🙂

  18. Susan

    Glad you’re back mama!

    The thing I love reading about most on HHH are your crazy nursing stories, plus the awesome restaurants you get to in and around NYC.

  19. julie

    here’s what i think! we all love hearing about you and your life and your writing is fun 🙂 so just write what you wanna write about and just add your flava into it! you know i love hearing about your new recipes and i will never get tired of seeing tubs of humdiddy and apples! just promise you’ll never leave. hahaha i kid but not about the first part but glad you’re baaaaack!

  20. nonfictions

    I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad you enjoy writing in this blog. Sometimes blogging can feel like a nonpaying part time job, but I just want to go on the record (ha) and say that I really enjoy this blog. It’s my favorite food blog (and one of my fav blogs in general) so keep up the good work! I’m a fan of your current propositions for changes. I also really enjoy reading your product reviews!

    As for the overwhelming support you received, it’s b/c we (although I can only speak for myself) do consider you a friend (even though I don’t personally know you) and when a friend reaches out, then our natural response is to offer support.

  21. leangreendeane

    Keep the new prods and recipes coming! Otherwise your format change sounds like a plan! Even though i’m just starting up my blog, there is no way i could possibly ever post every. single. morsel. that makes it into my system each day. I am sure that would get pretty tiring! Take it easy and keep the funny/scary nursing stories coming as well, i especially enjoy those being in the field!:)

  22. Courtney

    Yay–I missed you! I am glad that you took time off and for yourself, but selfishly I couldn’t wait for your return 🙂

    And um, yeah, you ARE so damn cool there isn’t much you could do to change the blog for me! I would love to see more recipes, I guess, as I am a geek who loves to cook and I am always looking for new recipes to try (which one of the main reasons I read blogs).

    I really like the Yogi Stomach Ease tea too, BTW. So warm and comforting. Anyway, it is great to see you posting again!


  23. ethel

    Hurray! Welcome back mi rubia! We have all miss ya! For me, I would like to see what your grocery list looks like for a week and maybe the planning it takes in order to generate your eats for the work week. If you could choose your top 5 “spices” to have aside from salt and pepper, what would they be. And by “spices,” you can add your nooch or Bragg’s (loosely used)….hehe…Oh and if this is too much, I’d like to see a fully dressed for winter occasion Elise for work and for play. =) It’s a beautiful 69 degrees today in lala land, but come Monday, they say it will be raining for a WEEK! What to do? I don’t have nearly enough outfits for that many days of rain! I want to see what you put together… 😉 Besos mi amor and again, I’m glad you’re back.

  24. Beth

    Happy day, you’re back! I say post what you want to post–it’s YOUR blog. Why make it more of a “stress” to feel like you HAVE to take pics of every single bite you put in your mouth–although, I guess that’s the point. BUT just know that pretty much anything you decide to post, is going to be loved by all of us.
    Take it easy girl!

  25. Jenny

    can I just tell you how warm and fuzzy I felt on the inside when I saw you pop up on my google reader? If that sounds creepy well, then, I’m creepy. I lurveeeeee you <3!

  26. Katie

    Yay! I’m glad your back! I missed my daily hippy eats and laughs.

    I actually get inspired by your salads that you pack for work. It gives me ideas for my own lunchbox meals. Even if you’ve had similar eats before. However, I totally understand about things like pretzels and hummus…it gets old to photograph things that are hard to make pretty, and when I do it, I always think “no one cares about this”…

    Can’t wait to see some new recipes!

  27. blueeyedheart

    Welcome back! 🙂

    It can definitely get annoying to feel “pressure” to create things that you don’t necessarily feel like having just because they’d look pretty on a blog! Do whatever feels right to you. 🙂

    <3 <3

  28. Krissy

    I’m so glad your back 🙂 Is it stalkerish to say I checked daily to see if you had posted anything new?? 🙂 LOL I love your blog Elise! xoxo

  29. Andrea

    Heyyyy there! I have read your blog for a long time but don’t comment too much–just wanted to welcome you back and let you know how happy I am to read your hiiiiiiilarious posts again. You keep me laughing!

    Oh! I also have a question for you–I have seen Bragg’s around blogs for a long time but I was just wondering if you can describe what it tastes like. I am cheap/broke and was just curious about the taste before I bought it.

    I hope you feel refreshed after your break and that you are having an amazing weekend 🙂

  30. elise

    thanks aletheia! enjoy 🙂

  31. elise

    thanks for reading!! and de-lurking too 🙂

  32. elise

    you are so sweet to say that! i promise to keep the good eats a’coming 🙂

  33. elise

    you know laura, i agree with you. i hate that the serving sizes are so ridiculous and i enjoyed going out of my way to prove them wrong. i think i will continue to sporadically post some things along those lines – if nothing else as a healthy reminder of the FDA’s ridic guidelines 😉

    anyways, thanks for the kind message of support. im glad to be back!

  34. elise

    thanks!! ill mix it up. ive already found myself taking pics of massive plates of apples, so (evidently) the habit is somewhat ingrained….

  35. elise

    true ‘dat homes. true ‘dat.

    thanks for the support and for reading 🙂

  36. elise

    everything’s going good, thanks. of course this 40+ degree weather is helping too.

    thanks for the sweet comments as always 🙂 the packed up (work) lunch eats will never stop!

  37. elise

    no worries lovah! im still here (and reading all about what youre up to too btw). thanks for the support, as always, you brighten my day and the positivity you offer is truly fabulous.

  38. elise

    yes. i buy both kinds actually. pre-shelled for salad, and in shells to pass the time as a snacky.

  39. elise

    haha. well no worries. i was just taking a time out to live it up a bit. depressing winter weather requires that i actually make an extra effort to LIVE.

  40. elise

    thanks booooo. plenty ‘o loco patients to fill THAT bill 😉

  41. elise

    evidently people are big fans of the nursey talk…well the good news is that i have PLENTY of those stories 😉

    thanks for the nice comment, im glad to be back!

  42. elise

    hoorayyyy (since those are my fave things to write about). thanks for the sweet welcome back comment 🙂

  43. elise

    done and done. thanks for the support.

    ps went to oliver’s last night after work to watch the colts game. def passed the bill as a good superbowl sunday location. shockingly, i DIDNT get the hummus plate. we will remedy that in a few weeks…

  44. elise

    THANK YOU so so MUCH! it is delightful to hear such wonderful feedback. i cant tell you how much i love blogging and this whole community in general and your comment only reaffirms it. seriously, i feel like this response only conveys 5% of how grateful i am for having such wonderful readers…i cant even put it into words.

  45. elise

    i agree. every single morsel is just not possible. thanks for the support.
    it looks like some snacks will now get the cut too…its just not the most thrilling thing, but i guess only time will tell. i enjoy sharing food discoveries, so whatever i find, ill pass on to readers…

    thanks for reading and for commenting. good luck with your blogging too!

  46. elise

    well i really couldnt ask for a better welcome back! thanks courtney 🙂

    that yogi tea is the best one. im so obsessed.

  47. elise

    hey 8!
    thanks for the recs. i took a few pics of my ‘fit a few times just for you, but kept forgetting to post them! haha.

    ill def work on a post for spice things and my food prep.

    thanks lovee!

  48. elise

    so true! thanks beth.

  49. elise

    dude, arent we all mini stalkers in some way. i mean i know more about what you eat on the daily than some of my family members’ life happs. weird? or awesome? awesome!

  50. elise

    awwww…that makes me so happy to hear!

    i feel the same way about the random boring bites, but ill keep things mixed up depending on what i feel like i guess. ive already found that im photographing huge plates of apple slices again…so i guess old habits are hard to break!!

  51. elise

    hahaha. i hope not, because then im a bit of a stalker too. i mean, arent we all as bloggers in general?? i know more about what people ive never met are eating than some my family members’ life happenings!?! haha

  52. elise

    hey andrea! thanks for reading and for de-lurking!

    to answer your question, the bragg’s liquid aminos tastes a bit like soy sauce, but it isnt as strong (because i have it on non-asian food, too). i have bragg’s apple cider vinegar too, and that tastes just like apple cidar vinegar. they are a bit pricey, but i think the liquid aminos is worth it bc its a spray bottle so it lasts a pretty long time, and just a few squirts are all you need.

    thanks again for the sweet comment, its great to be back!

  53. jenngirl

    Glad you’ve returned! I can’t wait to see some more recipes and reviews…and I think it’d be great of you to share some tips about sources of protein in your diet…I’ve been needing some more creative ideas lately 🙂

  54. rachel

    twin! i’m finally de-lurking even though you already knew i read HHH! glad you’re back 🙂 Ethel and I were saying we want to try some of your recipes, perhaps adding some non-vegan foods in there from time to time, but use your inspiration! we are bringing back thurs night dinners (to be moved to Fri) and im always looking for good recipe ideas! wish you were here, although as E says, rain for the WHOLE week. besos twin xxxxxx

  55. adrianna

    so glad youre back! my fave blog 🙂 and hope this isnt finding you toooo late…

    def support the not pic-ing after-work eats. i think we are all there, and anything within reach suffices. am very happy to hear you’ll be sharing new products and recipes, bc thats what i like the most! vegan eats intrigue me so much.

    also, i love your posted workouts. you really inspire me to kick ass in the gym while i’m there. just sayin…your attitude and bod rock.

    and the next post w/ the restaurant eats was awesome. drooled on keyboard.

  56. Jenna

    Glad your back!!

  57. Pingback: Heat wave? « hungry hungry hippie

  58. elise

    hi twin! i got so so jealous when ethel said you guys were restarting thurs night dinners (on fri)…makes me want to fly to LA right now and never come home. not sure how s bomb will react to the vegan incorporation but baby steps right? gahhhh, i wish i could be there, i miss you guys all sooo much!!

  59. elise

    thanks adrianna!!

  60. rachel

    i know it won’t be the same w/out you! i don’t know if i can polish off the leftovers alone but ill certainly try! yup baby steps for healthy incorporations! i am on a bean kick right now with tons of sweet pot/squash/veg etc etc. apparently there is alot of info about a veggie heavy diet for runners and it being really good for you. since my marathon is in 2 months, i figure i need all the help i can get, so im piling on the beans and vegetables!! wish you were here to cook w/ meee! besos. when are you coming back for a visit? xx

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